Suggestion Form

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I would like to suggest the following kinds of programmes for Teen TV

1. Game sho

I would like to suggest a hilarious game show to Teen TV because of the following reasons: most of the teenagers bear heavy school work and test burden. The 334 scheme for new senior secondary education also adds loa.........

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Should cycling be allowed on the roads in Hong Kong?

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

In Hong Kong, there are different intense arguments about whether cycling should be allowed in Hong Kong streets or not.  Does cycling benefit Hong Kong or bring bad impacts on Hong Kong?  I will outline both the disadvantages and advantages of cycling on Hong Kong roads below.One obvio.........

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Reading English Newspapers

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

      Many students have difficulty learning English.  Some of them may think that it is a boring and difficult subject.  However, learning English will not be weary anymore if we form a habit of reading English newspapers.We can learn vocabulary from the newspapers.  There are new words and inform.........

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Reading English Newspapers

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear EditoI have started reading the English newspaper since September and I have found a lot of benefits of reading English newspapers.  It makes me like to read English newspapers more and more.  Let me share my experience with all readers.Reading English newspapers, I can learn more new words an.........

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Organ Donation

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Good morning. Let me ask you one question. Have you ever heard of organ donation? It is a quite professional term for you. Let me first give you a brief introduction about organ donation. Organ donation is a thorough salvation for the desperately ill patients to reanimate their lives. It is because .........

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Organ Donation

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Principal, Teachers, and fellow schoolmates

I am Wyatt Chung from 3D, a representative of the social service group. Let me ask you all a question. Have you ever heard of a legend of the contribution to society even by a dead person? It is all about organ donation

Now, let me share with an artic.........

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Nothing is more important than friends

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

        Everyone has his or her own definition of ‘friends’.  To me, a friend is not  only someone who enjoys the time with me, but also someone who supports me when I am upset.        Friends are important to me.  They give me support when I am out of energy, and a smile when I am upset.  When we a.........

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My Experience of Doing Volunteer Work

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Honestly, if I join some volunteer work, that mission should come with some rewards. This must sound hypocritical, but that is what I truly think. There’re only a few volunteer records in my life, however, very time I join the mission, there is something which inspires me.

When I was in F.1, I joined.........

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My best friend Hazel

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

This year, I am in class 3A. In this class, I know most of my classmates. I would like to introduce one of my classmates to you. Her name is Hazel. We were in the same primary school. In Form 1, we were also in the same class. I think she is my good friend. Sometimes, we’ll go out for lunch or go ho.........

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Movie Review

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

I watched a movie called Secondhand Lions last Friday. It is a family movie which is suitable for all ages. It is a story that takes place on rural Texas in the summer of 1962. The movie records the adventures of Walter Caldwell and his two bachelor great-uncles, who are rumored to have a secret for.........

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Icons of Carmel – Wire Mesh, Twigs and Iron Sheet

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

   Although my understanding of Carmel Secondary School is rather superficial, I still managed to find three icons to represent it.  I hope they can pass on the spirit of Carmel to you.   The first icon is the fence made of wire mesh, strong and tall, built between the school playground and the stee.........

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I wish someone had told me this

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

My name is Blake Bei-qi Parker, but don’t call me anything but Blake Parker, withouthsecond name.

My name has Chinese in it thanks to my pig-headed parents. I did everything I could to change their minds. I begged, argued and threw tantrums. All I wanted was to remove my Chinese name, Bei-qi. “I p.........

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From Angel to Devil

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

      Barlow has been as important character who has many lovable traits. Her life has been originally peaceful and beautiful, until the people in Green Lake killed her lover, Sam, and turned her world upside down.When she is still a teacher and lives in Green Lake, she is a very shy person. Althou.........

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Crafty Pendanski

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

  Mr. Pendanski is a counselor of Camp Green Lake, which is a place for boys who have committed crime to reform through digging holes.  He is the counselor of one of the campers Stanley – the main character of the book Holes.  He is also responsible for delivering water to the campers when they are.........

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Answering a letter of complaint

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Super Fit Fitness Centr2/F                                Lee Theatre Plaza       Causeway Bay             Hong Kong                   10th February,2012        Chris WonRoom 305,3/Old Win55 Chung Hau StreeHomantiKowlooHong Kon

Dear Mr. Wong

Thank you for your letter of February 10. I am.........

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Answering a Letter of Complaint

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Super Fit Fitness Cente2/F, Lee Theatre PlazCauseway BaHong Kon10th Februar

Chris WonFlat E, 2/F, Block 1Sceneway GardeLam TiKowloo

Dear Mr. Wong

      I am writhing in reply to your letter of January 30 regarding the complaints that you have made, and apologize for the inconvenience.


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A sorry letter to a rubber

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Rubber  Do you still remember me?  Six years has passed, and I still can’t forget you.  You were the best rubber I had ever had.  In primary three, you erased every dirty mark from my homework, dictations, tests and exams perfectly.  I thought you would stay with me until primary four, primar.........

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A Letter to my beloved parents

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Mum and Dad

      It seems that both of you are quite busy these days, how do you do

      Recently, a survey has been carried out and it revealed that children are disgusted with their ’helicopter parents’, who meddle their affairs annoyingly, and this will harm the parent-children relationsh.........

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A Letter To Helicopter Parents

March 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 Dear Parents

      Have you ever heard of ‘helicopter parents’? If you do, do you think yourself is one of them? No matter what helicopter parents are, and whether you are one or not, I just simply want to tell you - do not be the helicopter parents of your children.

      Helicopter parents are tho.........

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A Letter to Dictionary

February 28, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Dictionar

I’m writing to apologize for overlooking you for a couple of years. With you, I spent my early childhood years. You were part of my everyday life. I used to flip your pages when I came across some difficult words. By and large, you contributed a lot to my English learning.

However, I d.........

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A letter to a drawing pencil

February 28, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Drawing Pencil      I'm sorry I’ve used you too frequently and made you so short.  It's all because of those sketches I’ve done.  Since last year, I’ve started using you to sketch and sometimes while I was sketching, I dropped you on the floor carelessly.  Then your tip snapped.  I used a pen.........

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A letter of complaint

February 28, 2013 CS Admin 0

26B, Wing Ning Hous

Tai Ping EstatHomantiKowloo22nd October, 201ManageSuper Fit Fitness Centr3/F, Sunny Buildin502 Nathan RoaKowloo

Dear Sir/ Madam

Re: Complaints about Super Fit Fitness Centr

I am writing to complain about the bad conditions of your fitness centre. There are problems with.........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

February 28, 2013 CS Admin 0

  Nowadays, more and more students in Hong Kong are going overseas for their studying. It is a controversial issue that people have different opinion over this topic. In this essay, I am going to explain both the disadvantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

 One argument in favor of studying o.........

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A Diary by Mrs. Forrester

February 28, 2013 CS Admin 0

20 May  Sunday         SunnDear Diary  So many unexpected things have happened today.  My mind is flooded with messy thoughts, feelings and memories of the past.  I have to tell you everything, or it will be unbearable.  Today began perfectly normally, just like any other Sundays – until I brough.........

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A Cry from Moon Bear Cynthia

February 28, 2013 CS Admin 0

I am an Asiatic black bear;My name is Cynthia.Please stop the murderAnd listen to my prayer.

I am locked up in a crush cageThere is hardly any space.Moving or standing I’m not destined;My muscles don’t work my legs I can’t raisWhat is left for me is hate.

You cut open my stomach and gall bladder;Yo.........

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You’ve got to be cruel to be kind

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Harry who was a fanatic of the book ‘Harry Potter’.  Once he started reading the book, he would forget to do everything. Therefore, many teachers, especially his English teacher, were concerned about him.

One day, he forgot to hand in his homework on time as u.........

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You’ve got to be cruel to be kind

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

Once upon a time, a mother and a son lived in a village. The son was very naughty, always making his mother very angry with him.One day, he started to do something very wrong – he stole from his friends. He went back home and said to his mother“Mum! I’d like to show you something which is very amaz.........

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The Animal Class

February 1, 2013 CS Admin 0

 Our class is a zoo.All of us in class are animals too.We have many kinds of animalswhich are as colourful as the rainbow.

Our class teacher is a lionwho gives us different forms of assessment.She teaches us English.Her dictation passage is always very long.

Our class monitor is a chimpanzee.He is ugly but good at PE..........

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