Switching souls (a story)

August 21, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw sand everywhere, and another fennec fox ducking into the den, panting. I thought, ‘The last fennec foxes were dead.They were extinct! What am I?’. I heard the thunder again. It was actually gunshots.After the thund.........Read More

Learning without walls

August 21, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
On April 13, we went to Disneyland—The Land Of Physics. Learning without walls was rather fun and educational. Who thought learning physics could be so funThe teacher of the class took us through Disneyland while introducing how the engineers designed their rollercoasters with the use of physics. W.........Read More

The excitement of working on stage

August 19, 2018 SHUN YIN WONG 0
Watching dramas is one the popular activities among Hongkongers. We enjoy watching dramas. In fact, Hong Kong has produced many high-quality dramas. There are countless troupes in Hong Kong providing different types of dramas for audience to choose from. There are four elements in a drama, including.........Read More

When was the last time I cried?

August 19, 2018 CHI PANG TSANG 0
What does the word "cry" mean? Why do people cry? Actually, I had some ideas when I was reading an article. First, people may cry because they feel upset. For example, they have arguments with their friends or parents. In this situation, people weep over to pour out their emotions. Also, people may .........Read More

The funniest animal family

August 19, 2018 CHI PANG TSANG 0
I love my animal family.All the animals are living joyously.Do you want to come and seeI promise you that it would be funny.I have a bee, which is hard-working.Due to his busy job, our relationship is breaking apart.I know that he works for me.But I want to say, "please be lazy!"I also have a sheep.........Read More

Surviving in this War Zone of Hong Kongers

August 19, 2018 MAN CHING LOW 0
How often do you witness your parents, siblings, or any other family members going home all exhausted, giving you a weary smile, going straight to the shower and heading right to their bed afterwards? Do you notice any difference when they return home after long hours of work? It is not news to see .........Read More

Letter of Adjustment

August 19, 2018 MAN CHING LOW 0
Dear Mr. SThank you for your letter concerning the case on May 9th. We are sorry to have brought your clients an unpleasant experience and we have already looked into the matter with the utmost attention. However, there are quite a few points I would like to clarify first.First off, it usually take.........Read More

Proposal for Reincarnate in Tsim Sha Tsui

August 17, 2018 MAN CHING LOW 0
I. IntroductioHong Kong has seen remarkable economic, financial, and social advancement, though not so much with environmental development, while the city lives up to its notorious image of a town filled with pollution and wastage. Up until this day, though the quantity of waste disposal has been s.........Read More

Knit-along and Warm a Heart

August 17, 2018 JI SEM LAU 0
Knit-along and Warm a HearJoin the principal and the teaching staff this Saturday to knit scarves for a charity project by Street Sleeper Support (HK).Why take partAs we always say, we have to care for the needy in society. However, in reality, most of us just turn a blind eye to their needs and s.........Read More

I am a book

August 17, 2018 TSZ SHING WONG 0
Life is a book. Some chapters are sad, while some are happy, and some contain both, or even moreIn my chapter about childhood, it was mostly filled up with joy and happiness, while the rest of it was about fear, anger, and sorrow. Let me quote some sentences inside me. "In Primary 6,  I went to the.........Read More

I am a Precious Polaroid Picture

I am a precious polaroid picture. I had been living in my owner's polaroid camera for four weeks until one day, light hit my skin and I was pushed out of the camera. Soon enough, I started to transform into a colourful polaroid picture! My owner and her friends looked at me with a glint of amazement.........Read More

Imaginative Writing

My favorite day of the week is Sunday. Why Sunday? It's because it is the only day that I can spend quality time with my family. However, last Sunday was very extraordinary. Well, actually, it was pretty hectic.Last Sunday, I woke up with my stomach grumbling very fiercely. I was so hungry to the ex.........Read More

Animal Friends

August 13, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Animal friendI have a swan, effortlessly graceful and humble.Although she excels at everythingShe is never boastful.Her name is Grace.I also have a dove, hardworking and peace-loving.She never insults or provokes anyonand always does her very best.Her name is Esther.The last of the animal is a mu.........Read More

Are domestic helpers treated fairly in Hong Kong?

August 13, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Are domestic helpers treated fairly in Hong KongI think that domestic helpers are treated unfairly in Hong Kong.To begin with, the government does not do enough to protect the rights of domestic helpers. Although the government has required employers to provide domestic helpers with suitable living.........Read More

A young teacher’s diary entry

August 13, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Dear DiaryToday was my first day at Radom Secondary School as a teacher. I had extremely high hopes as I entered the campus, but sadly, all those hopes were shattered.In my first lesson, the students were responding actively to my questions and I was quite pleased. However, as I walked around the c.........Read More

A letter to the editor

August 13, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Dear EditorI am writing to express my view on  the use of social networking platforms. I believe that the harm social networking platforms bring us absolutely outweighs the benefits.Firstly, social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are extremely addictive and indirectly m.........Read More

I could never believe I had been so foolish – a story

August 12, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
I could never believe I had been so foolish – a storIt had been several days since the Nazis had kept me confined in this rotten cell. They starved and tortured me to squeeze whatever information I had, as they thought the fear and hunger would make me talk, but they were wrong. I would never betra.........Read More

Beauty are more a curse than a blessing

August 12, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Beauty are more a curse than a blessinSome people may believe that beauty contests are more a curse than a blessing, and I can’t agree more. Beauty contests may seem like an opportunity for people to shine through, but what damage and harm can it bring? We are going to discuss it here.To begin with.........Read More

Are domestic helpers treated fairly in Hong Kong?

August 12, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Are domestic helpers treated fairly in Hong KongDomestic helpers are treated fairly in Hong Kong most of the time. The Government and different organisations are defending their rights.To begin with, the laws in Hong Kong are designed to protect the rights of domestic helpers, such as the Labour De.........Read More

Life is…

August 12, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Life is...Life is a complicated, puzzling maze full of unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes the twists bring you to a paradise. Sometimes they bring you to hell instead, but you won’t stay in a place for too long, as the maze is ever-changing, and you have to drift away eventually, no matter how h.........Read More

An animal home

August 12, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
An Animal HomI have a fierce, fiery lion.He has a bad temper and an even worse breath.With every yell, horrible scent fills the room, making me mad.Luckily, he’s out most of the day. He’s my dad.I have a gentle, loving rabbit.She has a pretty face and an even more wonderful smile.She makes good dec.........Read More

A letter to the editor opposing dog meat eating

August 11, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Dear EditorI am writing in response to Pat Chan’s letter entitled “Dog Meat Eating” dated May 2 in the SCMP. I am opposed to the arguments of Pat Chan.First, Pat Chan writes that “Dog meat eating is a tradition of many Asian societies which should be respected.” There were thousands of traditions t.........Read More

The ascension of the Asian stars

July 26, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
The Ascension of the Asian StarAlong with technology, popular culture is also advancing and evolving at a blistering pace. In recent years, Asian singers and movie stars are accumulating popularity all over the world and are no longer appealing only to Asian audience. But why are Asian stars able t.........Read More

Defeating Depression

July 26, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
Your school magazine is going to include a special feature on mental health. Recently, one of your friends was suffering from depression. Write an article for the school magazine about your friend’s depression and how he/she overcame it. Give advice to others on how to help fight depression.Defeating Depressio.........Read More

A diary entry about the celebration of a special day

July 26, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
You celebrated a special day today. Write a diary entry about the day. Use the following three headings to write the diary entry. Add one heading of your own.
  • Why today is specia
  • How I prepared for the da
  • What I did during the da
  • Your own headin
Dear DiaryWhy today is speciaI did it! I can’t believ.........Read More

The pros and cons of the tiger parent approach

July 25, 2018 Wai Yi Lam 0
The pros and cons of the tiger parent approacMany Asian parents like to adopt the tiger parent approach of bringing up children. Is the tiger parent approach a good way or a bad way to bring up childrenThere are advantages of being brought up by tiger parents. As children normally do not have much.........Read More