A speech for recruiting new members for a school team

March 27, 2019 LAI FAN YUNG 0

Good morning fellow student

Let me start my speech by asking you severaquestions. Do you find it almosimpossible to persuade your mother to buy you that adorable video game? Do you lose your quarrels to your siblingand you can just turn into an angry maniac giving out nothing persuasive bubiased.........

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The day when I swapped my body with Hayley

March 14, 2019 YI KIU NG 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I suddenly found that I was lying on an unfamiliar bed, wearing unfamiliar clothes, in an unfamiliar room…Everything was strange. There’s a clock and I saw that it was 2 o’clock. Suddenly I saw a witch sitting on a broom.........Read More

Real Sports vs Virtual Sports

March 14, 2019 HO KWAN NG 0
 Since we are small, we have been always reminded of the importance of doing sports for maintaining good health. However, a new kind of sports ‘virtual sports’ is promoted to the public, especially the young generation. Virtual sports players use electronic devices to "put themselves" in a designate.........Read More

Real sports are better than virtual sports

March 13, 2019 HO YIN YIP 0
Nowadays, virtual sports are becoming more and more popular due to the virtual development of technology and people's fast pace of life. Virtual sports are also called eSports, they are the competitors in a gaming area. The eSports athletes are talented in gaming and have a clear mind with different.........Read More

Virtual Sports VS Real Sports (a forum entry)

February 28, 2019 CHING NGA YUEN 0

     Nowadaystechnology is getting more advanced.Althougreal sports isstill the mainstreamvirtual sports has already turned into favourablealternative to many.Are you a fan too?I think virtual sports is better and let me tell you about the attractiveness and benefits.

    First of all, virtual .........

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A Letter to the Editor on filming in the city center

February 26, 2019 CHUN WING YEUNG 0
Dear EditorThere were some movies filmed in our city in the past few years. Some people believe that filming movies in the city centre should be banned, and I am writing to support their view.First of all, the life of citizens will be greatly affected. Usually, filming movies along the street requi.........Read More

Should movie makers be allowed to film in the city center?

February 26, 2019 WING HO LEE 0
Dear EditorI am writing to express my views towards movie-filming in the centre. I support this proposal because it is increasing the choice of movie makers, saving the local movie industry and flourishing tourism.To begin with, it is believed that shooting in the city centre like Central and Tsim .........Read More

Staffed or Unstaffed? Let’s see!

February 21, 2019 CHUN CHEUNG 0
As we are approaching to a new era of unprecedented development of advanced technology, thbusiness models in Hong Kong are gradually transforming. From McDonald’s replacing cashiers witordering machines to the recent Okashi Land going unstaffed, the trend is conspicuous --- retails shops arremovi.........Read More

With the recent news that Hong Kong people have topped an annual list of longevity, you’re invited to give a speech in an assembly as an exchange student in the States on why we live long. Write the speech.

February 21, 2019 MEI SZE CHONG 0
Good morning everyone! Some of you may not know me, as I’m an exchange student from Hong Kong and have just been here for around a month. Today, I feel very much honored to be here to share with you all on the topic of longevity. Surprisingly, Hong Kong people have topped an annual list for that, an.........Read More

Letter to the editor on a current issue

February 21, 2019 MANG CHEONG RAYMOND CHAN 0
Dear EditorI have doubt on the views from the letter on September 4 by Tsui Kit-lam, “Stop providing plastic covers for umbrella”.It is undeniable that plastic covers do damage our environment, since plastics take hundreds of years to dissolve, and our landfills will reach their maximum capacity wi.........Read More

Is Hong Kong ready for driverless vehicles?

February 21, 2019 MEI SZE CHONG 0
Times have changed and so has technology, renewing and revitalizing itself almost every day. While many parts of the world are focusing on technological development, developing AI and having unmanned shops, Hong Kong is trying to catch up and follow suit. Nowadays, other countries are also opting f.........Read More

A Magic Adventure

December 17, 2018 YI LEONG NG 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I looked at the window. How strange! There was no thunder and rain outside. I thought that it was just a part of my dream, then I went back to sleep. However, I heard the noise again. I was annoyed, therefore I started t.........Read More

A journey to the pyramid

December 12, 2018 LOK YIN NATALIE CHEUNG 0

A journey to the pyrami

One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I was standing in the science laboratory and I saw a new time machine. I yelled, ‘Wow! Doctor Sam has already finished his time machine. Let me try it!’ Then, I climbed into the huge time machine.Read More

Peace will make hate and destruction vanish

December 12, 2018 CHUN YIN LI 0
Sleeping on my comfortable bed, I was suddenly awakened by the distant thunder. Suddenly, a strike of distant thunder hit the circuit box. I was toasted by the electric overload. My soul flew away from my body.And I heard a mysterious voice saying, "I hope that he will be able to stop it all from ha.........Read More

The pros and cons of hiring domestic helpers

September 10, 2018 LAI FAN YUNG 0
Pros and cons of having a domestic helpeIn recent years, it is common to find a domestic helper in many Hong Kong families.  While having a domestic helper seems to have lessened the burden of many parents, there are also many who sing a different tune and think that housemaids are troublemakers wh.........Read More

The Modernized Version Of The Boy Who Cried Wolf

September 1, 2018 TSZ YING YAM 0
Once upon a time, there was a village called Sheep Land.The people there earned money money by selling sheep. Sheep were very important for them.There was a boy called James. He was a quiet boy.He seldom communicated with others,so some of the villagers always bullied him.Although James was unhappy .........Read More

Instragram enriches social lives.

September 1, 2018 LOK WUN CHAN 0
Instagram is a famous social media app nowadays. It is an app for people to share their daily lives with others by uploading photos and videos. I think Instagram can enrich the social lives for mainly 2 reasons.First, we can share photos of our daily lives to the others immediately. We can upload ph.........Read More

Past Paper Practice (Letter To The Editor)

September 1, 2018 YU TSANG CHAU 0

    I'm writing to express my views on the use of social network platform. I believe that social network platform brings harm to people.First of all, the world of the social network platforms are dangerous. Nowadays, almost all the people in Hong Kong have at least one or more than one account of so.........

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A Letter To The Editor

September 1, 2018 YU TSANG CHAU 0

Dear EditorI am here to write about my opinion about dog-eating should be banned and respond to Pat Chan's letter entitled 'supporting dog-meat eating' dated May 2.First of all, I would like to rebut the arguments of Miss Chan. Miss Chan claimed that dog meat has nutritional value, therefore it is .........

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A Personal Letter

September 1, 2018 YU TSANG CHAU 0

Flat A, 2/F, Block 2Naughty Garden10 Chung Hau Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloo8th December, 201Hey  RonnieI'm glad to receive your letter. Let me tell you a good news. I'm dating now! Guess who my boyfriend is? It's Justin. How about you? Do you have any new relationship with JamieIt's good to hear.........

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A Mystery Location

September 1, 2018 YU TSANG CHAU 0
It's time for a riddle! Let me tell you about a mystery location. All the Carmelians must have been to this place before.When you are there, you can see some stone tables and benches. Colourful tiles cover half of the wall in which you can find some students' design. Also, there are one or two trees.........Read More

Tiger parenting

August 21, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Is tiger parenting really suitable for bringing up childrenTiger parents have already prepared their children’s path, and it is always the perfect and successful path. The tiger babies walking under the tiger parent’s guidance always manage to triumph under pressure. They strive for the first under.........Read More