The two identities of tragedies

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0
In the past decade, people all over the world had a chance to experience the line – life is full of uncertainties. There were natural disasters such as earthquakes and famines hitting various parts of the world. There were man-made ones like incessant wars and social unrest caused by various p.........Read More

Space exploration or basic healthcare and education?

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Principal

I am writing to express my opinions about which initiative, further space exploration or basic healthcare and education in rural areas, should receive the money raised by our kind students and parents. By considering the needs of people in China and the financial budget of the mainlan.........

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Small-class teaching

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to air my opinion on the latest controversy in the education sector – whether small-class teaching or class reduction should be adopted to tackle the dwindling number of local students. There are different views in society discussing the two possible remedies in terms .........

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Small-class teaching

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Topic 2:Dear Editor

I am writing in regards to the imminent drop in school enrolment, and the course of action that should be taken.

Over the past few years, there has been a heated debate over what to do with the dwindling number of school enrolments due to shrinking population. On one hand, educato.........

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Small-class teaching

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

School enrolment has been declining, thanks to the decreasing birth rate in Hong Kong. While controversies concerning whether small-class teaching or class reduction is a better solution are stirred up, the government advocates the latter for secondary schools. Being a secondary student .........

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Small-class teaching

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear EditorHong Kong’s population has been shrinking since the past decade, causing a drop in school enrolment. There is now a heated debate over the government’s implementation of small-class teaching or class reduction in schools. I, as a secondary school student, am writing to expres.........

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Putonghua – a compulsory subject in HKDSE?

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Hong Kong has returned to be a part of China for more than ten years. Still, the majority of people in Hong Kong cannot communicate fluently in Putonghua, the national language of China. In order to improve the situation, there is a suggestion of making Putonghua a compulsory subject in the HKDSE, w.........

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Pseudo-models, A Wrong Way to Future

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

These years doctors, lawyers and accountants seem no longer ideal occupations for teenagers. Top models, movie stars and singers are. The star business is an increasingly popular career option among the new generation. The road to a superstar is no easy task, though. With the great market behind, a .........

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September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Famous film star Lau Ka Ling participated as a pseudo-model in her new movie, and according to the news, the look is inspired by Angelababy, one of the most well-known ‘liang-mos’ in Hong Kong. This shows how popular the pseudo-models are right now, and some people are not happy with thi

People who .........

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Overcrowding kills the quality of life

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0
Hong Kong, given its small territory, is home to more than 7 million people. The density of it is 16576 people per square meter, comparing to Tokyo’s 15143 people per square meter, Hong Kong has an extra population of about 1500 people per square meter. This is an appalling figure when compare.........Read More

No pseudo-models, for sure

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Popular is the choice of becoming pseudo-models among young girls. The reason is clear – it is a convenient way to make easy money. Regardless of their academic results, they can effortlessly enter the industry, as long as they look pretty. Yet the trend is not trouble-free. Critics say pseudo.........

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Making Putonghua a compulsory subject in HKDSE

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

With the introduction of the HKDSE, Hong Kong is embracing an education system that is closer to the one in the mainland. Some people suggest making Putonghua a compulsory subject in the HKDSE. Indeed, with the rapid economic growth in China, Putonghua is becoming more and more important with each p.........

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Limbs need exercise as much as the brain

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Which lesson(s) do you find the least important? Chinese, Physics, or Music? According to the recent survey carried out by the Sports Club, many students in our school do not take physical education (PE) lessons seriously. They either do nothing but sit down and take a rest during the period, or ski.........

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Letter to the principal

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

A letter to the principal opposing the school’s plan to ban students from having lunch in classroom because many of them put their lunch boxes, drinks and other leftovers in the rubbish bin in their classroom.

Dear Ms. Young

I am writing to share my and my fellow schoolmates’ views on the decis.........

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Letter to the Principal on Use of Donations

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0
Dear Principal ChanTo boost China’s development, our school has initiated a fund-raising event which successfully raised a huge sum of money. It arouses much controversy over whether to use the donation to further space exploration or provide basic healthcare and education. I am writing to ai.........Read More

Letter to the Editor on Waste Issue

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

It makes me blue to know that Hong Kong is one of the most wasteful cities in the world. As compared with Japan or Taiwan, the local waste disposal policy is far too short-sighted and ineffective. Worse still, according to a recent survey, Hong Kong people are not just wasteful, but are .........

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Insensibly, boys said weaker than girls

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

The results of “Ten Model Students” eventually came to light, crowning only six female candidates with no boys, to most people’s surprise. There came allegations concluding that boys are generally weaker than girls in the areas of competition. In my opinion, however, this is entire.........

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How to use the donation

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Mrs. Brown

It is encouraging to know that the school’s fundraising event for China’s development has been a resounding success. Students and parents have donated a large sum of money and they are excited at seeing how it can be used wisely to help the people living in the mainland. .........

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Heavy school bags

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

Students have been yelling their complaint on heavy school bags for years. Yet, not many constructive responses have been made by society so far. According to a recent news report, the average weight of an S.3 student’s school bag is now 5 kg, while the burden of a primary six stud.........

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E-books: can they help us?

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Have you ever imagined talking textbooks and robot teachers in some sort of futuristic dream? Well, it seems that they are not so far-fetched anymore – at least the talking textbooks part is not.

As concerned with education reforms as it is nowadays, the government is currently experimenting with yet.........

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Co-ed schools are better schools

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Whether to let their children enrol in a single-sex or a co-educational school has always been a problem that furrows parents’ brows. A dilemma it seems to be, but I would say there is absolutely no difficulty in making this choice. Co-ed schools are better schools, as will be illustrated in t.........

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Children being left alone at home

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Recently, there have been more news reports about children being left alone at home, in poor hygienic condition and without food.Write a letter to the Hong Kong Post expressing your concern about this issue. In the letter, state the causes and suggest how similar incidents can be avoided. Sign your .........

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Child Negligence

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my concern about the increasing number of incidents of children being left unattended at home by their parents. Besides stating the causes of the problem, I will also give some suggestions on how similar incidents can be avoided.

Each individual child abuse case ma.........

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Bus TV Jeopardizes Quiet Environment

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

It is said that we are now living in an Information Age, where all kinds of information regarding different disciplines overwhelms our society. I can’t agree more with this accurate notion, especially when I am travelling on a bus on the way to school. The televisions are nothing but annoying,.........

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