Proposal for a café at The BIG

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Proposal by Pat Cha

2tFebruary, 201

1.    Introductio

As a dessert-lover, I would like to propose a café at The BIG.  Chill Out Café was inspired by the concept of ‘green’. It will be selling high quality, eco-friendly cakes and beverages. It is believed that this brand-new concept-inspired café.........

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Online opinions on social media

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

To add to this online debate on social media, I’d love to put forward my thoughts too.

I believe many of us use smart phones and download lots of apps for communication. Those social media really influence our daily lives especially the communication with people.

There are many apps for people to mak.........

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On-Call 36 Hours

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

A surgeon is a specialist in surgery.  Surgery is a broad category of invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a living human body, for a specific reason such as the removal of diseased tissues or to repair a tear or breakage.  In Hong Kong, surgeons train far longer than other specia.........

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My dream

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Do you know what a teacher does every day? Having lessons or marking the homework? They are only parts of the story. A teacher needs to prepare for the lessons, have meetings with other teachers. They even need to take good care of the students, not only their physical problems, but also mental prob.........

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Letter of Adjustment

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Mr. Leung

I am writing in response to your letter, making some comments about your experience working as an au pair for our company in Germany.

We are sorry that you could not contact our office while in Germany. We now have a new international emergency number which is available for 24 hours..........

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Is it a blessing or a curse to live in Hong Kong?

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Since the late 1tcentury, Hong Kong has become an important city in the world as it was treated as a trading intermediary between the Chinese and the foreign countries. However, time goes by and the growth of some countries and cities are threatening the international position of Hong Kong nowaday.........

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I love trees

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Her dream is to preserve our beautiful earth.  She kept chasing after it and finally succeeded.  She is Mandy Yuen, who works as an environmentalist in a well-known NGO, the Conservancy Association.  Young Post interviews her to introduce her meaningful career.


To be an environmentalist .........

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Home Office

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Computer is commonly used in these years. Most families have at least one computer in their home. E-commercials, homeschooling, home office, start to appear in society, especially home office, since more and more people in Hong Kong choose to work from home. But what are the advantages and disadvant.........

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Graffiti in Public Places

March 6, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Edito

I am writing to express my view on the recent hot issue about whether graffiti in public places should be supported or not.I personally do not see any point in allowing graffiti in public areas.

There are three reasons why I am against it.  The first reason is that graffiti in public pla.........

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Fight Depression

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

The major cause of teenage depression is that there have been many changes in the education system. As we all know, the system of public exam changed from HKCEE and HKALE to HKDSE. Students are required to do more work such as SBA and IES. Teenagers who are still studying may have difficulty in adap.........

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Fight Depression

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

The major cause of teenage depression is that there have been many changes in the education system. As we all know, the system of public exam changed from HKCEE and HKALE to HKDSE. Students are required to do more work such as SBA and IES. Teenagers who are still studying may have difficulty in adap.........

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Fight Depression

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

In recent years, the number of teenagers in Hong Kong suffering from depression has been on the rise. The teenagers will feel stressed and nervous all the time and will develop negative thoughts easily. In severe cases, they will commit suicide. In fact, depression is not that really scary and there.........

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Career as an Animator

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Animators are no ordinary artists.  They specialize in making art with movement --- animations, which can be found in cartoons, movies and video games. Young Post meets Faith Lam, who works as an animator in BreamWorks Animations, a renowned animation company which has produced many popular movies.


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Proposal for selling beauty product in The BIG

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Proposal for selling beauty product in The BI

1.    Introductio

The purpose of the proposal is to open a shop selling beauty products in The BIG. As The BIG is a brand new shopping mall located in Tsim Sha Tsui, “KISS” intends to provide a wide variety of prestigeous and favored beauty products us.........

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Building a New Gym vs a New Library

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Mr Smith

I have learnt that our school has received a grant to expand our facilities. As a student, I strongly recommend that the school build a gym instead of a library because it would be the most beneficial to both the school and the students.

First, our school lacks sports facilities. In ou.........

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A Proposal of Unreasonableness

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Recently, the Sports Club has proposed that all students should be required to join a sports team at school.  But I do not support their proposal.

My first reason is everyone has different talents and it is unreasonable to require everyone to take up sports.  Some students may be strong in film prod.........

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A New Discovery

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Peter

Hello! How are you? Recently I have a chance to work closely with your idol, Mary, during her concert. You must be very interested in my experience, right? After working with Mary these days, I found that she is very different from what I thought of her before. Let me share my experience.........

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A day with special powers

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

When I was smallI always thought of Aladdin Genie. If he granted me three wishes, I would demand more toys, eminence and beauty. Yesterday, I thought of my wishes again. I wanted only two thingto become a mind-reader and the ability to foretell the future. I even laughed at my absurdity at that t.........

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Hong Kong, the city of wonders

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Some grumble that Hong Kong is infamous for being a city of complaints because of its complex historical background. Living under the rule of both British and Chinese governments, some young people in Hong Kong find it difficult to build their sense of identity. In fact, there are several wonders in.........

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When David Met Sally

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her. It was the first day back at school and David couldn’t help but fell deeply in love the moment he set eyes upon Amy. David was shy towards Amy, and he couldn’t look at her directly in the depth of the eyes, fearing his passion towards her would b.........

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March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

“Oh! Chris, I can’t imagine finding a job is really so difficult.  What a tough world…,” he looked at me desperately.  His voice was weak and hopeless.  Looking at his red-rimmed eyes, I knew that he really sank to the very depth of despair.

“Paul, every cloud has a silver lining.  You’re going to f.........

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The Hitchhiker

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

‘Make sure you keep an eye on him. He still hasn’t quite fully recovered yet.’ I heard the nurse say to my mom.

‘Don’t worry. I’ll bring him back on Monday.

As we walked out of the hospital, I saw my father in the car waiting for me.  I gave him a smile but he didn’t smile back. He seemed worried.


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Teenagers’ heaven- Hong Kong

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Some lament the fact thaHong Konseemnobeinin chaorecently with lots of protests for different issues on the street. Some teenagerevethink that Hong Kong is a hard place to livedue tthe problems, for instance, the widening wealth gathe increasing competitiofothe university places and th.........

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Stress? No Way!

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

Recently, a friend of mine had joined a Facebook event named Let’s Suicide.  A few days ago, he jumped from his apartment.  The tragedy received widespread media coverage and set alarm bells ringing over the stress faced by youngsters.

For many years teen suicide has been a taboo subject in the commu.........

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Should wet markets be replaced by supermarkets?

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

‘Three dollars per kilogram! Three dollars per kilogram!’ The tell-tale noisiness of a wet market hits me straight in the face as I take just one step in.  I have been going to the wet market since I was a kid – with my mother when I was young and alone to run errands as I grew older.  This place is.........

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Sharing of a news reporter

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

The Best Part of My Jo

            Have you ever thought of being a reporter? Being a journalist is so special that I can meet people from all walks of life, ranging from the grassroots to billionaires.  I also have the golden chance to interview great people and the elites from different fields.  I.........

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Sharing of a famous news reporter

March 4, 2015 CS Admin 0

The Best Part of My Jo

            Have you ever thought about interviewing some famous people in person?  Have you ever dreamt about travelling around the world without paying a penny and being part of the news you read in the newspapers?  All these come true when I become a news reporter for the H.........

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