The Animal Class

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 Our class is a zoo.All of us in class are animals too.We have many kinds of animalswhich are as colourful as the rainbow.

Our class teacher is a lionwho gives us different forms of assessment.She teaches us English.Her dictation passage is always very long.

Our class monitor is a chimpanzee.He is ugly but good at PE..........

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The Animal Family

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

There is a hard-working EAGLE in my animal family.He goes to work till night from the morning.He would be fierce to his daughters when they are naughty.He is my kind daddy. I call him ‘ba ba’.

There is also the most beautiful special CAT in my animal family.She is the most beautiful furry BIG catBu.........

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The Animal Family

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 I have a vulture, a funny friendly vulture.He is good at art and likes to draw pictures.He is hungry but he eats the leastbecause he wants to let his children eat more meat.He is had-working and takes care of the family.I call him ‘my dearest daddy’.

I have a pig, a fat lazy pig.She always sleeps a.........

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The Animal Class

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

In our class, there is a monkey.He looks different from us.He always chats and annoys us during the lesson.We like him very much and he is called Gareth.

In our class, there is a bird.She looks like the cartoon character “angry bird”, the yellow one.She always shouts in our class and we sometimes ca.........

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The Animal Class

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

2A has a bird.She is sometimes angry and noisy.She likes playing volleybalwith one of her friends who is very tall.She is called Candy.

We have a hamster, a happy white hamster.She is always helpful and hard-working.She has some missions, which are difficult to accomplish.Everybody knows that she i.........

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Small-class teaching

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 Dear Editor,                                 

I am writing to express my support for small-class teaching that has been adopted in some schools.

Firstly, small-class teaching helps to improve the study of students. As a secondary school student, I find it hard to concentrate when there are around fo.........

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Our Animal Class

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

My class has a dove.She is kind, considerate and full of love.Everyone likes her because she is so friendly.She is our monitress and I call her Kelly.

My class has a puppy.She is so cute, lovely and lively.No one minds even though she does something silly.She is our chairlady and I call her Kary.

My class has a tiger..........

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My Mom Shrank!

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

The story happened last Sunday, when I was still sleeping, dreaming about a fairy and a princess. Everything was going well in my dream until the princess suddenly shouted at me loudly, but unclearly. I couldn’t hear what she was saying and she repeated her words. This time I got it, she said, “Wake.........

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My Animal Family

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I have an animal family.My dad is a lion.He is a hungry man.He eats a lot of meat.He is the Lion King.We need to obey his order.

I have an animal family.My mum is a swallow.She always gives me food to swallow.She also encourages me to flhigh up in the sky.She is the kindest mother in the world.

I have an animal family..........

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Life is a Journey

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I believe that life is a journey.  During our journey, we may encounter lots of challenges.  It is the time to test our weakness, courage and faith.  Sometimes, the road is not smooth or easy. We may get into the wrong direction.  It is hard to go through it.  At this time, if we are lucky, we may m.........

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Life is a football Match

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Someone says life is a ride, someone says it is a box of chocolate and someone says it is a mountain, but I think life is a football match.

In a football match, you will have a lot of ‘enemies’, your opponents.  Similar to your life, you also may have someone you hate or dislike, but you must not fee.........

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Imaginative Writing

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 Last Sunday, when I awoke in the morning as usual, I yelled, ‘Mum, is my breakfast ready? I am so hungry after sleeping for 13 hours!’ However, no one answered me. I walked into the kitchen to find my mum but I found a doll. I looked closer at the nude doll and it looked like my mum! Then, the doll.........

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“If I were the Earth”

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

If I were the Earth, I would be proud of myself as I am a great creation by God. Also, I would be proud of myself because I am the most beautiful, lively planet in the universe. There are trees and sea on my skin, clouds as my clothes and living creatures as my accessories.For humans, they are also .........

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Exams encourage students to learn

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

There have been a lot of arguments about whether exams encourage students to learn. In my opinion, exams do not encourage students to learn. First of all, students study very hard for the exam so they do not have enough sleep. If students do not have enough sleep, they may feel sleepy and tired on .........

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Examinations encourage students to learn

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

  All the schools in Hong Kong have examinations. But there are still some arguments about whether examinations encourage students to learn. In my opinion, examinations cannot encourage students to learn. Let me explain why I support that.  First of all, not many students will do revision every day.........

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Examination encourage students to learn

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Examination is part of some students’ life. However, there have been so many voices saying that exam is useless and it cannot encourage students to learn. I totally disagree. I believe that examinations encourage students to learn. Let me explain to you how it works.

First of all, examinations bring.........

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Examinations encourage students to learn

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I agree with the statement, 'Examinations encourage students to learn' ? Let me tell you the reasons now.Firstly, examinations can remind students to study, like an alarm clock. It is effective for some lazy students since they do not have the habit to study on a regular basis. Examinations can enc.........

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Animals in 2A

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

We have a panda, a fat, lazy panda.He is, of course, not as fierce as a boa.He is the most precious ‘treasure’ in our class.He is Ricky, the boy who always laughs.

  We have a monkey, a naughty, funny monkey.In class, he is acting ridiculously.He is always chatting with friends and boasting.And he c.........

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An Animal Concert

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I have a liona big cruel lion.He always roars at his son and daughterme, and my brother.I call him papa.

I have a sheepa small docile sheep.She has a pair of sharp eyesAnd she likes looking at the sky.I call her ‘ma-mi’.

I have a pandaan old nice panda.She sometimes sleepsAnd she will never weep..........

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A useful watch

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 I am a useful watch which was born in a BIG factory in Thailand. I came to Hong Kong when I was young. After I came to Hong Kong, I lived in a shop which had many different watches. There was also a big poster with my face on it! I was very famous. There were many people to buy my sisters. But nobo.........

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A Mystery Location

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I would like to share about my mystery location with you. I won't tell you what it exactly is because it is a "mysterious place" ! Anyway, don't worry about it , it is easy to guess where it is and what it is and I believe that all Carmel students should know about the place.  Let me give some hint.........

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A Mystery Location

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Try to guess my mystery location, it is not difficult at all! Almost all the Carmel students know this place. Let me give you some hints now When you enter the place, you can smell the flavor of food. So, your mouth may be filled with your saliva. You can buy cooked food and drinks near the counter.........

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A Mystery Location

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 There is a place in Carmel.  It is full of surprises. It is the best place in Carmel, too. I will give you some hints to guess it.

 In the morning, you can see some students study and have lessons in this place. There are a few teachers to take turn to go there every day.  Sometimes, you can also s.........

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A Mystery Location

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Hey! Do you know Carmel well? Really? Let me give you a riddle to guess. The answer is a quiet and secret place in Carmel. Do you want to know the clues? Let’s see

First, it is a place that we can be more close to nature. There are many trees and grass. They are all green and the lawn is really big.........

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A mystery location_

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

A mystery location? For me it is... I can't tell you but I can give you some hints to guess it. I hope you can guess it.This place is in Carmel Secondary School. It is a big and attractive place. Many students like to go there in recess time and after school. I think this place can make me feel rel.........

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A meaningful visit

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Last week, I had a visit to the home for the elderly. First, we gathered at the school playground. Teachers briefed us on the allocation of works. We carried all the gifts and got on the school bus.

We arrived at the home for the elderly at 2 o’clock. The manager of the home for the elderly led us t.........

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A Meaningful Visit

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Today was Saturday. I visited the elderly home with the volunteers in the afternoon. It was very meaningful

We gathered at the school playground. Also, we prepared the gifts that we would give to the elderly before we went to the home for the elderly. At two o'clock, we arrived at our destination. .........

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A famous football

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I am a football produced by NIKE in Brazil. The one who produced me gave me sharp orange clothes while my brother goyellow. But I don’t know why people always called m”T90”, but not giving me a name.

  One day, a man picked me up and put me into a box written “to Hong Kong”. After a few days, I.........

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Unique Anson

January 22, 2013 CS Admin 0

I am Chan Pui Shing, Anson. I graduated from Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School (Hung Hom Bay). It is my great pleasure to join in Carmel family. Let me introduce myself.

My appearance is not extraordinary. However, I find myself quite sturdy in certain parts of my body and I am a little bit ta.........

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Three things I’m proud of

January 22, 2013 CS Admin 0

  I was born twelve years ago as a baby girl and now I’m twelve. I have experienced many things through these years. Some were sad but some were happy. I’m just an ordinary girl and I have nothing to boast, but things to be proud of. The three things that I’m proud of, which are also the most impo.........

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