Letter of adjustment

March 12, 2013 CS Admin 0

Magical Tour Bus CompanEnergy Buildin1 Fung Fai StreeKowloo18 May, 201Total Tourist AgencRoom 12, 2/Belhaven Buildin66 Margott StreeKowloo

Dear Mr Si

Re: Concerning the Company’s Day TriThank you for your letter on 15 May, regarding the arrangement of the day trip.We were sorry to hear tha.........

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Letter of Adjustment

March 12, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Mr. Si

Re: Concerning the tour bus servic

I am writing in response to your letter dated 15 May, 20XX, regarding the full-day tour of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.

We deeply regret that you are terribly dissatisfied with our services.  We have investigated your complaint abou.........

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Abuse— first performance a disaster

March 12, 2013 CS Admin 0

Last Saturday night, I went to see the first performance of the school play, “Abuse”. It was specially written for students and their parents, so the hall was crowded with lots of schoolmates and their relatives, looking forward to watching the show.

The play was about the relationship between parent.........

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Has Modern Technology Shortened the Distance Between People?

March 12, 2013 CS Admin 0

Thanks to modern technology, we can now check out the latest status and photos of our lovely old classmates who we haven’t met for a long time ever since the primary graduation ceremony, by clicking and dragging the mouse, browsing their homepages on Facebook or their blogs. Thanks to modern technol.........

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Dare to Try?

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

As everyone knows, in the 21st century, hi-tech gadgets and devices play an important role in our lives. Besides, there are increasing varied designs and styles of these products, which for sure are temptations to many. Mobile phones and computers are indispensable to us. Facebook , twitter, MSN, et.........

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Dare to try? Surviving without gadgets

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

I remember once my friend saying “Life without using mobile phones and computers is a life that teenagers can’t survive!” At that time, I thought she was just exaggerating the impact of hi-tech gadgets. Recently, I was given a challenge to experience life without using the mobile phone and getting o.........

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Compensated Dating in Hong Kong

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

In the recent years, more and more teenagers get involved in compensated dating which has, sadly, become a trend in Hong Kong. What does ‘Compensated dating’ mean? It means a practice that a young woman agrees to go on a date with a man for a fee. In order to solve the problem of compensated dating,.........

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March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my view on school bullying.

Bullying in schools is becoming more and more serious nowadays, and the problem is worth our concern. When we think of school bullying, images of playground confrontations spring to our mind. For example, kids being pushed around at rece.........

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An interview with J.K. Rowling

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Going, going, goneSold on a careeWriting books and finding publishers to publish them. A writer chases his or her dream in their own ‘world’. Many famous writers write novels, but they can also write fiction, non-fiction and some write books for travelers.

Young Post meets J.K. Rowling, who is one .........

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An article for the school magazine about a debate

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

In the final of the Inter-house English Debate Competition, Red House and Green House debated the motion ‘English should be taught by native speakers only’. Red House was the affirmative side and Green House took the negative stance.

The debate took place on Tuesday in the School Hall. The adjudicato.........

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An article for the school magazine about a debate

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Virtue House and Intellect House met in the final of the first Inter-house English Debate Competition of Carmel Secondary School yesterday. They tackled the motion “That school days are the best days of our lives”. Virtue House was the affirmative side and Intellect House took the negative stance.


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A speech on the performance of HK Government

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

A speech on the performance of HK Governmen

Good morning fellow students

I am glad to take this chance to express my views about the performance of the Hong Kong Government. Recently, there are numerous protests concerning different policies of our government. Many citizens are dissatisfied of the e.........

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A speech on hitech gadgets

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Good morning everyone! I’d like to ask all of you a question before I start my speech. How many of you are using pen and paper to communicate with your friends? Well, I think not more than ten, right? It’s simply because we can use mobile phone and the Internet to connect with our friends nowadays. .........

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A review of school play performance for the school magazine

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

A disaste“A disaster” was really a disaster. Watching this school play consisting of an unclear theme, inappropriate script language, chaotic plot, wrongful setting, poor cast and ill stage production was really not enjoyable. We audience were left with a sense of unfulfilledness. It is regretful t.........

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A review of a documentary you watch on an English TV Channel

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

A review of a documentary you watch on an English TV ChanneDate: 1st August, 201Time: 8:00pTitle: The Pearl Report – Belly BusterOne in five people in Hong Kong is obese. Fat people take high risks in developing serious chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart problems. It may also lead to p.........

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Proposal for a dessert shop in The BIG in Tsimshatsui

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Proposal for a dessert shop in The BIG in Tsimshatsu

1. IntroductioI would like to propose establishing a dessert shop in The Big. The dessert shop would sell various kinds of attractive and adorable desserts. In fact, running a dessert shop could be a profitable business.

2. Details of the dessert sho.........

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A Never-ending Nightmare

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

When I was still a child I always borrowed horror stories from the public library. I liked reading horror stories. They were so realistic that they always sent shivers down my spine. Since my mum died in a car crash when I was one, I never had a chance to talk to her. Actually, I felt lonely in my c.........

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A letter to principal

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Principal

Our school has successfully raised a large amount of money for China’s development. Despite the excitement and delight for the huge success, the big question has come. How are we going to spend the money wisely? Finding ourselves at the crossroads to choose between the two initiatives.........

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A letter to the Editor

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear EditorI am writing to express my opinions on the government’s plan of pulling down my school building, which is Sunny Secondary School, as part of the redevelopment of Kwun Tong. The government has proposed to settle all students to a disused school building until a new one is built on anothe.........

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A letter to sister about a surprise event held for parent

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

A letter to sister about a surprise event held for paren

Dear Shelley

It’s been quite a while since I last got to write to you, so how’s life? Mine has been quite normal until recently, when I arranged a special birthday event for mom. Guess what? All the preparations and what happened during that d.........

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A letter to sister about a surprise birthday party

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

A letter to sister about a surprise birthday part

Dear Shelley

How are you?  I miss you so much!  You should be very busy with your graduation exam now.  Just do your best and never give up!  I support you always

By the way, mum received your birthday present and she was really delighted.  Guess wha.........

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A letter to Shelley

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Learning English through popular culture – holding a surprise part

Dear Shelley

How are you lately? I miss you so much! So many fascinating things have happened after you left, how I wish you were here to share my joy

Do you remember ‘Surprise of Your Life’ on TVB, the interesting show that we used .........

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A letter to Lucy

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear LucyI’m so glad to hear the news that you’ve won a major singing competition and have been offered a recording contract while you’re also offered a place at the police training school to become a policewoman. How brilliant you are! I’m really proud to be your friend! However, I suggest you acc.........

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A letter to a friend – argumentative writing

March 11, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear PatHow are you? It has been a long time since you went to Australia. We miss you so much! I want to share my good news with you. Our school debating team won the final of the inter-school debating contest! Isn’t it surprising? This is the first time our school has won the championship of an in.........

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Why did you disappear?

March 8, 2013 CS Admin 0

David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her. Coincidentally, their class teacher arranged them to sit together. Having sat with Amy for a month, David, who was quiet and shy, finally mustered up his courage to invite Amy to go to the cinema with him on Saturday evening. Amy promised him bli.........

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The Eighth Place

March 8, 2013 CS Admin 0

Eight athletes were having a sprint race on the track. ‘Here it is – the goal.’ She tried to rush, although she already had no strength left. ‘It is the time. Now, focus. You can do this!’ She bent forward, and finally, she crossed the finishing line.

‘But what am I striving for?’ she asked herself.


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The Decision He Made

March 8, 2013 CS Admin 0

‘Long live the leader!’ Ten of thousands of citizens in Pyongyang shouted. There were also thousands of flags waving, welcoming their superior new leader, who had just succeeded his father’s place.

He was in fact a stout short man wearing a whole set of black suit. There were four generals behind him.........

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The best way to study Liberal Studies

March 8, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

Liberal Studies has become a core subject in NSS. There has been much controversy over the use of textbooks in this subject. I am writing to express my view on this issue.

There are always advantages of using textbooks, especially while a new subject is introduced. Having a newly designed.........

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