School Year: 2009-2010

Urgent review of consumer protection needed
Dear Editor
I am writing on behalf of the Consumer Right Concern Group to report on a service-related complaint which our group has received recently. According to statistics from the Consumer Council, service-related complaint rose from 22,427 cases in 2006 to 29,247 in 2008. Many of these cases in.........
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Technology: the Curse of Mankind
Before you doubt the title of this article, ask yourself: Is technology an absolute blessing to mankind? No one on earth can deny the improvements of humans’ lives brought by technology. If technology is so perfect, everyone will spare no pains to advance it and make our world an ever-better p.........
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Stop Checking and Start to Communicate!
Imagine you are chatting with your friends online, do you expect that the conversation will be read and examined by others after some time? It is not natural for anyone to expect this but this is actually the situation that many children are facing. Nowadays, some parents would like to check their c.........
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Should schools stop using liberal studies textbooks
Dear Editor
I read with interest the editorial in your newspaper on the issue of schools defying no-textbooks advice, dated on September 28 2009. I came up with some opinions on this issue at once and would like to share them with readers on the topic below
Should schools stop using Liberal Studies .........
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Write an article entitled “Hong Kong youngsters: the road to success”. In your article, discuss
Write an article entitled “Hong Kong youngsters: the road to success”. In your article, discuss the qualities and the skills you think are important for children to become successful individuals and what can be done to help them succeed.
Hong Kong Youngsters: the road to succes
Nowadays, much focus is.........
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Thanks to the media and the model agencies, a considerable number of young ladies are pumped out last summer. Right before June, some of these nameless girls were ordinary students like you and me. Some were working part-time and some were idling the days away. These girls, aged between 17 to at mos.........
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Hong Kong has done much to build its reputation as a modern, cosmopolitan city, but it has not put m
The campaign to preserve the Star Ferry clock tower and Queen’s Pier in 2006 and 2007 unleashed a new wave of protests against demolishing historic sites in the city. While Hong Kong has allocated many resources and manpower to build its reputation as a modern and cosmopolitan city, it makes l.........
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Recently, two S.5 students of your school have played truant for a day to attend a meeting with thei
Recently, two S.5 students of your school have played truant for a day to attend a meeting with their favourite pop band from Taiwan to collect the members’ autographs. This incident was found out by your school’s Discipline Master. As ways to punish these two students, the principal dec.........
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Recently, two S.5 students of your school have played truant for a day to attend a meeting with their
Recently, two S.5 students of your school have played truant for a day to attend a meeting with their favourite pop band from Taiwan to collect the members’ autographs. This incident was found out by your school’s Discipline Master. As ways to punish these two students, the principal decided to su.........
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Hong Kong youngsters, the road to success
Nowadays, parents are more and more concerned about the intellectual development of their children, buying them food with high nutritional value or asking them to join tutorial schools in order to boost their intelligence, there are actually a number of qualities and skills that are important for ch.........
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Hong Kong has done much to build its reputation as a modern, cosmopolitan city, but it has not put much effort into preserving or restoring its historic sites. Write an essay discussing the benefits and drawbacks of preserving Hong Kong’s past.
Hong Kong, being an international financial and commerci.........
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Healthy Competition, never too early
Life is a battlefield and nothing ever falls from the sky. In our daily lives, competition is unavoidable, even if it involves a tiny, insignificant matter like fighting for a bus seat, we always need to compete with others for our own interests. This is a winners’ world and second place equal.........
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In response to public outcry against drug abuse in schools, a voluntary drug-testing scheme for seco
In response to public outcry against drug abuse in schools, a voluntary drug-testing scheme for secondary schools will be held in Tai Po.
Write an essay stating whether you support this scheme or not. Justify your views with at least three reasons. Give your essay a title.
Voluntary Drug-testing Schem.........
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The invention of the credit card has brought along much convenience to modern life. However, this a
The invention of the credit card has brought along much convenience to modern life. However, this added ‘convenience’ has also spun off problems such as compulsive shopping and irresponsible spending. Today, more and more people are addicted to the habit of spending on credit, without an.........
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Competition is an essential element to children
It is all agreed that the world is changing rapidly. Everyone has to equip themselves in order to compete with others. In this society, competition is unavoidable even is our daily lives. Many people feel that competition is an important part of adult life and so children should be exposed to compet.........
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Children’s privacy and parents’ rights
What would you feel if someone reads your text messages, e-mails or online chat records? I am sure you will feel frustrated, uncomfortable and even angry toward that person. However, what if that person is your parent? Would you feel the same way too
Nowadays, some parents would like to check their .........
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Cash or Credit cards?

Advice to friend: to choose accounting or music
Hi! Are you doing well these days? I’ve received your previous letter and I know that you’re struggling about the subject choice. I’m glad that you asked for my advice. Take it easy, Mary. I’d suggest you choose accounting as the major course in university, and treat music as.........
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Advice to a friend on what subject to take
Dear Mary
How are you? I bet you are quite busy now, preparing for your graduation exam. I am also working hard for it. Let’s work hard together! I know you are worrying about which subject to take because you are interested in music but it is not a promising subject. Actually, I think that is.........
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Advice on what subject to choose: accounting or music
Dear Mary
Thank you for your letter. I do miss you too. We haven’t met each other for so long. I’m quite O.K. these days and how about you? Let me tell you one thing – I have a new girlfriend. She’s called Wai Yee. She’s cute and I love her so much. I’ll let you s.........
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A Step to Crack Down Drug Abuse

Your school is thinking of having a Wall of Freedom on which students can voice their opinions in wr

Wall of Freedom is our treasure!
Freedom of expression prevails in our society. To keep abreast of times, our school is thinking of having a Wall of Freedom on which students can voice their opinions in writing. The launch of this new measure has aroused a bunch of questions on the abuse of freedom and its effectiveness. In order t.........
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Teenage suicides

Should children be involved in competition?
In recent years, competition has become an indispensable part of our lives. All of us, including even children, are involved in competition. This has stirred up much controversy over whether children should be exposed to competition. With the irreplaceable importance of competition, children should .........
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Responsibility≠Violation of Privacy
Since the last decade, the bonding between parents and children has been weakening. The worrying quality of family relationship stems form the mistrust between the two generations. While some parents think that their children send out suspicious messages, some children regard their parents as suspic.........
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Job Prospects First, Passion Second
Every year university graduates face the same problem: what kind of career should I choose? Even though they are capable of doing different jobs, the choice between job prospects and passion often puzzles them. While some think that job prospects are the main concern, others believe that passion is .........
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The “presumed consent” system for organ donation in which individuals are automatically consider
The “presumed consent” system for organ donation in which individuals are automatically considered donors after death unless they choose to opt out of the system by registration has been adopted in several countries. Seeing an acute shortage of organs in Hong Kong, some people propose th.........
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It is obvious that most people cannot live without mobile phones in Hong Kong. It is therefore safe
It is obvious that most people cannot live without mobile phones in Hong Kong. It is therefore safe to say that most people are in favor of them. However, as an exercise in persuasive writing, your English teacher wants you to write any essay that criticizes the use of mobile phones.
Your essay shoul.........
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