When Triangle met Circle…

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

In a small village, there was a story about Triangle and Circle. Triangle was very arrogant because he was the fastest runner in the village.One day, Triangle met a circle. Triangle boasted himself and said to Circle‘I know that you are a good runner in the village, too. I am thinking of invi.........

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When Caroline ran away…

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

After Caroline ran away, her younger sister Louise was very worried. During lessons, Louise got a headache. She took a nap in the medical room. When she was taking a nap, she had a horrible dream…

In her dream, Louise saw Caroline on the street. She was very glad to see her. “Caroline! I am Lou.........

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Thank you, Auntie Oi Oi

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I want to say 'Thank you!' to Auntie Oi Oi very much. She has looked after me for twelve years. I feel thankful to her because she treats me as her friend. Some home helpers have bad relationship with their employers but we are not. We can trust each other and have good relationship. We can .........

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Thank you, Miss Lee

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Miss Lee is one of my teachers in my primary school. She has taught me for two years. But she left school in 2006. She is now teaching in another school.

Miss Lee was my class teacher and English teacher when I was in Primary Two. I love her lessons very much. She put some games in the lectures. She .........

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Thank you God

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Our God is wonderful. He gives me health and happiness. He let me live in a comfortable and safe place. He went to the world and died for us. He used his blood to purify our sin. So I want to thank Him.

There was a thing that I would not forget. When I was five years old, my domestic helper Judy swep.........

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“Thank you” can work like magic

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
“Thank you” is a magic word. When someone helps you or someone gives you a present, you must say “thank you” to them. The behaviour shows that you have good manners. If you do so, other people will be very impressive. They think that you are very kind and they will make frienOn the contrary.........Read More

Write a story with the given beginning

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
ne night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I found that I was in a strange forest which was very quiet but it was quite windy that night. I walked around the forest with my bare feet and looked for someone’s help.After a while, I heard some moans through the trees.........Read More

Story Writing

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. The strong wind banged on my bedroom’s window. As I opened my eyes, I noticed there was a giant knocking on my window. I was so afraid at that moment, so I hid under my bed immediately. I heard someone yelling at me.“Emily, we’re.........Read More

Special me!

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

No two persons are alike. I am unique because I have a birthmark on my forehead. I hate eating ice cream and I love cooking very much.

I have got a red mark on my forehead since I was born. My father tells me I need not worry about my birthmark because it will not affect my health. It was very obviou.........

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Reading to Succeed

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
According to a research from Oxford University, young people who love reading have a better chance for career success. I agree with that.We can absorb knowledge in the books. As we can’t get all the knowledge in the books at school, we can learn more than others through reading books. We can g.........Read More

Reading to Succeed

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
According to a research from Oxford University, young people who love reading have a better chance for career success. I agree with that.We can absorb knowledge in the books. As we can’t get all the knowledge in the books at school, we can learn more than others through reading books. We can g.........Read More

Reading to succeed

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I agree that young people who love reading have a better chance for career success. There are some examples.

First, there are lots of advantages of reading. People can learn some new words while reading. They can also learn how to write fluently and how to make the story interesting. If someone wants.........

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The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

‘T was a summer night when I set sailTogether with my mum and dad.We saw two bright stars weeping in the skySo we asked why they were so sad.

“We are Niulang and Separated from each other by the Milky River.We’ve been punished by the Goddess of HeavenSo we can’t meet each

Touched by th.........

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What type of books do I enjoy reading most? Why?

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I enjoy reading detective stories very much because they are very interesting and exciting. When I can find out the murderer myself, I will feel very happy. I really enjoy the feeling of success.I think Sherlock Holmes is the best detective story I have ever read. This book is written by Sir Arthur .........

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Learning at School is much better than home schooling

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Learning at School is much better than home schooling. I do agree. It is an offence for parents not sending their children to school at their right ages.

First of all, students can learn how to communicate with others. They have to meet a lot of people and learn how to respect and care others. But if.........

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I think I am like…

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

I think I am like a bird because I like to travel around the world. Bird does not like to be tied down as it likes to fly in the sky. And I don’t like to stay in a place for too long either. I like to travel whenever I can. Also, I think I am like a bird because I like to talk just like a bird.........

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September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Cyber-bullying is now very popular. The bullies play tricks on others for their own excitement. They also get a sense of excitement or they want to take revenge.

However, the victims have been psychologically hurt. When I was in primary six, my friend was being bullied. The cyber-bullies logged into .........

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September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Nowadays, bullying is getting more serious and more people choose the cyber-world as a place to bully others. There are different ways to bully others through the Internet such as using foul language, posting photos to make it ugly and laughable. On the Internet, there are some onlookers who support.........

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Children in Hong Kong can do things on their own

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

The birthrate in Hong Kong is dropping in recent years. Every family usually has only one child. So children are often spoiled by their parents. It is a serious problem in Hong Kong. Below are my suggestions.

First, parents could let their children try to do some simple housework, for example, sweepi.........

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An Unforgettable Experience

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
When I was in Primary Two, I had an unforgettable experience.One day, my class teacher Miss Yip took our class to join an activity. The activity was about Mathematics. It was especially for the Primary Two students. Firstly, a game designer introduced the games in the hall. She told us to use differ.........Read More

An Exciting Adventure to the Future

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I was in a strange room and I saw some green creatures moving around. I was shocked and thought, “What happened? What happened? Where am I?” Then, I remembered…

At that time, I would be sitting on my cosy bed, reading my fa.........

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An Exciting Sports Day

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0
The forty-sixth Annual Carmel Sports Day was held on October fourth and sixth in 2010. It was held at Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground.During the first day, it was sunny. The opening ceremony started at 8:00a.m. First of all, the principal, Mr Kung Kam Tim made the opening speech. Then all teachers and st.........Read More

An Adventure Story of Santa Claus

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

One day, when I woke up, I found myself at somebody’s home. At first, I didn’t no where it was. But when I looked around, I saw some beautiful decorations. I also saw a fat man with a white beard and he was dressed in red. He was Santa Claus! I was very excited because I had never been t.........

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Climb a Lonely Hill

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

This is a story between a brother and a sister. The main character is Sue and his brother, Jack. One day, Jack and Sue followed their uncle to go to a trip. Their uncle drove his car and went on the trip. They wanted to go to a wild country. Unfortunately, they met an accident when they arrived ther.........

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A Touching Story

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

Have you ever dreamt of a pig making friends with a spider? Charlotte’s Web, a popular novel written by EB White, tells the story of a pig named Wilbur, and his friendship with Charlotte, a barn spider.

Wilbur was a runt. A girl, Fern, kept him as a pet. He was later sold to Fern’s uncle, Mr Zu.........

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A Terrific Day

September 14, 2011 Article Manager 0

The 46th Annual Carmel Sports Day was held at the Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground on 4th October 2010. The students and parents filled the spectators’ stands. The weather was cloudy. There were showers of rain but the sports ground was filled with excitement.The Sports Day began with a prayer led by the .........

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