Three tips for living a healthy life

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

Do you want to be a healthy person? If yes, you should try the following tips.

First of all, to live a mentally healthy life, you should engage in meaningful and creative activities. This can not only challenge your creativity but also refresh your mind. In my daily life, I enjoy playing the violin a.........

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Three tips for becoming a wise spender

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

Money is closely related to our life. In modern society, we cannot satisfy our basic human needs without money. So we need to be a wise spender. Here are three tips to let us be wise spenders.

Firstly, we should learn to reduce unnecessary expenditure in order to manage our finances properly. We shou.........

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Three tips for becoming a wise spender

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

People nowadays always judge others by their wealth. It is commonly known that money has become a very important factor and those who are rich are being respected. However, has anyone ever thought of the fact that we are becoming slaves of money? Nowadays, we always hear about the post-graduate stud.........

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Slacking off as a teacher

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

Well, I really dunno how to start, but anyway, I did a little switch with Mrs. May Wong today for a double period English lesson, and wow, was that hard.

So, Mrs. May Wong sat in my seat and told us to call her May. It was really strange, calling a teacher by her first name. I told my classmates/ stu.........

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Should cycling be encouraged on Hong Kong roads_3D_Ryan Yeung

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Recently, there has been an increase of people riding bicycles in Hong Kong. I will talk first about the advantages of cycling, and then the disadvantages.

First, cycling is good for your health. In a busy city such as Hong Kong, People usually don't have time to .........

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Nothing is more important than staying positive

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

On the way home, Danielle saw a tree standing the middle of the way. She tried to go around it, but instead, she lost her balance since the weight of her bag was too heavy. She tripped and fell over. A wound was left on her right knee. “Ouch!” she cried, and blood kept bursting out of her wound. She.........

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Introduce a Chinese delicacy

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

There are lots of different delicious delicacies in China.Poon Choi ione of them and it iverpopular among Hong Kong peopl. It is a traditional dish originated in Hong Kong Walled Village.

Poon Choi was originated from the villagers in Walled Village in Hong Kong in Song dynasty.At that time, We.........

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Miss Yoyo in charge today!

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

**Welcome to GleekYoTHY’s blog! <3Adventure Time<3Glee<3HSM<3BTR<3Music*

~GleekYoTHY                                            1tSeptember, 201

Today, Mrs. May Wong told us that we could volunteer to swap roles with her in English lessons. She let us think for a moment and decide. I thought it was a.........

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You decide to write a letter of complaint to the fitness centre manager. You want to complain about the other problems at the centre. You also want to complain about the assistant manager’s voicemail message. Remember to be firm but polite.

February 18, 2015 CS Admin 0

Dear Sir/ Madam

Re: Complaint about the poor service of the fitness centr

I am writing to complain about the poor service of your fitness centre in particular the snack bar, the aerobics class, and the unacceptable response of the assistant manager.

I would like to start by saying how disappointed.........

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You’ve got to be cruel to be kind

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Yesterday, my cousin from Canada wrote a letter to me telling about reflections of her childhood.  I thought it was interesting and her positive attitude was quite inspiring.  So why not share it with others

My cousin, Kate shared with me about learning to do housework as a kid.  Perhaps I should u.........

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Young Children should not be allowed a Facebook account

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Facebook is the world’s leading social media company.  It currently bans users under 13 according to its terms and conditions.  However, many kids lie about their ages to open up an account.  From my perspective, young children should not be allowed a Facebook account for the following three reasons.........

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Young Children should not be allowed a Facebook account

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Facebook is the world’s leading social media company.  It currently bans users under 13 according to its terms and conditions.  However, many kids lie about their ages to open up an account.  From my perspective, young children should not be allowed a Facebook account for the following three reasons.........

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Opinion on volunteer work

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

With busy life, you may say that doing volunteer work is a waste of time. However, have you ever thought that it can make a great chance to us? I think it has a meaningful, positive impact and it adds a little spice in life.

First, knowing that you help make a better life for someone else can provid.........

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The UFOs of ugly aliens

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

One peaceful night, a man was sitting in his porch smoking, dreaming of having a family with two kids when he could suddenly hear and see … nothing. No crickets chirping and the light from the moon and stars were gone.

He looked around and thought, “What’s happening?” He was about to stand up and in.........

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The Animal Class

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

My class is a zoo.

I have to say it's cool.

All of us are very special.

We are ust liksomstupid animals.

The one who sinext to me is a dirty frog.

She loves to play basketbal

and she is very tall.

e always have ill-thoughts

buiactualldoesn't meaanythin.

I call heMar.

The one who sits in front.........

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The Animal Class

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

There is a butterfly in my class.

She wears colourful clothes every day.

She is also a  pretty lady and is charming .

She attracts our class very much.

She is our class teacher-Miss Chan

There is a lion in my class .

He is very strong and can roar extremely loudly .

He is authoritative. Many classmates .........

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Mystery Location

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Let me introduce a good place to you.  It is located in Oi Man Estate on top of the hill opposite CarmelSecondary School.  It is quite big.  There are four floors and each floor is about 4000 square metres big.  The appearance of the building is quite new.  We can go there from Carmel on foot.


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My Animal Family

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I have a hippopotamus.

He even sleeps at Christmas.

He is really laz

and always makme crazy.

He falls asleep easil

and I call him Daddy.

I have a female tiger.

She was once a great dancer.

She takes care of my daily life.

She is a fantastic wife.

She is always hardworkin

and I call her Mammy.

I have a fox..........

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My Animal Family

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

My father is a cow.

There is nothing that is difficult to him because he knows how to do everything.

He wakes up early and works till nigh

to make sure everything is right.

My mom is a bee.

She likes Chinese tea.

She receives e-mails all the tim

and has no time to sing a song.

My eldest brother is a bird..........

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Animal Class

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

We have a donkey called Rodney.

He is a genius in Biology

but a dumb pig in Geography.

Oh! Don’t forget he’s stubborn and bossy

We have a tiger called Jackson.

He shrugs to every question.

He roars when he collects homework

but moans when he is punished to do copy-work.

We also have a bee called Emily.........

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Imaginative Writing

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Last Sunday, I woke to the annoying ringing of my alarm clock. Groaning, I dragged myself out of the warm covers and walked into the living room. Something was different. The kitchen was totally silent. Normally on Sundays, my mom would get up early and grill bacon and bread for my breakfast. I coul.........

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Imaginative Writing

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

 ‘Beep beep…’ The annoying alarm was shouting and screaming again. Suddenly it stopped and became the eleventh alarm that I had broken. I grumbled and got out of my bed in a slow pace. It seemed that my left ear had gone wrong since I kept hearing a woman’s voice. Eventually, I found that something .........

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I am a teddy bear

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I am a furry brown teddy bear. I was born in a big factory in the USA and shipped to Hong Kong when I was young. I had lived in a toy shop for three months before a little girl took me home one day. Then, I stayed happy all days.

The little girl put me into her bedroom, a big, beautiful and colourfu.........

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I am a glove puppet

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I am a dingy yellow glove puppet.I have a pair of glamorous eyes and a fuzz of blond hair.I was born in a messy toy factory iainlanChina.y face is rough which always breaks out with pimples.Ahave got a disgusting face since I was born, nobody likes me.I was a jilted puppet which was thro.........

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I am a candle

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I am a red, thick candle. I have a waxy surface. I was born in a big factory and had lived in an old store for six months before a little boy took me home one day.

The little boy held me in his hand when he stepped in his home. I could see his home was small, filthy and in poor condition. I knew that.........

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February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I think we should use e-textbooks instead of traditional printed textbooks as soon as possible. The publishers change the book versions every year. This would increase the paper demand and cause more waste. In addition, perhaps there are some old books which can be used again. However, they are not .........

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Animal New Friends

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I have a chubby cute cat.

She has rosy plump cheeks as she enjoys eating snacks.

She cuddles me when she wants me to teach her Maths.

She often has a great skill in dealing with her friends.

Who is she

She is my new friend, Chloe Wong.

I have a sporty witty monkey.

He is a shorty with dark brown skin.

He .........

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Animal Jobs

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

Everyone has a dream job

But I have a lot.

I want to be a popular penguin

Wearing black and white suits and rushing around

Shooting words through a court and looking fierce

Reading mountains of books. We call them lawyers.

I want to be a nightingale

Flying around the world, above the sky

Singing wit.........

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Animal Family

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I have a cow, a very strong cow.

He is very hard-working and never complains.

He accepts all criticism and racks his brain for ways to improve.

I call him dad.

I have a cat too.

Her mood can range from being calm and peaceful to angry and dangerous.

She has sharp claws but is very tender and loving too.

I call her mum..........

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Animal Family

February 12, 2015 CS Admin 0

I have a cow, a plump cow.

He toils alone in Macau.

But during the weekend he always lies on the couch.

My dad is there now.

I have a pecker, a slender pecker.

She nips and pecks my brain with anger.

But actually she’s a real helper.

My mom is always there.

I have a sheep, a fluffy sheep.

She has five doub.........

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