Letter to the Editor

August 30, 2017 CHEUK HEI WONG 0
Dear EditorI am writing to express my opinion on the serious situation of depression of teenagers due to different things in life.First of all, why are they upset? The stress is from different sources such as the expectation of parents, teachers and the studies. Such stress directly affects their e.........Read More

I am a piece of paper

August 22, 2017 HING MAN MAVIS TSUI 0
I am a piece of coloured paper which was made in a factory in China. I have forgotten which part of China it was and also how I was born. Well, I think everybody can hardly remember what happened during their birth. I don't know what colour I am. Some said I am pink, and some said I am purple. I hav.........Read More

I am a bus stop

August 22, 2017 TAMMY WAI LEE 0
I am an ordinary bus stop. My leg is huge, my body is long and fat, and my head is round and flat. On my face, there are three big numbers,'1', '0', and '8'. However, they can't block my view as my eyes are big and can see everything clearly.Look! Another bus stops in front of me right now. There ar.........Read More

Imaginative writing

August 22, 2017 TAMMY WAI LEE 0
Last Sunday, I had a chance to take care of an adult whose body size was smaller than mine. No, I didn't do voluntary work by visiting a hospital. The one I had to take care of was my mumEarly in the morning when I woke up, it seemed a strange accident had happened in my flat. I dragged my feet out.........Read More

Imaginative Writing

August 22, 2017 HING MAN MAVIS TSUI 0
What a fantastic Sunday morning! I woke up as usual, but I felt quite strange. Why? It was because it was too quiet. Where's my mum? Why wasn't she making breakfast for me? I couldn't guess the answers. When I was walking to the kitchen, I saw something tiny on the floor. It was like a toy fairy wit.........Read More

I Am A Piece Of Canvas

August 22, 2017 SIN NGA AU 0
I was made in a big factory in France. I was made of linen, a sturdy brownish fabric. So I am still very strong even though I am 127 years old. Let me tell you my story.I can still remember the first place I lived in. It was a stationery shop. I had been there for a month, but no one came to buy me..........Read More

Proposal for the 20th Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival

July 20, 2017 Mei Kun May Chan 0
  1. Introductio
This proposal is submitted in response to the Hong Kong Youth Arts Society’s proposal writing competition. In this proposal, a theme and three events will be suggested. The benefits and organization will also be chiefly discussed.
  1. Them
It is proposed that “Joy to the World” will be the th.........Read More

A Letter of complaint

July 20, 2017 Mei Kun May Chan 0
Dear Sir/MadaI am writing to complain about the poor condition and problems of the centre and the attitude of the assistant manager.I would like to start by saying that there are several problems in the aerobics class. The instructor is not professional enough which makes me doubt whether she is qu.........Read More

This is just to say

July 18, 2017 Mei Kun May Chan 0
I have just finished every bit othe chocolate chip cookiethat were freshly baked by you.And whicYou were probablgoing to share them with your friendForgive mthey were too deliciouso crunchand so fresRead More

A letter to my friend Henry Lau who cheated in his exam

July 16, 2017 CHI YUI CHUNG 0
Dear HenryHow's it going? Something I  would like to tell you today.Remember that day we are having our English exam? Everyone worked very hard at it, even you, I can see. But I'm sorry to tell you that I saw you cheat, with a piece of paper in the drawer, which is the vocabulary list, with a list .........Read More

Starting off the story “When Caroline ran away”, recount one moment when you wanted to run away from home. Describe what happened and how you felt at that time. Do you still want to run away from home now? Why?

July 9, 2017 CHI PANG TSANG 0
Caroline was an impulsive girl and she went away from home. However, I had a thought of running away from home too when I was in Primary Four.My memory is vague but I can still remember what happened. A glass plate was broken at the beginning and glass fragments were thrown into the rubbish bin. The.........Read More

A letter to the editor

July 9, 2017 GRACE HO 0
Dear EditorThe Tiger Mother's Parenting StylAfter the book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" was published, more and more people know about what the tiger mothers are like. Amy Chua, the author of the book claims that tiger mom's parenting style is the best way to teach kids and tiger mothers are .........Read More

A New Version of the North Wind and the Sun

July 6, 2017 HIN YAN LAM 0
A New Version of The North Wind and the SuEverybody knows the famous fable of The North Wind and the Sun. This fable tells us that gentleness is the way to win. However, the story didn’t end...The North Wind was angry. He didn’t think that the Sun was greater than him. So they decided to have a com.........Read More

Inter-class Singing Contest

July 4, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
Inter-class Singing ContesThe theme of this year’s Inter-class Singing Competition is “Dream”.  The event was successfully held on March 29.All junior form classes joined the contest.  One major criterion for judging the performance was the ability to perform the song with creativity.  Much earlier.........Read More

Love without limits

July 4, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
Love with no LimitPeter was upset. He was said to be ‘inconsiderate’ by all the people.‘Be considerate! Think about what we would be feeling that you take away and use our stationery without any prior notifications!’ some classmates asked with fury.‘Why didn’t you help me carry the fruits? I was so.........Read More

Karotz Your Intelligent Helper

July 4, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
Karotz, Your Intelligent HelperFuture homes are to be equipped with a smart helper!  Karotz is a 23-cm tall intelligent gadget which has multiple functions hidden in its adorable designs.
  1. What Features It Has: An Unbearably Cute Interactive Companio
Regarding its appearance, the best word to describ.........Read More

The Day I Went out with My Pet

June 29, 2017 CHEUK HEI WONG 0
This is going to be sad, yet very true......When my grandfather was alive, he told me a story, a story about him and his pet, when he was still a child.Back in the 80s, when he was still a child, he had a dog. He didn't tell much about it. All that I knew was that its name was Bonnet. He refused to .........Read More

Alvin, the “Normal” Boy

June 29, 2017 CHEUK HEI WONG 0
Alvin was just a normal boy, nothing special. That’s was the description for his life so far. But no worry, he was finally going to encounter something special! Let’s see what had happened, shall weToday was just another normal, boring day with nothing worthy to be mentioned. Alvin was hanging out .........Read More

The Blue Whale Game

June 9, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
Dear EditoSelf-harm, depression and suicide – these are words that one would never associate with games.  But the world is full of unexpected threats.  The Blue Whale Game shocked world leaders by its popularity among young people and its horrible aim – to cleanse one’s society by having those with.........Read More

In Hong Kong it seems to be common for people to think very highly of expensive brand-name clothes and fashion accessories (e.g. bags and shoes). This is true of students as well as adults. Write an article for your school magazine. Explain why many Hong Kong people think this way. Say whether you feel that this is a good or bad trend for students to follow. Give reasons for your opinions.

Brand-name goods: good or bad

It seems like everybody owns a brand-name bag nowadays, doesn’t it? Hong Kong people think very highly of expensive clothes or accessories by famous designers and shops, even teenagers. Do you think it’s cool to own designer clothes? Do you know why such a trend is prev.........Read More

Short Story: Irreversible

April 25, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
4C Chong Mei Sze, CindIrreversiblEvlyn sat in front of her window.  Her eyes were infiltrated by rage and hatred, staring off into the pitch black sky.  Her mind was making its way back to the same scene again and again.Never could she believe that Avril, who once was her best friend, could have b.........Read More

Short Story: From Gloom to Glint

April 25, 2017 LAI FAN YUNG 0
4C Cheung Chun, CarloFrom gloom tglinTommy dashed into his closet, messing up all well-folded t-shirts and pants after switching off all the lamps in the house.  In the dark was a shivering boy praying to God, hoping that the Almighty Lord could relieve his mother’s angerA few minutes ago, the l.........Read More

My Extraordinary Sunday

April 19, 2017 WING YAN CHENG 0
Finally, it’s Sunday. A day that I can actually have a rest after a week of non-stop learning and extra-curricular activities. A day that I could wander around my home aimlessly and no one is going to stop me. Well, these are my plans for every Sunday. This has been my weekly routine since I was you.........Read More

Mission Impossible

April 19, 2017 SHING CHIT FAN 0
Last Sunday, I woke up at nine as usual in the morning. I walked downstairs and wanted to eat breakfast which my mum prepares every day. But I couldn't see anything on the table, so I went into the kitchen. I then heard a soft voice,' Son, look here. I'm your mum.I couldn't believe what I saw, that.........Read More

Alien Invasion

April 19, 2017 KWUN LUN YIM 0
“Your mother will be only twenty centimeters tall tomorrow with our wrong shot of our special light to the body of your mother. We are totally sorry about that but unfortunately, you need to deal with that tomorrow. The only way to make her tall again is to give her ice cream to eat when the moon co.........Read More

New Year Resolution

April 19, 2017 CHEUK HEI WONG 0
21 days have passed in 2017. I have sorted out two aspects that I have to work harder on.First, I have to be a more independent person, no matter if it is studying or casual life. I often rely on others and seldom try to use my way to solve problems. In this new year, I have planned to learn to stop.........Read More

If I were Miss Shih

April 6, 2017 KWUN LUN YIM 0
I have been wondering how it would be like if I were a teacher during primary school because I was too bored after doing all of the homework. However, it is no more right now since being a teacher is no longer a dream of mine and I don't have that much time for daydreaming. It is quite hard to imagi.........Read More

The change of John

April 6, 2017 KWUN LUN YIM 0
There was a schoolmate of mine called John who was once very naughty and bad-behaved. He was the black sheep in the school.He was the black sheep because firstly, he had been adding fuel to fire. Once, a boy fell down on the stairs and everyone went there to help that boy, except John. He went down .........Read More