Say No to Addictions

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Regardless of the level of affluence in any cities, people could be vunerable to different forms of addictions. Although addictions may not necessarily be a crime, but the harm they bring to the society will be just as appalling as an explosion of an atomic bomb -- long-lasting and permeable at diff.........

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Report on Bottle Collection Day

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

The even

The rationale of the “Bottle Collection Day” is to raise the awareness of our students to live green. In order to achieve this, we have arranged a number of recycling bins at the school gate. We have also put up posters to let our students know what is going on and we requested that they s.........

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Reply to the mentee on debate speech writing

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Alex

I've just read over your speech, and I must admit, it’s very well written for a first -time debater. Good job! You ‘ve the potential to be a wonderful debater, so keep up the hard work.

There're some parts that I really like in your speech. The first one is that you're able to introduce b.........

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A letter to the Editor—Problems in the housing estate

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

Recently, one of the most serious and urgent problems in our housing estate – Happy Estate is that a gang of criminals has been tricking old people into giving them money. It is definitely a curse to our estate and has a detrimental effect on the safety of our estate as well. In light o.........

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My day as a teenager’s mobile phone

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

I am a smartphone which belongs to a teenager named Peter. I don't mean to be snobbish but you must envy Peter as I am the latest model and a limited edition. He bought me a few weeks ago and he really likes to show off me, his new toy, to his friends.

Every day in the morning, he unplugs me from th.........

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Letter to the organizer of the Book Fair

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Sir

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction over the sale of books at the 2012 Hong Kong Book Fair. I found many books containing sexy images and promoting violence, which is totally unacceptable and has corrupted the meaning of the book fair, which is to promote good reading habits. It is s.........

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Letter to the editor

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

Downloading entertainment from the Internet has been a common act nowadays. It is known to be illicit but a substantial amount of Net users still do so despite the risk of getting caught. Recently, the government has successfully convicted a person of infringing copyright as he had used.........

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Letter to cousin

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Chris

How’s life in Canada? I miss you so much! Guess What? I went for an audition for a major role in Romeo last week. I always tell you that I wanna be an actor and I finally took a step forward. But I was REJECTED! I’ve a really complicated feeling now. Sour? Bitter? I can’t tell. Let me te.........

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Lesson Learnt

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Last Wednesday, I had the most bizarre Science lesson ever. It was surprising, and yet terrifying.

The school day started with the notoriously boring Science lesson. Mr. Chan was teaching how the nucleus and electrons of an atom interacted. I did try my utmost to stay awake by doodling on my book bu.........

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Learning English through Debating

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. The motion today is “Fast food restaurants do more harm than good.”

First of all, I’d like to define a few words. “Fast food restaurants” means restaurants which provide food to customers quickly, serving easily made food cooked by ready-made or semi-finished foods.........

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It’s now or never

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

A student exchange programme will be held between 18 July and 16 August.Participants will be spending the summer at York Language School in the UK. Inother words, you are going to have a Summer Study Abroad in the UK

During the programme, basically student still attend English courses in thesch.........

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Gap year in Hong Kong

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

In recent years, many high school students in the West, such as the UK and Australia, take a year out after finishing high school before they continue with their tertiary education. I believe it is a wonderful idea for them to join a job experience programme or work for a year and the i.........

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February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my concern about the phenomenon that some parents bring their school-aged children with them when they go to purchase Mark Six tickets at the Jockey Club betting centres while some even ask them to choose the numbers for them. This is a terribly worrying situatio.........

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Drama audition

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Chris

It’s been a long while since we last chatted. How’s your study mate? It’s so busy for me to cope with the stressful exam that I didn’t realize to write you a letter! I bet you’re now enjoying life with the cozy atmosphere there! Lucky you...

Well, you know, being an actress is always my .........

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Common Addictions in Society

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Nowadays, we are constantly faced with different temptations that will ultimately lead to addiction.  It doesn't matter whether the action or thing itself is meant to be good, once it has become an obsession or an addiction, there will be adverse consequences.  There are various addictions in societ.........

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Save our Gem, Poetry

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

I’ve been writing this blog for quite a while.I’m blessed to be able to share my views with you blog readers every week with your unwavering support. While my blog remains a decent popularity among youngsters, I couldn’t help feeling disappointed when noticing POETRY, my all-time-favorite text type,.........

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Let’s Explore The Wonders of Poems!

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Phew!!! I’m finally done with that evil midterm test, hopefully I could pass it! Haha! By the way, I found that many of us aren’t really fond of poetry as none of them chose to write on this topic during the test. (Ironically, I’m a big fan of it!) As a typical student, I think I know the reason att.........

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Animal Abuse

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns on pet abuse in Hong Kong. I am a resident of an old-typed public housing estate in Shek Kip Mei. I really suspect that my neighbours are treating their pets cruelly and even do not treat them as living things. I am so concerned about the incidents.........

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An email to Michael

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Hi Michael


I’m pretty busy these days. But  still, everything’s fine. In recent days, I realized that you seldom post status on Facebook, probably because of the huge workload, right? Believe me, I have gone through extremities of pain brought by the schoolwork and I can offer you tips



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Requiring all students to join a sports team: Why not?

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Recently, the Sports Club of our school has proposed that all students should be required to join a sports team at school. This has certainly raised a controversy among our teachers, classmates and parents. However, despite all the negative opinions about this policy, I think it is definitely a good.........

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Advertising techniques that lure you to buy

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Recently, a brand name watch manufacturer has produced an advertisement to promote its new luxury watches. Since it has invited a world tennis champion to promote the item and at the same time, added a lot of attracting descriptions about the watch, the product has successfully aroused the interest .........

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A Visit to the Legislative Council

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Our class visited the Legislative Council as part of our schoos Liberal Studies Curriculum. It was really amusing to see the LegCo members debating on a hot topiWhether there should be a means test for the Old Age Living Allowance". Recently, the authorities proposed to launch a bigger amount of.........

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A speech sharing an experience of working as an intern

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Good morning dear fellow schoolmates and teachers

It’mpleasure to share my experience working as an assistant for thGoing Green Centrduring this summer.Although he work there was tough indee, the experience I’ve gained ivery memorable and distinct in my secondary school life.

My intimate fri.........

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A speech on parenting

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Good morning everyone. I am honored to be with you today to share my view on parenting. I’m going to share my opinions on the difficulties of being parents today, how to raise a kid with all- rounded personality; what the top priority of children’s life should be and finally, my own experience as a .........

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A review

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

You recently went to see a solo mime performance entitled “A journey on the MTR at the Hong Kong Arts Centre.” The mime was about a man’s experience on his way to work on the MTR. The performance was funny and entertaining. Write a review of the performance for the school newsletter, describing what.........

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A letter to Tracy

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Tracy


How are you?  I’ve seen your photos on the Facebook and you really looked cool! I don’t know you’ve got such good taste in fashion! But I’m getting worried about you after receiving your message. As your cousin, I really want to give some advice to you. I know the feeling wouldn’t be .........

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A letter to the principal

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Miss Lam

I am terribly sorry to disturb you during this stressful period at school -------- with all the parents paying attention to the fight that happened some time ago. However, the matter is very urgent because I heard the decision of expelling Tom and Jerry from the school. Being one of t.........

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A letter to the editor

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor


I am writing to express my opinions about the rise in problem gamblers in Hong Kong. It is worrying that cases which come under light may just be the tip of the iceberg. Everyone in the city should work together to stem the problem. There are two major reasons for the rising n.........

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