Countryparks should not be turned to housing sites

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

Adjudicators, haiperso, ladies and gentlemen

Today’s motion is that “Country parshould be turned into sites for housing in Hong Kong”.As the opening speaker of thopposition sid, we are against today’s motion.There are three reasons, “SEE” to support our arguments.

The first “S” stands for .........

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Countryparks should not be turned to housing sites

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Today’s motion is that country parks should be turned into sites for housing in Hong Kong.That is, to use the land of country parfor residential purposes; in other wordstremove country parks in order to build residentiaarea.We are against the motion as we a.........

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Be the original me

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

Why I joined the talent contes

Many probably know me as ‘The Angel of Voice’ after I’ve won the recent talent contest, but only few have heard of why I joined the competition in the first place. The truth is that I was persuaded by my good friend to participate in the contest with her so as to keep .........

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An article about my singing career

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

Why I joined the talent contes

I would give the same answer to anyone who asks me this question. It was all planned in my destiny. I have had a natural beautiful voice since my childhood. I enrolled in the choir team in my primary school and became the chairperson because the teacher was impressed b.........

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An article about ageing problem

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

It is clear that the problem of the ageing population in Hong Kong is more serious nowadays and actions should be taken as soon as possible to alleviate the problem.

Many elderly people are left at home with nothing to do after their retirement and may feel that their lives are worthless.A couple o.........

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A speech to the graduating classes

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good morning teachers and fellow schoolmates

It’s my pleasure to have the opportunity to have a few last words with all of you who are going to leave the school and embark on your separate paths soon.Indeed I share the happiness of each of you, and I most certainly also share your antipathy toward.........

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A letter to the Bus Operators Association of Hong Kong

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about the safety of private school bus service. I have a child who takes private school buses to school every day and I could observe that the school bus service operators do not follow proper safety procedures when dealing with young children.


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A diary entry about drama rehearsal

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

I feel like I have gone through the most dreadful time in my life today and I hope I will never come to it again!  I must jot it down in case I forget what I’ve experienced today.

I’m directing a play called ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.  Childish!  Right?  I chose this title simply because we had a .........

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A diary entry about betraying a friend

March 10, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Diary

I have made one of the biggest mistakes in my life! Remember the play “Julius Caesar” ve been reading in drama class It was about how Brutus betrayed his good friend Julius Caesar for the good of the country.Recently, I have also betrayed my best friend, Jessie, not for the good of a.........

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A debate speech

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen

Listening to the affirmative side’s argument just now, I’m appalled to see how narrow-minded and superficial our opponents think. Today’s motion is concerned with the promulgation of a social policy. A social policy is aimed at doing its citizens good. I believe .........

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A debate speech

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Our opponents claimed that country parks should be turned into sites for housing in Hong Kong because country parks occupy a vast area with only few people while Hong Kong is lacking residential land supply. However, may our opponents take a deeper look at the whol.........

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A debate speech

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good morning ladies and gentleme

Today our opponent claims that there are a large number of country parks in Hong Kong. It is estimated that about three-quarters of Hong Kong is covered by the countryside. As we have got a vast countryside, our opponent simply thinks that it will be a waste of the .........

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A debate speech

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Today’s motion is “Country parks should be turned into sites for housing in Hong Kong. “ Our team is strongly against it. A country park is defined as “an area of countryside, usually not less than 10 hectares, set aside for public recreation” As the opposition si.........

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A debate speech

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Today’s motion is “Country parks should be turned into sites for housing in Hong Kong”. Before I deliver my speech, let me address some comments raised by the affirmative team.

Our opponents pointed out the housing problems faced by many low-income families. They p.........

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A debate speech

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen

Today’s motion is “Country parks should be turned into sites for housing in Hong Kong.” The opening speaker of the affirmative side has clearly explained that country parks are areas with high population of green plants. And it is very important to Hong Kong not o.........

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A campus TV programme about tug of war

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Ms Chan

Thank you for asking me to take part in the making of a 30-minute programme about a local Hong Kong sporting event. I have some brief ideas about the show. I will outline the flow of the documentary and suggest how to make it interesting to fellow schoolmates. In the programme, I would.........

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A campus TV programme about rugby

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Ms Chan


After doing a research about the local Hong Kong sporting event, I would like to suggest producing a programme about rugby. As rugby has been played in Hong Kong as long as horses have been racing in Happy Valley, this sport has a long history and we hope our students can know more a.........

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A blog entry about teaching and learning poems

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

I’ve just bought from a nearby bookstore a poetry collection called “Selection from the Great Poets of the 2tCentury”. The book was pure joy, but I can’t help lamenting on the development of the art of poetry in the city after the experience. The fact that I was the only customer with black hair t.........

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Speech on communication in the workplace

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.

Thank you for inviting me to share my working experience with all of you. I am Chris Wong, alumni from this school and graduated in 2008, and I joined a toy company after leaving university. I am now an intern salesperson. Today, I am going to talk about th.........

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Working with a singer

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear cousin, 

How’re you? It has been a long time since we last met. I hope you’re doing well.

Now I’m going to tell you a thrilling piece of news. Recently I had the chance to work closely with Eason Chan during his concert! ( I hope you still remember that I’m working for the famous make-up artis.........

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Work hard, Play hard

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

“Grand Theft Auto”, “Sleeping Dogs” … Have these names reminded you of your exhilarating gameplay experiences?  Imagine you could become a game designer and invent a bunch of hottest games like those, how would it be like

Are you a potential game designer

“I think a game designer has been one of th.........

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Virtual Sport vs Real Sport

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Due to advances in technology, virtual sports have become more and more popular with the presence of gaming consoles, such as Wii and Xbox Kinect. They change the way how people do sports. People may think that virtual sports can be good substitutes of real sports to keep themselves fit. However, it.........

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A speech on time to the graduates

March 9, 2015 CS Admin 0

Goomorning fellow schoolmates

I’m happy to see you all here.This is the last time I stand on the stage and speak to you like this.Wellmy feeling is complicated right now.First of allcongratulations to all of youYou are going to step to a new stage of your life journey.Some of you may go to othe.........

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The Dog, the Boy and the Railway

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

A large cardboard box was dumped onto the tracks. The creature inside was not adored anymore.

‘7:30 already? I’m gonna be late!’ Peter grabbed his bag and pulled on his uniform. Stuffing his breakfast into his mouth, Peter threw the door open and sprinted outside.

As Peter ran towards the taxi rank, h.........

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Sports made mandatory for all – Is it a good idea?

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Have you heard the latest news?  The Sports Club has proposed that we all be required to join a sports team at school.  Of course, there are benefits of this proposal, which I do not deny, but I think this is a bad idea.

Imagine you are not particularly sporty or even do not know the ABC of a sport .........

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Sports made compulsory for all?

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Most of you must have heard the Sports Club's proposal that all students in our school should be required to join a sports team at school.  The Sports Club meant well to promote a healthy habit, but is it really a good idea?  Let us take a closer look.

How many students do we have?  And how many spo.........

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Sports are Good to All, But Not This Way

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Obviously, it has become a trend to do sports.  Everyone knows that it is beneficial.  Now the Sports Club wants everyone to join a sport team at school.  I wonder what they had in mind when they proposed this.  To me, this is nonsense.

We all have busy school lives, rushing through tons of homework.........

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Sex education as a compulsory part of secondary curriculum

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Since some social problems such as unmarried pregnancy and abortion occurred due to the lack of sex education in school curriculum as some claimed, some parents and youth organizations asked for sex education being a compulsory part of the secondary curriculum. However, some are opposed to it, sayin.........

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Rattle, Rat-a-tat, Roll! Build Your Career

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

When you think of construction, what comes to your mind, architects or construction workers? Young Post meets Wincy So, who works as a senior civil engineer currently at the only Chartered Recruitment Consultancy for the Asia real estate, property and construction markets, 3C Synergy.  She has been .........

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