My awful experience in a Chinese restaurant

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Last Sunday, it was my Grandmother’s birthday so we went to a famous Chinese restaurant for dinner. We had a group of twelve so we made a reservation in advance.

When we arrived at seven o’clock in the evening that day, the restaurant was very crowded. There were many people waited for a table..........

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My Awful Experience in a Chinese Restaurant

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0
My awful experience happened when I was in Primary 1, at my grandfather's birthday banquet, and my aunt and uncles of my mum's family were all there. On that day we went to the "New Territories Big Restaurant", but this restaurant is closed now.My mum was the first one who arrived at the restaurant to .........Read More

Fable writing-Greedy Molly

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Molly who lived in a little village. She lived with her mother in a small house. Molly was very greedy.

One day, Molly's mother wanted Molly to pick some flower and apple from 'Apple Garden' and allowed her to buy some candies at ‘Can.........

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Book report

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Book title: Fairy dreams (a magical journey to fairylandAuthor: Gwyneth Ree

This is a story about a girl called Evie. She believes in fairies but she didn’t see them. Her grandma believes in fairies too and she told lots of fairy stories to her. Evie loved her grandma’s story and her gr.........

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An unforgettable picnic

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Last week, my parents brought my little brother and me to Kam Shan Country Park to have a picnic. On that day, we woke up at 7 o’clock. After breakfast, we went to the country park by bus.

In the country park, there were many trees, bushes, flowers and tables. First, Dad took out his camera and took .........

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An email to a friend

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Hello Pegg

How are you? Long time no see. I miss you so much. Do you still remember me

Summer holiday is coming! How will you plan your holiday? I’ve seen some posters about some summer activities. I want to join the swimming class and worshipping class because swimming is a good sport. It kee.........

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An awful experience in a Chinese restaurant

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

I never forget an awful experience of having lunch in a Chinese restaurant.I remember that it happened about five months ago. I went to a Chinese restaurant , Chi King, for lunch with my family. When we went into the restaurant , we smelled a strange smell. We found that it was from the toilet! The .........

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A surprise birthday

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0
When I woke up that morning, I knew something was going to happen.It was Sunday, and I wanted to do my homework earlier, so I woke up at 7:30a.m.. When I opened my eyes, I found that my sister and I were in a dark, strange bedroom. There were just two beds, and a door but its colour, beds and door w.........Read More

A New Member

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

A New Membe

I wish Mr. Bean would be our classmate. He is very funny. I wish that he could make us livelier.

Let me create a story about him.

Once, Mr. Bean came to S1D, we were all surprised. Then, Miss Ho asked him to introduce himself but he didn’t know Chinese, so he just looked around and r.........

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A lion and a tiger

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Long time ago, there was a tiger and a lion. They were good friends. They were bad and they always hurt and killed animals.

Every day, they found food with each other. One day, the lion was sick, so he asked the tiger to help him to find food. The tiger said, ‘Okay.’

When the tiger went out to find foo.........

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A Letter

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0
Dear Miss LeeI had a deep thought after you asked me if I am spending my time on the right things. I think I spent too little time on my interests because I am always busy on weekdays. Your letter really reminds me that I should also spend more time playing instead of doing homework and studying fo.........Read More

A Letter to Mrs Leung

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Mrs Leung

I know that you are going to retire this year. Although you can’t always see us when we are learning and playing, you can still come back to Carmel Secondary School and visit us.

I think it is a good news. It doesn’t mean I don’t like you but this is another part of your li.........

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A farmer and his cow

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Once upon a time, there was a farmer and a cow. The farmer had a wife, a son and a daughter. They lived in a village and they had a farmland.

The farmer was very poor. His farmland did not have harvest so he thought he had to kill his cow so that his family could eat the meat. Before he was about to .........

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A Diary

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Sunny Monday, 13thApril,200

The sun brightly shone in Zhongshan in the morning and nearly melted me.I felExcited because it was my first visit.

Firstly,we went to an old Hakka village.There was a pond with two dragonspringing water out from their mouth.The guide said the water could make us lucky.

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A collection of Home Reading tasks

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Home reading task

Write a letter to your former teacher about your life in Carmel.

Dear Miss LeungHow are you? I am doing fine here at Carmel Secondary School. The teachers and students are all very nice so I am already starting to fit into secondary school life. I think in secondary school, there a.........

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2 Poems

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0


Studying the things we received.Teachers teach every day foUT. Always hand in homework on time because we are afraid of thDetention Class which makes us go home late and we can’t have our tea.Exams make us crazy and we are sNaughty. We makTeachers always angry, but wSeldom feel sorry.

The Naughty Bo.........

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2 Poems

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Poem 1: Blac

Black, the colour of the dark skyI feel cold when I see it.Black, the colour of my bad dreamsI feel scared when I see it.Black, the colour of warm clothesI feel thankful for them in winter.Black the colour of ColaI feel sweet when I drink it.Poem 2: Golden gold fis

Golden gold fishare cats' yummy d.........

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No, Never!

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0

When I was ten, I liked playing with toys very much. One day, I went shopping with my mother. I saw a very beautiful doll in a shop.'Mum, can you buy that doll for me?' I asked.'You’ve already bought many toys. I won’t buy toys for you anymore,' answered mum. I was disappointed. T.........

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No, Never!

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0
I say 'No, Never!' to myself every time I think of giving up. I am neither a lucky guy nor a clever guy. Every time I want to do something, it just takes me a lot of time. I think they are the examinations for my endurance and patience. I need to think for a long time and I need to work on i.........Read More

No, Never

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0
I like playing computer games. I don't like studying very much. I don't always listen to my parents. But ... NO! I never try or do one thing. This is smokingI never like people smoking.I never like smoking. I don't like it not only because of its smelly and stinking smell, but also because there.........Read More

Letter to Principal

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Ms LamThis week is an unhappy week for 7C. Two of our classmates were expelled due to a fighting at an inter-class sporting event. I know that you must have struggled when making this decision. However, I am afraid that you do not understand the whole situation well. As a witness of the incide.........

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Can I?

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0
The air is dead at this moment, and I feel really miserable. It’s now 1 a.m. I don’t want to describe how sleepy I am. I am staring at my homework. “Oh, it can be done before two, but there is English homework to be finished too,” I talk to myself. If there were 30 hours a da.........Read More

YUI realized her dream

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0
YUI, who recently held a concert at Budoukan, a place where only famous singers can hold a concert, is a new star in Japan. She is a young girl of just 20 years old, but already she has realized her dream.Everything started when she was in her high school. During that time, she had many chances to s.........Read More

Is it better to be an only child or to have siblings?

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear EditorI am writing to express my opinions on whether it is better to be an only child than one with siblings. While many of us may love to be an only child, I think that having siblings is much better.We can always have a person to play with and talk with if we have siblings. If we have siblin.........

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Can I?

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0
It’s really a problem, a big problem that can’t be solved. My stomach feels like having a roller coaster trip for ten times. It rolls up and down, and everything inside my body wants to escape from my stomach and bladder. The big problem is that I am totally helpless. I’m sitting i.........Read More

Rich are those who feel rich in the heart

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0
I still remember this girl who looked ordinary, but was beautiful in her heart. She was around ten years old and lived in a village in Guang Xi, China. Our encounter was unforgettable because her smile taught me a lot.Two years ago, I went on a trip called ‘Offtrek’ to a village in Guang.........Read More

Can I?

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0
Time is always flowing quietly at ‘different’ speeds. It can be as fast as rapids when you are busy or enjoying the fun of life, but also, it can be as slow as a snail crawling in the soil when you are bored or facing some difficulties.When I was a child, I always wanted to grow up and to be maturer..........Read More

A Personal Letter on Reality TV

March 2, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear PatHow are you? Have you started your revision plan yet? I know that you want to take part in a local reality TV programme. Are you sure it’s a good ideaIf I were you, I would not take part in it. I understand that it’s so much fun. Hopefully, you may even win a prize. But I guess it&rs.........

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