Don’t worry, be happy!

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Nowadays, many teenagers always face different kinds of problems and difficulties. These kinds of problems and difficulties make them feel vexed and irritated. I have similar experiences because I am a teen, too. Do these feelings ring a bell? I know how to make myself feel relieved and the key to h.........

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English Debating Team

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Do you want to improve your English? Do you wish to be more persuasive and logical? Do you love the thrill of thinking up arguments to rebut others’ points within a short period of time? If so, the English Debating team is right for you

Through joining the English Debating team, you can take part in.........

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Animals need your help!

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Have you ever seen stray animals on the street? I bet it is not an uncommon situation in Hong Kong. According to some surveys, there are about 25000 stray dogs in the New Territories. This is yet only part of the story. Thousands of strays are found in the urban area. In fact, animals are to be prot.........

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Animals Have Rights

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Animals are living creatures like humans. They are able to feel pain, hunger and thirst. We should not inflict any suffering upon our fellow creatures just because they can’t speak our language.

There are more stray dogs and cats on the streets. The number of them has been increasing in these few yea.........

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A Letter to your favourite character from a book

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Artemis

I have been a huge fan of yours ever since Grade five. To me, you’ve always been part of my life, growing up with me through each book. I’ve always seen you as my role model, a person I truly look up to.

I really admire you. How can you be so calm and composed all the time, not letting a .........

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A Letter to the Editor

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear EditorAs teenagers are the future of our society, we give them lots of rights and chances to learn, so they can well equip themselves and grow. However, have we ever been concerned about what they want and what makes them happy

A recent survey has found that young people place money at the top.........

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A letter to the Editor

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear EditorI am writing to express my opinions about the phenomenon among the young people.A few surveys which were recently conducted showed that the young people consider money as the main cause of happiness and it is a very important thing to them. They link their happiness and goals to money. H.........

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A Letter to the Editor

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

Nowadays, secondary students have to study different electives in the new NSS English Curriculum. Some people criticize that it is a waste of time and students do not benefit much at all. As a student who is taking short stories as one of my electives, I am writing to express my views to.........

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A letter to the editor

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to discuss the new trend about more men putting emphasis on their appearance. More and more gentlemen are in search of better looks nowadays. They not only wear make-up but also turn to plastic surgery to improve their facial features. Is this a desirable trend? In my opinion, it is alr.........

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A day as a coffeeshop assistant

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
Talking with friends in a cafe may be your most favourite activity. However, every time when you are enjoying a coffee break, have you ever noticed what the coffee assistants are doingI had a chance to work in a cafe for a day recently and I would like to share my experience with you.I had chosen t.........Read More

A day as a coffee shop assistant

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I always thought that being a coffee shop assistant was an easy task and I could earn money in a relaxing way. Yet, I have changed my mind towards work since yesterday.

Yesterday, I went to my uncle’s café. He had not got enough staff in his café, so he invited me to work in his c.........

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Walking in the Rain

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

The light rain bought plenty of moisture to the land, like a naughty child. It cried like a baby and water droplets kept falling onto the ground, causing trouble to the people. ‘Splash!” A puddle of water was run over by a car passing by, wetting my trousers. The cool temperature of the .........

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Walking in the Rain

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

In an early Sunday morning, I went out to the park nearby to meditate for a little while by myself. There was a little rain but I chose not to bring my umbrella because it was not heavy at all. It was only a light little shower in the lovely spring. The nature was dozing in the dim glow of sunlight .........

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Walking in the Rain

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Something kept dropping on my head as I walked hastily forward alone. I looked up to the skies. Slowly and gradually the silver clouds sand and broke. Powdery droplets scattered and showered through the city.

The rain, looked sometimes like needles, sometimes like cotton threads, and mostly in the fo.........

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Walking in the Rain

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

‘Tick…tack….tick….tack….’ The sky turned from sky-blue to grey. Soon it began to sprinkle. ‘One drop….two drops….’ I counted the droplets down to my hands. The sudden rain made me feel cool but it seemed that citizens could not compas.........

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Walking in the rain

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I walked out from the school. I felt a little bit cold since it was now drizzling. I like drizzling as it won’t be too heavy and it can also wash away the dust on the street.

I slowly opened my umbrella and started walking home. At the same time, I found that there were lots of students standing at t.........

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Walking in the rain

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
Today, the weather was exceedingly gloomy and oppressive; the sky was overcast with heavy clouds. There was a heavy rain.When I got off the bus, I looked up at the sky. The sky was listless. There were black clouds sailing in the dark sky. It was sad and crying; many tears were falling down. Soon, t.........Read More

TV Programmes for Teens

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to suggest the following kinds of programmes for Teen TV

1. Game shoGame show could be one of the programmes on Teen TV. Contestants would be asked questions about current affairs, popular culture, history, art, etc. Teenagers could get a lot of useful information and broaden their kno.........

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TV Programmes for Teens

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to suggest the following kinds of programme for Teen TV

1. Beauty pageanTeenagers would love to watch beauty pageants as everybody knows. Teenagers care a lot for their looks. Not only girls love beauty, even boys take a long time to get dressed and make themselves look more pleasant. .........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

As a secondary student, have you ever thought of studying abroad one day? Studying in the foreign country may be a dream of ours. In this article, I am going to explore the pros and cons of studying abroad.

First of all, one of the advantages is that it is a very good chance to broaden our horizons a.........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Many students choose to study abroad nowadays as they want to experience foreign cultures. In this essay, I would like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages in studying abroad.

The first advantage in studying abroad is that we can experience foreign cultures. Every country has its unique cul.........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Nowadays, many students in Hong Kong consider studying abroad after completing Secondary Three. The students and their parents think that it may be the best choice to have senior grade of education in foreign countries. In this essay, I may look at some of the arguments for and against studying abro.........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

A lot of students were sent overseas to study abroad. Some may even consider studying abroad after completing Form Three. But is it really a good time to study abroad after completing Form Three? In this essay, I would like to share with you my views on the pros and cons of studying abroad after com.........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

In recent years, studying abroad has been all the rage. More and more students go studying abroad after completing Secondary Three. Some people say yes – they should do that, while some people say no. In this essay, I’m going to tell you the advantages and drawbacks of studying abroad af.........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Have you ever thought of studying abroad? If you are interested in studying oversea, there is a good chance for you to know more now. The school’s Career Group is now organizing a programme called “Overseas Education”, in this programme, we’ll analyze the advantages and disad.........

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Suggestion Form

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to suggest the following kinds of programmes for Teen TV

1. DocumentarI suggest the Teen TV introduce documentaries for their viewers to provide more knowledge about current affairs to broaden their horizons. Nowadays, there are many soap operas broadcast on TV. Although these programm.........

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Suggestion Form

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to suggest the following kinds of programmes for Teen TV

Reality shoReality shows could be introduced to help teenagers to learn the right attitudes to cope with their problems in life. Nowadays, when teenagers encounter difficulties, they tend to avoid facing them and feel frustrated..........

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Suggestion Form

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I would like to suggest the following kinds of programmes for teen TV.

1. Soap operA soap opera could be introduced for Teen TV. It is a very funny and charming programme. Nowadays, not only teenagers like to watch soap operas, adults also love to watch them. Studying is hard for the teenagers now. .........

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