Dare to Try?

October 15, 2017 HOI CHING CHAN 0
A youth magazine has run the ‘Dare to Try’ programme recently. You have joined it and been invited to write an article to share your experience. Write the entry.Dare to TryI believe everyone has braveness, much or just a bit, we all have that. Who can express it is called ‘the brave’ while who can.........Read More

To what extent do you agree to the saying, “Modern technology has shortened the distance between people”? Write an article for your school newsletter.

October 15, 2017 TIFFANY WING CHING LAM 0

Just one click awa

Some say modern technology has shortened the distance between people. Others say technology is the very barrier that stands between interactions. What do you think? I certainly think that modern technology can, to a large extent, bring people closer, though of course there’re exce.........Read More