Acrostic Poem (A Peaceful Town)

August 16, 2016 Wing lee Vera WONG 0
A Peaceful Toweople gathering and singing songveryone, come and let’s sing along!”nd all the people will share the same souooperation will never gvilness will never appear in anyone’s hearleeing is the best option for a bad hearseful knowledge is spread to everyonabelling will not be.........Read More

A story

August 16, 2016 Wing lee Vera WONG 0
A Story                                                                               1D Tsui Hing Man MaviOne night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw “her” againJohanna and I were both white-collar workers. One day, she told me that her friend gave her a .........Read More

A letter to Susan

August 16, 2016 Wing lee Vera WONG 0
A letter to SusatDecember 201Dear SusanHi! How are you? I knew that you are having some problem in school and at home. Do you feel better now? Don’t worry, let me suggest some ways to help you solve the problem.For the first problem, your father has been seriously ill recently. I think you have.........Read More

Street Performance

August 9, 2016 Suk Yi Lau 0
Learning English through Pop CulturThere are more and more different kinds of street performances in Hong Kong. While these performances add spice to street culture, some people and even the buskers themselves call for more regulations on street performances. Write a letter to the editor saying why.........Read More

Miss Shih … I want to tell you a secret

March 11, 2016 LING HO TSANG 0
Dear Miss ShihHow are you? Hope all the things on Earth are good. When you are reading this letter, I might probably have arrived at my home town. I leave this letter to you because I want to tell you a secret. Just to you, but not to anyone else.I am an alien. I was born in year EF 2130 in a plane.........Read More

A personal letter

March 11, 2016 WING YI TANG 0

20th December, 201

Dear Ronnie

I am glad to receive your letter. It has already a few months since we met. How is your life in Singapore? Do you like your new school

Recently, I have read a lot of fiction books during the ERS lessons. I have read about 25 books in total. I have got a favorite book ".........

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A Letter to one of my teachers

March 11, 2016 TSZ HEI AU 0
Sincerely to Miss ShihYou might have been surprised to receive this letter and think about how dare I write you this.You've been my teacher for two years, exactly,the first year for non-fiction reading lesson and the second(now) for English. Really, you are a good teacher, enough for teaching us we.........Read More

A mystery place

March 11, 2016 WAN YIN WONG 0
A mystery place? Where is it? Of course, I won't tell you now. But I'm now going to describe this place and see if you can guess what it is.This place is just next to SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School. It is opposite to a public estate. It is always very quiet nearby.Firstly, I can see people.........Read More

Life is ….

March 11, 2016 TSZ LOK NG 0
What is life? Life is the way we survive in the world. Different people have different lives. It can be obscure and tough or simple and ordinary. How we behave in our life depends on the choice we have made.Some of the people may spend their whole life enjoying and relaxing. They never think about t.........Read More

Animal Poem

March 11, 2016 MEI YAN CHONG 0
Animal jobDo you see the loyal dogWho takes great care of our blockThieves breaking in is harThanks to our security guardWhen you turn on the TVBusy parrots you can seeTelling viewers something newThe number of reporters greWhen you walk past a concertYou'll know how superb the larks areThey are really popular..........Read More

My Mystery Location

March 11, 2016 MEI YAN CHONG 0
Do you know Carmel Secondary School well? If you do, you will know where this mystery place is.It is a peaceful and quiet location which all Carmelians know. It is also my favourite place iCarmel.In this location, green is literally all you can see. The tall trees are in different shapes: pointedr.........Read More

My mystery location

March 11, 2016 CHEUK YI CHAU 0
In our school, there is a mystery location that almost every Carmelian knows. It is in deep and secret place. Can’t guess it? Ok, then, I will give you some clues.First, you can go there to take a short break. You can sit on the stone chairs or stone stairand share your tasty snacks with your frie.........Read More

My mystery location

March 11, 2016 TSZ HIM SHEK 0
I would like you to guess what the mystery location is. This place is popular witstudents and teachers because we will walk through this place or stay there at leastwenty times a week.Some attractive smell is sensed by my nose. It is spread by many of the delicioufoods. They are tangy and awesome.........Read More

My animal friends

March 11, 2016 CHI YIN TSANG 0
I have a fish, a shy nice fisShe wants to be an Olympic star and that's her wish.She got a pretty name called Yvette.She likes swimming. That's why she is always wet.Can you see the butterfly thereI like the clothes she usually wears.She is pretty and kind.Her name is Janice who is blind.I also have a bird..........Read More

How can I help Miss. Shih remember me?

March 11, 2016 SUM YI LI 0
If you ask me how to make the teacher remember you, there is no definite answer. Let me share my opinions.It is true that most of the students want the teachers to remember them. The key to help teachers to remember you  is to look up to them.Firstly, I need to have a  positive attitude and help oth.........Read More

A horrendous situation

August 14, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Cats and dogs are our beloved companions. Being pet owners, we should cherish them and be responsible for taking care of them. However, many Hong Kong people do not take their responsibilities.Recently the number of stray dogs and cats was skyrocketing. The animal welfare organization has received a.........Read More

How I became a pop star

August 14, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
I love singing very much with my guitar. Being a singer is my dream. In the summer after my graduation from my secondary school, a local summer music festival was held. I had no hesitation and immediately signed up to join the performance in the festival. Standing on the platform in the sportsground.........Read More

Debate Speech

August 14, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today’s motion is “With the rise in popularity of the Internet, newspapers will become a thing of the past.” I firmly support today’s motion and I am going to explain from three aspects.To begin with, it is about flexibility. Unlike the newspapers which are prin.........Read More

A letter to the principal

August 14, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Dear Mr. YuenThe school’s 1tanniversary is coming and the Drama Club is honored to be a part of the grand celebration. As the Chairperson of the Drama Club, I am pleased to propose to you the performance of the play, Les Miserables.Based on the 1862 novel by the French poet and novelist, Victor H.........Read More

A letter to a teacher

August 14, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Dear Ms. ChanI’ve heard about the proposal for the school to set up a student choir focusing on pop songs. As a former student choir member, I am quite concerned about this proposal. From my point of view, I don’t think it is a good idea to set up a choir focusing on pop songs.The main reason is th.........Read More


August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Hello, I’m Jerry Szeto. Most of my friends call me ‘Jelly’ because it sounds like ‘Jerry’. Also, some say my face is as bouncy as jelly. I would like to introduce myself.I’d like to talk about my appearance first. Actually, I’m quite fat, especially my belly, but some people, mostly my classmates, s.........Read More

Computer games

August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Nowadays, more and more teenagers are addicted to computer games. The attraction of computer games is unbelievably huge and that is why teenagers can play them day and night without doing other things. Therefore, I am for the statement, ‘Computer games are bad for teenagers.To begin with, computer .........Read More

The super savior spies

August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw one of my robots coming in, holding one of my CCTV displays over its head. I listened carefully. “Boom! Blitz! Zap!” It was three kinds of thunders, I mean electricity sounds. When I looked at the screen, I saw a U.........Read More


August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Ariana was sitting on a cane chair, thinking the life she had in the previous two years.Ariana was once an entrepreneur. She was the CEO of a listed company. She had so much fame. Ariana had a luxurious life. She had the best necklace on her neck, the best clothes on her body and the best shoes on h.........Read More

A letter to a friend

August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
1tDecember, 201Dear RonnieHow’s life? Is everything in Singapore coolI’m really glad to know your situation in Singapore. You’re really lucky to have a chance to improve your English. I’m now so jealous of you as I want to study overseas too! It must be an interesting situation. I’ve done quite.........Read More

A Story – Ups and Downs

August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
Life has never been easy. People hurt you, physically and emotionally. You feel like you could never forgive the people who hurt you, wronged you, looked down on you or let you down. But sometimes, all it takes to be happy is a simple "I forgive you."Life is tough--really tough. The ups and downs d.........Read More

Stay Positive – a news article commentary

August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
I agree with the writer. Staying positive and being happy are two of the very important elements in life.There are a lot of problems in life. So how could we solve the problems? Someone may think that it depends on your ability. But I don't think so. It depends on your attitude. Your attitude determ.........Read More

Mobile phones

August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
The world is changing. In recent years, the number of people using mobile phones has increased rapidly. Now mobile phones are not just for calling, but they allow users to access the internet, text messages, take and send pictures, play video games, and much more. The variety of functions has increa.........Read More

If I Had Superpower…

August 13, 2015 Siu Tak Jeffrey Tam 0
If I had superpower, what would I do? This is a question that I have been pondering since the first time I saw the moviThe Amazing Spiderma. What would I do if I got bitten by a radioactive spider and gained supernatural powerErm... If I had superpower, I would save the world. I would fight again.........Read More