Mobile Phone Addiction

March 28, 2017 Ka Yuk Tse 0
The impact of mobile phone addiction is huge. It changes the way people communicate and interact, but at the same time, it leads to plenty of problems.Nowadays many teenagers stare at their phone all the time, even when they have something else to do. They are always multi-tasking. When they finally.........Read More

Answering a Letter of Comnplaint

March 28, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
Answering a letter of complainDear Ms. WongI am writing in reply to your letter of April 3 regarding the complaints about various facilities.  I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience visiting our centre.  I have investigated all the complaints you made and would like to inform you of t.........Read More

The Hong Kong College Ambassador Programme

March 28, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
The Hong Kong College Ambassador PrograWhy the school needs ambassadorAt this time every year, many schools will organize their information days for parents and students to acquire a deeper understanding of the school’s studying environment, quality of facilities and student performance.  Our sch.........Read More

A letter to the Editor

March 28, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
A letter to the editoDear EditorI am writing in response to a letter I have read about ending discrimination, which was posted in Young Post on tOctober.No matter whether it is in the past or at present, racial discrimination has always been a serious issue.  Racism may lower one’s self-esteem a.........Read More

What are “good” and “bad”?

March 28, 2017 CHUN HEI LAM 0
What are “good” and “bad” actually? Can doing the donkey work be a good thing? Is it really bad when someone has Dutch courage? You will be at a loss if someone asks you these questions. Therefore, let me share with you my answers.“Good” is sometimes associated with happiness, justice and love. Howe.........Read More

My New Year Resolution

March 28, 2017 KIN HEI YAU 0
Hello! Today, I want to talk about my new year’s resolutions for 2017.I stopped making new year’s resolutions when I was 3. I found them repetitive and boring to make, unlike other people who are enthusiastic in making them. However, for this year, I am actually able to come up with ideas that I par.........Read More

Some people say that lengthening the prison sentences is the best way to reduce crime, whereas some argue there are better alternatives. What are your views?

Reducing crime rate is essential to making Hong Kong a safe place for its citizens to live in. Thus, there have been many discussions on what the most effective way of reducing crime is, and some people believe that having longer prison sentences is the way to go. However, I sing a different tune.Wh.........Read More

My New Year Resolutions

March 7, 2017 LOK TO NATALIE CHANG 0
According to my own dictionary, a new year means a brand new year, a new beginning and also new goals. This year 2017, I have decided that I should change some of my habits and become a better person.First of all, the most important thing is to respect my family, friends and also teachers, which bas.........Read More

New year resolution

March 7, 2017 CHUN KIT CHUNG 0
The new year is coming! Last year was a simple year because I seldom did something meaningful, so my new year resolutions must be something meaningful and successful.My first new year resolution is to improve my performance in all subjects. Although I got a little improvement in the English exam, I .........Read More

Say ‘No’ to Smartphone Slavery!

March 6, 2017 CHEUK HEI HUI 0
Have you ever got on a train and noticed that everyone aboard was engrossed in their little gadgets? If you haven’t, it’s most likely because you were doing the same thing.Yes, it has become increasingly clear that this tragic head-down phenomenon is on the rise in Hong Kong. More and more of the te.........Read More

It is said that our society is getting less peaceful and harmonious. Describe the problem and provide the examples. Also suggest what could be done.

February 26, 2017 TIFFANY WING CHING LAM 0

Reducing Negativit

Hong Kong is becoming a less peaceful and harmonious society, and it is extremely saddening to witness. People are unhappy and frustrated, sometimes choosing to vent their anger through violent means. In this article, the causes for the situation and the solutions will be discusse.........Read More

Playing computer games

February 20, 2017 YIN TUNG SO 0
Have you ever played any video games? I think you probably have and most teenagers enjoy playing video games. However, video games are harming teenagers like you and me.First, teenagers are easily affected. Teenagers are always interested in trendy and amusing things they have never seen before, so .........Read More

A Mystery Location

February 17, 2017 WING YAN CHENG 0
We have already been studying in Carmel for more than a year. I am sure that most of us have adapted to the environment of Ho Man Tin already and some of us may even have tried to wander around the community. As we are getting familiar with the community, let’s try to guess which place it isFirst o.........Read More

Write a letter to Miss Shih

February 17, 2017 YAU CHING CHONG 0
Dear Miss ShihHow are you? I have graduated for three years. Now, I am having my university life. Are you still teaching in Carmel Secondary School now? The reason why I write this letter to you is that I have experienced some strange things about you, and I want to ask you. Or perhaps it is not th.........Read More

A letter to a friend

February 16, 2017 YIN TUNG SO 0
A reply letter to a frienDear RonnieI’ve just received your letter and I’m so glad that you seem to have a good time in Singapore.=You mentioned that you’ve read 30 books to brush up your English and it sounds nice. Still, do you remember the time when we were librarians? And I recommended you to.........Read More

A Tiny Me

December 8, 2016 ARNOLD CHIU 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my I eyes, I was shocked. My bedroom became giant and I saw a weird UFO fly away from our house. I thought, 'Did the aliens transform me into a tiny human?Suddenly, I saw a mosquito. It was as big as a bird. I ran away at once a.........Read More

Harry Potter and me

December 8, 2016 LOK WING CHIANG 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I found that I was lying on the floor! All my sleepiness was gone. I stood up and immediately and tried to figure out where I was. I saw a lot of flying birds and a door in front of me. I touched my forehead .There’s a l.........Read More

Mystery Location

December 6, 2016 LOK TO NATALIE CHANG 0
Near my school, Carmel Secondary School, there are malls, other secondary schools and so on. But there's one place that is quite mysterious yet I think it is quite noticeable too.I assure you that it is very close to my school, a 5-minute walk will do. As you walk down the road, it is quite steep bu.........Read More


December 6, 2016 CHUN WING CHAN 0
A Big Monster                                         One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw a big shadow on the wall and it was swinging. I was so afraid. However, I turned my head to the right slowly and looked outside the window. Oh! I saw a BIG MON.........Read More

Hi, I’m Nobita

December 2, 2016 YUK KIU CHEUNG 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder.  As I opened my eyes, I was floating in a time tunnel moving to another place...In the morning, I heard a woman's voice, "Nobita, wake up!  Or you will be late for school!" I woke up and found I was sleeping on the floor and my room was diff.........Read More

A mystery place

December 1, 2016 YAN CHING KONG 0
There is a place near Carmel Secondary School and this place is well-known by all students, teachers and workers. This place is also very important to us.First, in the morning, we can usually see a lot of elderly sitting and chatting in this place. Some of them have breakfast in the Chinese restaura.........Read More

More and more people choose to work at home in Hong Kong. Write a letter to the editor discussing the benefits of having a home office and suggesting how it could be supported by government and companies.

November 16, 2016 SOU WING TING 0
Dear EditorImagine there is a mother of a new-born baby.After taking care of the baby for the whole night, she has to get up to work with insufficient rest the next day. Worse still, she has to worry about her little kid for the entire day, concerning whether he drinks milk punctually and eats adeq.........Read More

The Education Bureau’s decision to end the Chinese and English extensive reading scheme grants has been criticized by many headmasters of secondary schools. As a student, you feel strongly that reading is crucial and should be promoted more. You have decided to write a letter to the editor giving your opinion on the issue.

November 15, 2016 SUM KO 0
Dear EditorI am writing to express my opinion on the decision recently made by the Education Bureau to end the Chinese and English extensive reading scheme(ERS) grants. Echoing with my headmasters of secondary schools, I strongly oppose the scrapping of the grants. It is certainly an unwise act to .........Read More

Learning English through Drama

November 15, 2016 HUI YUET CELESTE CHEUNG 0
Dear JaneIt’s been so long since I last saw you. Oh gosh, you have no idea how bad I have missed you. So how are you doing in Toronto? Is the neighbourhood there friendly or welcoming? Speaking of neighbourhood, I’ve got to tell you something.Remember how we used to you know, just hang out and wand.........Read More