My Animal Friends

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I’ve got a cat, a fat, fuzzy cat.She sleeps and eats as there is something she wants to forget.“My parents are diand my brother is an idiot,&She mewed in a sorrowdidn’t know how to live better tomorrow.Call her Joyce, but listen to her pitiful voice.

I’ve also got a She’s kind and he.........

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A wonderful rubber

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Hi, everybody! My name is Maple and I am only three months old. I was a rubber born in a big stationery factory in Korea. My master used plastic to make my body and a stripe of colorful paper for my clothes. I am happy because of my beautiful appearance.

After two weeks, I was bought by my new master.........

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Life is …

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Life is a book, a thick book, a thin book or a book which just has a few pages. It can be written a lot of things, or just a few. It can also be a fantastic book, or just a normal one. It means that life is unexpected. You cannot predict what is going to happen. You can pass away when you are only 3.........

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Life is…

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Do you like getting on a ride? Do you think that it is exciting and attractive? Life is just like a ride. When the ride starts, you will be extremely nervous because you won’t know what will happen next. You won’t know what will happen tomorrow. Sometimes, you may want to know your futur.........

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Life is …

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Life is &Life is sweet.It is just like the candy that we eat.Sometimes the sweet will disappear suddenly.But it will appear again surprisingly.

Life is souwhen you become a loser.But you need to rememberyou will not lose forever.

Life is bittewhen we are hiding at the corner.You must think about th.........

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Imaginative writing

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
The sun rose in the East .The sunlight came into my house .A marvelous day started.Ring !Ring !Ring !My alarm clock rang as usual .I woke up and turned it off.“Mum !” I called my mother. “Mum, where are you ?” Yet, no one answered.“Mum, where are you ?”I asked again. There was still dead si.........Read More

How can I help Edith to improve her self-esteem?

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
Edith likes to look at my drawings. She always asks me to give my drawings to her as presents and she also likes to buy some books which are about drawing comics, but she seldom draws. I once asked her why she didn’t attend any drawing classes with me. She told me that she thought her drawings.........Read More

Examinations encourage students to learn

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
Some people think that examinations can encourage students to learn. I strongly disagree with this idea. As I am a student, I will say that examinations may have their benefits. For example, they make it easier to assess the ability of students, or train students to use their time wisely. But examin.........Read More

Examinations encourage students to learn

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

There have been a lot of arguments about whether examinations can encourage students to learn. In my opinion, students can learn many things from examinations. Let me explain why examinations can encourage students to learn.First of all, I think exams can let students learn time management. Students.........

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An Imaginative Story

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
Last Sunday, I was awoken by a scream of a girl (or a woman). I opened my eyes and looked around, but I saw nothing. I looked at my clock. It was only seven o’clock…..Hey, how come there was a Barbie doll sitting on my clock? I didn’t know why, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep “Bibibi, .........Read More

An exhausting television

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

‘Please, can you let me take a rest' I begged.

That was my master. He was ugly, lazy and he was a bad boy. So I always felt exhausted and sick because of him.

Every day, when he came home from school, he would press the button on the remote control and I would be turned on until 11:00 at night, so I wa.........

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An arrogant dictionary

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I am a big, clever, knowledgeable and well-informed dictionary. I was born in a big factory in London. I came to a Hong Kong book shop by aeroplane. So, I was quite expensive but worthwhile.

I hated other books in the shop. And I even looked down upon them because some of them were foolish, boring an.........

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An Animal Poem

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

An Animal PoeWelcome to 2C Zoo.You will see some of the animals here soon.Hey! Don’t eatOr other animals may step on your banana skin and fall down on the stairs

First, let’s look at this happy eagle, which is very big and tall.He does not like playing silly games with us at all.He has very short hai.........

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An Amusing Teacher

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

This year, I was taught by a new teacher, Mr. Li. He seemed to be a forgetful and … special person.On the first school day, Mr. Li – our class teacher came into our classroom in the class teacher period. He wrote down his name on the blackboard and sat on the teacher’s seat. Without sayi.........

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A responsible alarm clock

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I am an alarm clock. I was made in China and later sent to Australia. My life target was to serve people and society. What a big dream, right? ‘Dream Big.’ Nick Vujicic said that before. He was my idol. Why? He was born without limbs, like me. And he was an Australian, like my owner.

My owner bought m.........

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A piece of useful chalk

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Hello! I am a piece of white chalk. I am tall and thin. I live in 2E classroom. I have many friends : red chalk, yellow chalk, green chalk, purple chalk, blue chalk, duster, towels and blackboard. I have lessons with teachers and students every day.

Every morning, subject leaders use me to write noti.........

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A Personal Letter

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Ronnie

How are you these days? Miss you so much.

You seem very interested in my school picnic day this year. I’ll tell you more details. Our class went hiking! We hiked between Wu Kau Tand and Sam A Tsuen. The views were spectacular along the trail, we saw beautiful mountains, running stre.........

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A Naughty Basketball

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I am a naughty basketball. After I was made, I was put onto the shelf in a sports shop. I was young and new. I stayed there for only two weeks before a little boy who was very interested in basketball took me home one day.The little boy put me into a cabinet which was very dark and it had many stink.........

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A Mystery Location

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I have a mystery location on my mind, but I can’t tell you. I will give you some hints to know where it is.

This place is inside a shopping centre. It is very big and air-conditioned. There are some shops next to it, such as a music instruments store, food stores and even a tutorial centre. There are.........

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A Mystery Location

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Hello! I’m going to tell you a mystery place. See if you can guess the place in a few seconds.

First of all, this place is in Carmel. It is a place that almost all the S1 and S2 students have gone to. Going there is also an unforgettable experience to all of us because when the bell for this lesson r.........

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A Mystery Location

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to tell you a mystery location. It is a place which is as beautiful as heaven, I think. It is an outdoor place in school, very big and wide. Please guess it.

In this mystery place, I can see a lot of God’s creations. There are tall and strong trees standing straight with big green .........

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A Mystery Location

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to introduce a mystery location to you. But I won’t tell you the answer. I will let you guess. Almost all the Carmel students know this place.

It is in the old wing of Carmel. It is outdoor and it is as large as one and a half classroom. First, I can see a lot of things there. There are .........

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A Mystery Location

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I know a mystery location. It is … Oh, sorry! I can’t tell you. But you can guess it very easily because many Carmel Students know this place. Let me tell you something about it.

This mystery location is not in Carmel but it is only five minutes’ walk from the school. Also, this place is quite b.........

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A mystery location

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I am going to introduce a place near the school to you. But because this place is really normal and every Carmel student must know it, I will give you some strange hints to let you guess this mystery location.There are many brothers and sisters of this place in Hong Kong, but you can surely identify.........

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A Mystery Location

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
A Mystery location? Of course I can't tell you what this place is. But maybe I can give you some hints. Probably all the Carmel students know this place.This place is much bigger than our classroom. But there are not many people going to this place at the same time. There are many stoves in this pla.........Read More

A Meaningful Visit

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
We prepared a lot of packages today. They were presents for the elderly. We were going to visit a place where people aged 65 or above lived.In the morning, at 9 o’clock sharp, we all lined up on the playground. The teacher announced strictly‘Today we are going to visit the elderly home. But t.........Read More