The mysterious magic night (1D Celine Yeung)

December 27, 2021 HOI NGA YEUNG 0

It was a stormy night. The night was howling loudly and the rain was pouring. Someone was knocking on the door.

“Help me! Please!” A voice outside my laboratory said.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the one and only one Celine, the most famous scientist in England! As I was peeping through the .........

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A Phone Hero (2D Adrian Yeung)

December 27, 2021 CHUN YIN YEUNG 0

Hi, I'm a mobile phone. My owner is a teenager named Arora. We had a lot of adventures together. Now let me tell you a story about me

I was born on August 8th, 2020 in a factory. I started having consciousness on November 2nd, 2020. The first thing I remember seeing was my cute owner, Arora, with a .........

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The Mysterious Contact (2D Sharon Leung)

December 27, 2021 SHUN WA LEUNG 0

As a cool breeze of wind blew into my owner’s bedroom, I woke up. As usual, my owner, Giselle, rubbed her half-opened eyes and immediately told me to open Carmessage, which was an app for texting others. She pressed on a contact which she named ‘I miss you’ and texted that person ‘Good Morning.’ It .........

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A Mouse’s Life (2D Rosanne Chan)

December 24, 2021 WING SUM ROSANNE CHAN 0

‘Ding ding--’ The annoying alarm clock went off suddenly, snatching my sweet dreams away. I was irritated by it so I yawned and stretched lazily. However, when I squinted, I was startled by what I saw.

The alarm clock was ringing but the clock wasn’t in my reach as I was not even in my bedroom! Glanc.........

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An Amazing Night (1D Yolanda Chan)

December 18, 2021 Administrator 0

It was a stormy night. The wind was howling loudly and the rain was pouring. Someone was knocking on the door. I put down my pen and walked towards the door and open it. I was shocked. A lady with a pair of wings was standing in front of me. Unlike those fairies in fairy tales who were tiny and hold.........

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An Amazing Battle (1D Jadon Chau)

December 18, 2021 Ka Yuk Tse 0

It was a stormy night. The wind was howling very loudly and the rain was pouring non-stop. Someone was knocking at the door — by that I mean a massive vault door made of tough black metal. As I sat by the warm fireplace, I watched the crackling flames when I heard the knocking. I got up and head for.........

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The Battle at the Beach (1D Jakin Chui)

December 18, 2021 KAI CHING JAKIN CHUI 0

It was a stormy night. The wind was howling loudly and the rain was pouring. Someone was knocking on the door. I answered the door and discovered that it was my captain. He ordered, “It’s time to be in position. It’s expected that the Allies are going to attack the Atlantic Wall. We still don’t’ kno.........

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