The New Version of The Three Little Pigs

January 22, 2013 CS Admin 0

         Yesterday, when I walked into a forest, I met the Big Bad Wolf from the Three Little Pigs. He told mthathe story haheard was not true.was, in factiooolf.

      “Everyone thinks that I abad guy because of thThree Little Pigs,” he told me, “I hatthe pig! Te pigs made uth

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The Most Beautiful Person

January 22, 2013 CS Admin 0

  She is old, thin, short, humpback and with a head of grey hair.From her appearance, she is not an attractive person.However, in my own opinion, she is one of the most beautiful people.Her name is Aunt Kwan.

Aunt Kwan is the most beautiful person because she always keeps a serene smile on her.........

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The Inside Story of Big Bad Wolf

January 22, 2013 CS Admin 0

   Big Bad Wolf was a bad character in the story of The Three Little Pigs, so everyone disliked him. Yesterday, I met Big Bad Wolf! He walked nearer and nearer to me! I was afraid but I stood still because my legs were trembling and could hardly move. Big Bad Wolf held out his hand and said, “Sorry.........

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The History Was Changed By Me

January 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

One night, I awoke by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw that I was lying on a comfortable bed. I discovered that I was in a beautiful tent. There was a wooden table inside. When I went towards the table, I saw a map. The map was about the information of Troy’s geographic locat.........

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The Friendship of the Two Boys

January 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Far away in Germany, there was a pair good friends who were called Dick and Frankie. They both wanted to pursue further studies on their dream, drawing. Unfortunately, they were poor and they lived under the poverty line. What could they do? No one could tell.

      One day, when two men were wande.........

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Book report: The Five People You meet in Heaven

January 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

       ‘The Five People You meet in Heaven’ is written by Mitch Albom. It is published by Time Warner books.  

      Heaven is a word without an exact definition. Before reading ‘The Five People You meet in Heaven’, heaven in my view was a peaceful place where we lie on clouds and enjoy the scenes.........

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The Extraordinary Sports Days

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Carmel Secondary School held its 47th annual sports day on October 10.  On that sunny, cloudless morning, Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground was filled with Carmel spirit.

On 10th October, Mr. Tang Chung Pui, the vice-principal, made the opening speech.  He told us in his speech that female can make friends.........

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Rabbit John and his friends

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Once upon a time, Rabbit John lived in a grassland. He lived alone every day. One day, John wanted to get the treasure in Rainbow Kingdom. When he was finding the way to Rainbow Kingdom, he saw a squirrel. The squirrel was very hungry and he asked John for food. John gave some food to the squirrel..........

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January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder; it was a bunch of screaming. As I opened my eyes, I saw an image of a blurred man. When my sight was cleared, everything around me was in cartoon, everything I saw is two-dimensioned. And the man in front of me was Jack the Ripper, the seri.........

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Sports Days

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Carmel Secondary School held its 47th Annual Sports Days on October 10 and 12 in Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground. The sports events were divided into two days probably because of the great number of sports events.

On the first day, the normally quiet and peaceful Sports Ground was quickly filled with a s.........

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Sports Days

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

  Carmel Secondary School’s 47th annual sports day was held on October 10 and October 12. The Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground was filled with excitement and happiness of the students. It wasn’t a morning with good weather, that’s why Mr. Kung, our principal said something meaningful in the opening speec.........

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Should teenagers need an iPhone?

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Nowadays, many teenagers would like to purchase their iPhone. Whenever a new kind of iPhone is promoted, many teenagers will queue up for a long time to purchase one. However, I think teenagers do not really need a new iPhone.

Purchasing a new iPhone wastes a lot of money. A new iPhone costs about f.........

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January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

1.   Limeric

There was a girl called Sara.

She went to work by her own car.

One day she hit her da

Since she was very mad.

And she had to spend years behind bars.

2.        Haik

Grey clouds on the top

Raindrops fall down, drip, drip, drop

Nourish trees, grass, crops.

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I want Freedom

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

I want Freedo


      I often get good results in dictations, tests, quizzes and exams so my mother wants me to study, study and study all the time to achieve better results. Although sometimes I want to go out and play with my friends freely, my mother never lets me do so. I have tried once w.........

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Hong Kong Kids

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Hong KonKid

As a teenager in Hong Kong, I think that some of my friends are ‘Hong Kong kids’.They are spoiled and rely too much on their parents. They have low emotional intelligence and vulnerable to adversity.However, they are not born to be a ‘Hong Kong kid’, their parents cannot deny their.........

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English Writing

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

      Suddenly, I heard Mom scream.I rushed downstairs to see what happened.Things flew around the room at once.Mr. Negative yelled, “Go to the emporium. Miss Everwell may have finished the spell already!”I rushed out of the door with Resus.“Who’s Miss Everwell?” I asked.Resus replied, “Eefa.........

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Close Encounters with the Third Kind

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I discovered that I was on a gigantic surgery table. Lying beside me were two boys about ten years old. One of them was a vampire, and there was also a female Egyptian mummy. I looked outside. There were streaks of light.........

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Chinese Zodiac

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

In the Chinese Zodiac, there are 12 animals representing years. Choose one animal to represent the 13th animal in the Chinese Zodiac and explain why it is suitable to be one of the years.

                                      The 13th animal in the Chinese Zodia

Although it does not have an attr.........

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Chinese New Year

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0


25 January, 201

                                                      Flat C 11/


                                              Flower Garde

                                                      Austin Hil.........

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Book report on Wizard of Oz

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0


Book TitleWizard of Oz

AuthorL. Frank Bau

Are you interested in books filled with evil witches, mysterious wizards, or even magical creatures? If you are, then I highly recommend this book to you.

This book I am going to in.........

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Book Report on A Christmas Carol

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Book Title: A Christmas Caro                     

Author: Charles Dicken

This is a story about Christmas.Ebenezer Scrooge was a mean, cold hearted man who loved money very much and never shared it with anyone.On one Christmas day, his nephew, Bob Cratchit, was working in his office shivering be.........

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An unforgettable experience

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Yesterday I went to the library to revise for the history quiz on Friday. The library was almost empty so it was quieter than usual.Suddenly, I heard a weird bumping sound from the multi-media corner.

It was so loud that I got curious and went over there to see what was wrong. As I went there, I s.........

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A story

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes… Darkness, all I saw was the pitch black ceiling above my head. It was rather strange since I remember leaving my bedroom light on for the night. ‘Boom’, another rage of thunder struck again. I was jolted this time. I sat.........

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A Mirror

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

When I got the magic mirror, I was very happy.

My name was Jennie. I lived with my parents in a small town near Paris. But I was not happy as my neighbours always laughed at me. They said that I was very ugly. Was I really ugly? I had no idea but I wanted so much to be pretty.

One day, An old man dr.........

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A letter to Mrs. Wong

January 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Mrs. Wong

Are you busy with your workI am writing to share my feelings about my secondary school life with you.

I feel excited to study in Carmel because this is my first choice. I have dreamt of studying in this school since Primary Five. Now I realize that this is absolutely a right choice.........

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Video games: a blessing or a curse?

August 8, 2012 Article Manager 0

Guess what teens love to do most in their spare time. Watching television? Reading magazines? How about playing video games? A documentary shows that the number of youngsters indulged in video games is skyrocketing. In the US, nearly 90% of kids play these games while 5 millions even have gaming add.........

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Zero tolerance to discrimination

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0
Dear EditorI am writing to air my opinions about the prevalence of discrimination against minority groups in such a globalised and civilized city as Hong Kong. Our government has long been depicting Hong Kong as an international city of multicultural integration and cultural diversity but discrimin.........Read More

Writing to the Editor on Child Neglect Cases

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my opinion on the recent increase in cases of children being left unattended by their parents in poor hygienic condition and without food. This is truly a grave problem and one that demands immediate course of action to solve. There are several reasons behind the .........

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Unnecessary and evil gadgets

September 15, 2011 Article Manager 0

I-phone and Android cell phone have been all the rage in recent years. Billions of people in the whole world are obsessed by these electronic gadgets--- they are fashionable, multifunctional and interactive. These unique features make them irresistible to nearly all young people in Hong Kong. They b.........

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