Advice on a Job Interview

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Hi Mary

    It’s been quite a while since our last email.  How’re you doing on your QF course?   Managed to make some good friends there?  I’ve got to know quite a few friends here, but most of them are girls!  Just kidding.  Philosophy, well, I can still scrape through its exams

    I’ve thought lo.........

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A personal letter on a drama audition

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Chri

How are you?  Were the test results you mentioned last time still fine?  I hope everything’s OK in Canada.

I just had an awful week.  You know how much I love acting and performing on stage.  So, I was overjoyed when I heard the news a month ago that my school’s going to hold a talent show .........

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A personal letter on a drama audition

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Chri

How’re you doing?  What’s your new girlfriend’s name? (Sorry, I’m always absent-minded.)  Zhuzhu or Mimi?  Whatever, she’s stunning in the photo!  (Remember to send me more photos when you reply.)  I wish to have her face, so I’d have a higher chance of being selected in the audition last .........

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A personal letter on a drama audition

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Hey Chris

How are you?  Are you having an enjoyable summer vacation?  Well, I bet you are!  Please send my regards to Uncle and Auntie.  I haven’t seen them for years!  Anyway, do you still remember I told you that I went for an audition for a major role in Romeo and Juliet?  Guess what?  I was reje.........

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Learning English through Debates – A Personal Letter

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Alex

Thanks for asking me for opinions. I have read through your debate speech and here are some comments for you.

Being the first speaker of the affirmative team, you should define the topic first. It’s good that you already have an idea of this, but what you should do more is to define the ke.........

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A letter to the editor about songs containing foul language

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

    It is regrettable to see that one of your readers has made a serious accusation that songs containing foul languages are exerting an adverse influence on society.  He has unfortunately overlooked that freedom of speech and expression is one of the core values of the Hong Kong society.........

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A letter to the editor about songs containing foul language

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

    I am writing in response to the letter to the editor dated 23rd March 2012 regarding the condemnation of songs containing foul language.  The writer tries to demean these songs by claiming they have a deleterious influence on society.  However, the accusation is invalid and I beg eve.........

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A Diary Entry on the First Drama Rehearsal

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

A Diary Entry on the First Drama Rehearsal            

God, if this is your will, please grant me strength and be with me in my fight against setbacks.  After today’s rehearsal, I am now down in the dumps, let alone wishing to get any single award.  Sigh!  Romeo and Juliet is still my favourite play.........

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Learning English through Short Stories – A Diary Entry

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Date: 30-10-2011 (Sun)  Sunn

Unusually, I woke up at 8 today. Guess what? Today, Amy, Jack and I went to Happy Primary School telling stories to one of the Primary One classes.

Amy’s story was The Three Little Pigs and Jack told of The Little Prince. Most of the students concentrated and gave quite a.........

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A complaint about the book fair

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Sir/Madam

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction over the sale of books which contain sexy images of models and violent pictures in the recent Hong Kong Book Fair. Those materials inculcate distorted values into adolescents and pose tremendously negative impacts on society as a whole. I.........

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Work As a Solicitor

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Solicitors work in the solicitor’s firms, where they give legal advice to their clients on legal matters. The most popular topics are housing, marriage and disputes on businesses. Usually, solicitors work at a particular area, such as commercial law, intellectual property law, entertainment law, etc.........

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Treasure your freedom

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Your school is thinking of having a Wall of Freedom on which students can voice their opinions in writing. Write to your school newsletter discussing the advantages of allowing students freedom of expression, problems that are likely to arise, and rules that should be imposed. Sign your letter C. Wo.........

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A Tough Battle about Columbaria

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

An inter-house debating competition was held last week. The Intellect House was head to head against the Virtue House, tackling the motion "The government should build columbaria in all 18 districts." The line-up of the adjudicators were Miss Ng and Mrs Chan, the heads of English Language Department.........

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Take Action Now!

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recently, a few teachers took their own lives and this has alarmed the city as a whole. Write an article for your school newsletter sharing your feeling on this issue. You may like to discuss why they made such an unwise decision and what should be done to help the situation.

Take Action Now


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Suicide of teachers

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recently, a few teachers took their own lives and this has alarmed the city as a whole. Write an article for your school newsletter sharing your feeling on the issue. You may like to discuss why they made such an unwise decision and what should be done to help the situation.Recently, a few teachers.........

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Small towns or big cities?

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Some people prefer to live in a small town while others prefer to live in a big city. I prefer to live in a big city because I love the adventurous and splendid life there.

First and foremost, a big city is vibrant while a small town is comparatively boring. In small towns, people usually live a stab.........

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Serving the Public – Alan Leong

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

You are a Young Post reporter responsible for the ‘careers’ page. You have interviewed Alan Leong who has pursued his dream career. Write an article similar to ‘Going, going, going! Sold on a career’ to introduce this career to your readers.

Serving the Public – Alan LeonThe main duties of a legisla.........

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Save Our Elderly

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Hong Kong, the city that never sleeps, is known for being one of the most stressful cities in the world. A recent survey shows that many elderly people in Hong Kong lead a gloomy life and even have suicidal thoughts

The elderly are people who contributed much to our society when they were young. Yet.........

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Pop songs about loneliness darkens the city

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear EditorI hear the ticking of the clocI'm lying here the room's pitch darI wonder where you are tonighNo answer on the telephonAnd the night goes by so very sloOh I hope that it won't end thougAlonI am writing to express my views regarding the trend of pop songs in the city about loneline.........

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Paint the lives of elderly people

March 15, 2013 CS Admin 0

Have you ever imagined the lives of being old? Every one is afraid of aging. When people aren’t nimble and young anymore, they find themselves useless. Some of the elderly may lead a very gloomy life. Some of them may even want to escape from their meaningless lives and end up killing themselves, wh.........

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Melancholy leads to suicide of the elderly

March 12, 2013 CS Admin 0

Every time I walk on the street, I can see some faces filled with sorrow and sadness. They usually shuffle along the fence or hide themselves under the shadow of the stores next to them. I feel bad. They are the elderly who once contributed much to our society.

Hong Kong is a stressful city and the e.........

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Living in a city is better

March 12, 2013 CS Admin 0

I would prefer to live in a big city like Hong Kong rather than living in a small town. I can enjoy better modern life in such a big city.

First of all, the economic condition of a big city must be better than that of a small town. Various firms are set up in a modern big city which can provide job o.........

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Letter to the editor

March 12, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to voice my opinions on whether my school, St. Watson’s College, should be pulled down as part of the redevelopment of Choi Hung. Pulling down a school for redevelopment of an area is actually not a good idea as the value of the building is far more treasurable than other bu.........

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