A Diary Entry

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Diary

  Today was my first day of teaching History in ABCSecondary School. I had one lesson in 2C only. I was very excited.

  In the first lesson , I entered the classroom of 2C and introduced myself excitedly but only a few students listened to me attentively. Then, I told them to open the Hist.........

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A Diary Entry

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Monday                                                     Cloudy                                                         sSeptember, 201

Dear Diary

                What a day! Today’s the first day of teaching in my new school, and it was a total nightmare.

                First of all, the studen.........

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A Diary Entry of a Teacher

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

  sSep, 2013

 Home sweet home! Today was a tiring and horrible day.

    I still remember this morning I was both nervous and excited, since it was the first day for me to go to school as a teacher. When I got to school, however, the excitement was overcome by nervousness, butterflies were flutteri.........

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A day as a volleyball

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I woke up and felt unusually uncomfortable. I was in a cage with volleyballs. I was a volleyball. I was confused and didn’t know how to react. All I could do was to wait for help.

Moments later, I heard someone was talking, it was a group of boys! I thought to myself that help finally arrived, but I.........

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A day as a bumble bee

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

A bumble bee. Hm. I am a bumble bee, with yellow and black stripes on my body and a pair of wings attached to it. A sting or needle, whatever you call it, is embedded into my butt. It is so cool. I long to use it to sting someone, but something tells me I’d die if I use it. Well, I won’t then.

I fly .........

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