It’s time to stay fit and healthy

November 15, 2019 Ka Yuk Tse 0

    Healthy living is one of the major concerns in our school, thus the school has been promoting healthy living since last year. According to the survey conducted last month, over sixty percentage of our students play sports for more than two times a week and that’s a great sign to see. Therefore, .........

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A Speech about Internship

November 15, 2019 Ka Yuk Tse 0

Good morning S4 and S5 student! I’m Chris Wong, a graduate of the school. When I was at your age, I was offered an internship experience. It not only broadened my horizons by letting me have a taste of working in a company like adults do, but it also equipped me with different sets of skills I now f.........

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A Speech about Internship

November 15, 2019 Ka Yuk Tse 0

 Good morning teachers and students. I am Chris Wong, an alumnus of this school and an accountant. I am currently working in an accounting firm and I help my clients to manage their accounts and all that stuff. Today, I’d like to talk about internships. Internships may sound distant for an ordinary .........

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A Speech to S1 students

November 15, 2019 HO KWAN NG 0

Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow students

On behalf of the Students Union, I'd like to welcome all of you to our school. I'm sure we all want to achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, so this morning I'd like to give you some advice.

  What's your goal after finishing the secon.........

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Write a diary entry on ‘rent-a-family’ issue.

November 14, 2019 NGA TING LAM 0

Dear Diary

Long time no see

I’ve recently read from the SCMP that there’s growing “rent-a-family” industry in numerous countries. I’ve got some ideas. Can’wait to share with you

I think the crux of the phenomenon probably i“loneliness”. Due to loneliness, people living in metropolis alone seek wa.........

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Learning English through Short Stories

November 14, 2019 CHEUK YI CHAU 0

Diary Entr

Dear Diary

Hey! I can’t wait to tell you what I’ve gained from the one-day English Improvement workshop! Although it’s very tiring, I can swear that it’s the most unforgettable workshop I’ve ever attended

Ha-ha, it’s shy to say, but ever since my friends teased me because of my poor Engli.........

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Write a forum entry on renting a family business. Explain the situation, discuss the impact on society and predict if it’ll be a trend in HK.

November 14, 2019 CHI YIN TSANG 0

Do you think that a family can be rented? In fact, there is a booming industry, ‘rent-a-family’, in mancountries now to cater to the needs of lonely people. Want to know why such an industry would appeaand grow? Read onBefore we delve into the impacts of the phenomenon, let’s look at why this ind.........

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Letter to the editor on child obesity

November 14, 2019 WING HO LEE 0

Dear Editor

The prevalence of child obesitis getting alarmingly serious in Hong Kong, not only found in other countries.Instead of watching the situation with folded arms, we had better find the waout. Therefore, I am writing to account for and provide suggestions to the phenomenon.

One main factor leading t.........

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A wake-up call: Childhood Obesity

October 2, 2019 NGA TING LAM 0

An articlto a parents’ magazine on children obesity, with reasons and suggestionoffere

It’recently found that 1 in 5 children is overweight—and Hong Kong kids are noimmune to the global epidemic of obesity. Not only does obesity impose menacand potential risks to our children’s health, but it w.........

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Letter to the Editor on filming in the city centre

October 2, 2019 HOI CHING LOO 0
Dear Editor

I am writing to express my view on whether filming movies in the city centre should be allowed. Nowadays, there is a prevailing trend for movie makers to use the city centre to film movies, both locally and globally. I support to have movies filmed in the city centre.First of all, filmin.........Read More

Support Happy Times

July 11, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0

Whamakes Happy Times so popula

I1980s, Mr Chan opened Happy Times in Mong Kok.For almost 40 years, he sells inexpensive and delicious bread. The neighborhood loves his food as they caenjoy food at a low price. Mr Chatreats his customers kindly and often treats children to free cupcakes ancandies. He loves serving hi.........

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Meat-free Mondays

July 11, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0

Dear Fellow Students

ThStudent Union is organizing a campaign called Meat-free Mondays nexmonth. Probably you may ask why we havto launch such a campaign. I am going ttell you the reasons why the campaign is launched.

Asociety is promoting the importance of the protection of the environment ant.........

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Harmful Effects of Technology

July 11, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0

(Photo description

We Don’t Talk Anymor

In the photo, the boy and the girl are sitting together on thsofa. It seems that they have a closrelationship as the boy’s head is leaning on the girl’s shoulder. However, they are both busy doing things otheir own. The boy, who is wearinearphones, is star.........

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Declining Tourism in Hong Kong

July 11, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0


refer to an article in the South China Morning Post about tourism in Hong Kongsaying that the number of tourists visiting the city has fallen. There are a number of reasons for the declininfigures and I would like to suggest ways in which Hong Kong can attracvisitors back to the city.


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Communal sharing bicycle: a convenience or a nuisance

July 10, 2019 LAI FAN YUNG 0

With the risintrend of communal bicycles in China, many entrepreneurs are wondering whetheto also bring the trend to Hong Kong. However, due to various reasons, believe that the presence of communal bicycles in Hong Kong would be a nuisancrather than a convenience.

I would firslike to start by p.........

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A Helping Hand

July 10, 2019 LAI FAN YUNG 0

I wainhaling, fiercely. My irises were lit up with the flames of anger. My fists were firand dripping sweat, ready to serve justice. The 3classroom filled with only silencand the sound of breathing.Thclassmates had got their popcorn ready, waiting for watching a human monster punching low-profile bully. Tremendou.........

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A Creative Story: Lost

July 10, 2019 LAI FAN YUNG 0

‘Watch your step, and mind the gap’ the familiamonotone of the MTR greeted me as always as I stepped out of the cabin. Feelindrowsy and just a bit nervous, I began my journey to school. After I had passethe gates, I immediately noticed that there was a faint sobbing noise. Thus, did what any cur.........

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Walking in the Rain

July 10, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0

look out the windows. It’s raining catand dogs outside. The droplets slap othe ground are like millions of peas being poured on the floor. That tinkling is so sharp but melodious. The peas are forming a haze and I can hardlcapture the sight of my neighbor.

grab my umbrella and rush into the rain.........

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A Speech on Advertisements

July 10, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0

Good morning teachers and fellow students.

Walways have to buy different products and services. We may pay attention to their advertisements. However, they may be manipulative and affecour lives negatively.

Havyou ever seen advertisements about sportswear and sports shoes? They always exaggerate th.........

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Healthy Living Day

July 10, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0


We haven’t seeeach other for a long time. How’s your school in Singapore? I hope everythinis doing fine.

Yesterday, ouschool held the first Healthy Living Day. It’s just like a normal school daand we still got lessons in the morning. But after lunch, there were plenty oactivities, gam.........

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Healthy Living Day

July 10, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0

Dear Samuel

Hey man, what’s upHow are you doing in Thailand? Well school hasn’t been the same since youdeparture--it’s just plain boring without you here.

Anyway our schoohas just held the first Healthy Living Day, and I bet you have no idea whaHealthy Living Day is. It is a day thastudents get .........

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Helping You and Me

July 10, 2019 LAI FAN YUNG 0

3B Chow Wing Sz

Helping You and M

Thboy patted on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a cartoon patterned band-aid.

“Mum told me to give it to you and thank yofor helping her this morning,” the boy said thankfully with his big smile. Hthen ran back to a woman, raising his head, smiling proudly “Mum, .........

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Banning Dolphin Shows?

July 10, 2019 Ka Wai Peggy Wu 0

Dear Edito

I am writing to show my opposition to thban on the dolphin shows at Ocean Park.

First of all, dolphin shows are noinhumane. The dolphins kept in the park arproperly fed, taken care of, and are not subjected to unethical acts such atortures caused by harsh training and performance. In f.........

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July 8, 2019 Ka Yuk Tse 0

Recently, we are honoured to invite the Hong Kong Internet celebrity, Zoe So (known as SOEZ), to have an interview with us. Zoe has her own studio and team near the Central district. She is popular among the Asia countries. Her Instagram and Youtube channels both have reached 1000k followers and sub.........

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It’s never impossible to be a Youtuber

July 8, 2019 Ka Yuk Tse 0

“WelI started this dream since my secondary school life.” Said Aloe Jam, whose reaname is Yoela Tsang. She is a famous Youtuber in Hong Kong, having 10 thousansubscribers in her YouTube channel.

“SincYouTube became popular in my secondary school days, I became one of the seriouaddicts of this me.........

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A New Version Of The Ugly Duckling

July 8, 2019 YI LEONG NG 0

Everybody knows the famous fable of "The Ugly Duckling". This fable tells us not to bully others.However, now I am going to tell you the truth of this traditional story. Actually, the ugly duckling wasn't ugly at first. He was very beautiful.

One day a mother duck laid ten eggs. Then, the baby ducks .........

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A new version of ‘Goldilocks and the bears’

July 8, 2019 YIN WANG LEE 0

Everybody knows the famous story of Goldilocks and the bears. The story tells us that we should not use someone’s possession without their permission. But it did not end there. Goldilocks did not learn the lesson.

One day, when Goldilocks was walking in the forest for picking mushrooms to add into th.........

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AI and robots threaten to unleash mass unemployment

March 27, 2019 LAI FAN YUNG 0


I awriting to express my views on the letter “AI and robots threaten to unleasmass unemployment”, in which the writer claimed that a major part of the humaworking force will be replaced by automatons and machines in the years to come.However, I disagree with the writer’s statement. In .........

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Proposal for a Bookstore Cafe

March 27, 2019 LAI FAN YUNG 0

Proposal for a bookstore café in The Bi


I woullike to propose a bookstore café in the Big. In a hectic city like Hong Kongpeople are often under immense stress and they lack the time to relathemselves. Also because of thtremendous workload that they are having, they tend to trivializ.........

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