I am a fountain pen

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

A fountain pen bears a great mission, a mission that changes destinies.

I am not alone. I have buddies. All of us believe that we have an important mission to fulfil. We shall bear witness to a historical event, an event that shall never be forgotten by all human beings.

We are not arrogant. What I’ve.........

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A fascinating place

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I never thought my school was a fascinating place. It looks the same as any other school—two tall buildings, two playgrounds and two covered playgrounds.

Until one day, I changed my mind. One Thursday afternoon, I stayed at school until 5:30 p.m. after school because of the weekly fellowship. When I .........

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A Diary Entry

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Diary

  Today was my first day of teaching History in ABCSecondary School. I had one lesson in 2C only. I was very excited.

  In the first lesson , I entered the classroom of 2C and introduced myself excitedly but only a few students listened to me attentively. Then, I told them to open the Hist.........

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A Diary Entry

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Monday                                                     Cloudy                                                         sSeptember, 201

Dear Diary

                What a day! Today’s the first day of teaching in my new school, and it was a total nightmare.

                First of all, the studen.........

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A Diary Entry of a Teacher

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

  sSep, 2013

 Home sweet home! Today was a tiring and horrible day.

    I still remember this morning I was both nervous and excited, since it was the first day for me to go to school as a teacher. When I got to school, however, the excitement was overcome by nervousness, butterflies were flutteri.........

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A day as a volleyball

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I woke up and felt unusually uncomfortable. I was in a cage with volleyballs. I was a volleyball. I was confused and didn’t know how to react. All I could do was to wait for help.

Moments later, I heard someone was talking, it was a group of boys! I thought to myself that help finally arrived, but I.........

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A day as a bumble bee

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

A bumble bee. Hm. I am a bumble bee, with yellow and black stripes on my body and a pair of wings attached to it. A sting or needle, whatever you call it, is embedded into my butt. It is so cool. I long to use it to sting someone, but something tells me I’d die if I use it. Well, I won’t then.

I fly .........

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Home Reading Composition

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Shah Bibi (article to Young Post

  There are many people suffering from the harmful effect from a war. Those who suffer the most are the most innocent people---children.

  There are many children like Shah Bibi. Agnes is now a 14-year-old girl. When she was 10, she was abducted from her family’s vege.........

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Study is important

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

When I was in primary school, I always thought that study was not very important, so I usually played and relaxed. This made my results in primary school very bad. Irimarive, something happened that pushed me to study harder since then.

In the second term orimarive, one of the examinations th.........

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Story Writing

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

One night, I was awaken by the sound of distant thunder.  As I opened my eyes, I found that I was in a strange place which I had never been to.  I looked around that place.  I saw a weird but beautiful sky.  The sky was violet.  Clouds were black.  The sun was in the color of blue.  I also saw a dee.........

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Sports Day Article

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Carmel Secondary School held its 4t annual Sports Day on 1t November and 2t November. The warm, sunny and brisk morning was filled with joy and happiness at the Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground. All students and teachers enjoyed it very much.

In the opening ceremony, Mr. Lour, the former principal of.........

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Pleasant Me

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

My name is Phoebe Wong. I am 12 years old and I am the single child in my family. My primary education was in Po Leung Kuk Camoes Tan Siu Lin Primary School.

I am a curious person. I want tgaivarious types of knowledge. When a question or an idea pops in my mind, I will always try to do researcheo.........

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My life is as an alarm clock

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

I was a red, circle-shaped alarm clock. When I first opened my eyes, I found I was in a shop. There were lots of alarm clocks beside me. Then we became friends as we were bored. But, my friends were taken away by some human beings one by one and they didn’t come back. I was so scared that would happ.........

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My Life as a Piece of Homework

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Hello! I am a piece of homework.  My mission is to let students do revisions.  I want to see students getting a good result in their exams and tests.

Although I want to help the students, I don’t know why, the students hate me. They say that I am annoying.  They think that doing homework is useless.........

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My life as a fox

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

  I am Daniel the Fox who is twelve years old and lives in the Amazon Forest. I have an objection against the symbol of our own kind, cunning. In fact, our kind are sort of…nice you know.

First, I would like to clarify that we are smart but never cunning. The strong eating the weak has always been .........

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My favorite writer—Roald Dahl

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Roald Dahl is a writer who writes children's English storybooks. He started writing stories when he had children. Actually, he had never been thinking of writing books in the future when he was young. He wanted to be a doctor! He was inspired by his children and made up different kinds of stories fo.........

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Louise’s Bad Dream (When Caroline ran away)

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

After Caroline ran away from home, I had a bad dream when I slept in the medical room. The bad dream was really horrible, it also brought me a brain ache too.

  In the bad dream, I saw my mum and dad shout at Caroline. They said, “With this result, are still thinking of joining the party? No way! It.........

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Which one is more important? Inner Beauty or Outer Beauty

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

There are two kinds of beauty, one is inner beauty and the other is outer beauty. Inner beauty is for more important than outer beauty.

Inner beauty simply refers to the personality of a person, including their mind and characters. Outer beauty means the look of a person. So why is inner beauty more .........

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Fable writing

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

A wicked wolf, who was out searching for a meal, caught a glimpse of a goat eating grass at the edge of a high cliff . The hungry wolf drooled when he thoug about having a big mouth-watering lamb dinner.

“Hey, buddy !” said the wolf in his gentlest voice, “ it is very dangerous over there. Come do.........

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Diary Writing

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Cloudy   2sApril, 201 

    I’m now in Macau! Yippee

    Mum, Dad, Jonathan and I arrived at Macalasnight. W’rstayig ithe Holiday Inn in Cotai Central. There are many hotels in that district.Each hotehheown special design. And all of them are five-star hotels! How luxury! The Galaxotel, the Venetia.........

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Nice Food; Nice Day

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Sunny 24th April, Thursda

We headed straight out to a new place to stay, a hostel. After long and boring car trip, we finally arrived. I thought it was gonna be an old, clumsy house, but it wasn't, surprisingly! It was actually a modern, nice looking house, with THREE FLOORS! ALL FOR US

Mom, Dad a.........

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December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0


Horrible, Dangerou

Attacking, Defending, Killin

Danger, Death, Happiness, Safet

Communicating, Resting, Shoppin

Harmonious, Saf


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Dear Jason

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

You are Pat. Recently, you discovered that your friend Jason looked upset. He told you that he had a quarrel with his mum and his academic performance was declining too. Now write a letter to Jason giving him some encouragement and advising him on how he could resolve the conflicts with his mum and.........

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Jade MacKinley Herndon

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Jade is my best friend. Sh

A lways shares her secrets with m

D uring recesses and lunch time.

E ating is one of th


M ost important things she needs to d

A s she loves it

C ats are her favorite animals.

K akapo’s thinking is always in her brain

I f you see her walking by

N o way you can’t s.........

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A Speech given by the Class Chairperson

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

  Dear 1D classmates

founthat there are some serious problemthahappened in our class recently.

  I notice that some of our classmatedon’perform well in class. Theiquality ohomeworibad. Their learning attitude is not so good either. They just do their homework in a few minutes or even copi.........

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A Smelly Sock

December 30, 2014 CS Admin 0

Hello ,everyone.I am a smelly sock .I want to share my story with all of you.

Maybe you will think that I am hideous .A smudgy look with a nasty odour .I even have a surprising experience and this is I have not taken a bath for one month

My master is called Joe . He bought me at a shopping centre two.........

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A secret

December 16, 2014 CS Admin 0

Here is a secret that I have never ever told others before. I seldom fart but whenever I fart, it will be a disaster.

The odour of my fart may cause others to become “unconscious”. I don’t know how I should describe it. I think it can be compared with the scent in the landfill or even worse. In fact,.........

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Work out now and no more “Candy Crush”!

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

With the advent of Facebook and smart phones, everybody indulges themselves in the virtual world. Whenever we have time, we would rather play “Happy Farm” and “Candy Crush” and compete with others instead of playing sports. But dear schoolmates, have you ever felt the spiritual emptiness once you lo.........

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Social issue gambling

February 20, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my concern about the worsening problem of parents’ gambling influences on children. Nowadays, many adults bring along their school-aged children with them when they go to buy Mark Six tickets, and some even ask their children to choose numbers for them. This is a.........

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