Big Business is not about making money

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

“Big business is not only about making money.” With reference to the context of Hong Kong, write an article for your school magazine using this comment as a title.  Give three reasons to support your views on the comment.

“Big business is not only about making money”

In China, ever since ancient times.........

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Biased against the physically handicapped

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Despite the work of the Equal Opportunities Commission, many people are still biased against people who are physically handicapped. You feel that more should be done to educate the public against it. Write a letter to the press discussing the kinds of prejudices the physically handicapped face. Sugg.........

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Biased against the physically handicapped

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Despite the work of the Equal Opportunities Commission, many people are still biased against people who are physically handicapped. You feel that more should be done to educate the public against it. Write a letter to the press discussing the kinds of prejudices the physically handicapped face. Sugg.........

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Animal Cruelty

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recent articles in the media have reported terrible cases of cruelty to animals. One case involved a dog that died because it was kept locked in a cage, without exercise, food, or water. Another involved a man who beat a small dog to death to stop it from barking while he was watching TV. Write a le.........

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Work-life balance in Hong Kong

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Edito

I am writing to express my opinion about the poor work-life balance in Hong Kong and also give suggestions about what people should do to improve their work-life balance.

Hong Kong is a magnet for workaholics.  The average weekly working hours of Hong Kong people is 48.4, which far exceeds.........

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Treasure Found in Hong Kong Book Fair

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

The Hong Kong Book Fair is famous for its great diversity and stunning transaction value of book-related goods and services.  Although it is quite business-oriented, it manifests the intellectual and literary sides well.  This year, a talk about short story writing and appreciation, “Guide to Hidden.........

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The pros and cons of having a home office

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recently, research found that most Hongkongers work for 44.3 hours per week, which is higher than the standard of healthy working hours.  The poor work-life balance of Hongkongers starts to spark a lot of discussion.  There are a lot of suggested ways to halt the unhealthy trend, including having a .........

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The pros and cons of having a home office

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

SOHO (small office home office) and telecommuting are getting more common in Hong Kong.  With the advanced development of telecommunications, staying at home to work becomes possible.  However, there are various pros and cons regarding having a home office.

One advantage of having a home office is th.........

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The joys of being a teenager in Hong Kong

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

Good morning everyone

I‘m Chris Wong and I‘m a Form Six student from Happy Secondary School.

Today, I’m glad to be here to talk to you about the joys of being a teenager in Hong Kong.  Let me kick off with a question: Does anyone sitting here not feel happy being a teenager in Hong Kong?  Well, I bel.........

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Swapping Roles

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

Born and raised by two parents, I could never imagine life without either one of them.  Every time a friend of mine tried to tell me how life sucks after the death of his father, I failed to put myself into his shoes.  Thus, I chose to join the programme ‘Swapping Roles’ to experience and explore a .........

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3-day life in Sham Shui Po

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

Last month, I took part in a programme called ‘Swapping Roles’.  I had to stay with a single parent family in Sham Shui Po for three days.  Before the stay, I had only heard the word ‘poverty’ in the news, but now, I have had a taste of poverty for real.  I am glad that I grabbed this golden opportu.........

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Sports Team necessary for everyone

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

Which sports do you like to participate in? Volleyball? Basketball? Badminton? Snooker? How about squash, bowling or hockey? The sports club is now proposing that all of us should be required to join a sports team, I would like to support this constructive suggestion.

Being a sports team member, our .........

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Sports teams not for all

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

A recent proposal submitted by our school sport club suggests that all students should be required to join a sports team. It sounds nice and beneficial to students’ physical health. But is our school really able to implement such a suggestion? Is it a blessing of just a curse? I have a doubt about .........

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Poetry – The cultural heritage that we should treasure

May 13, 2013 CS Admin 0

Poetry is a beautiful language art that we should learn, appreciate and write.  However, it isn’t popular among us Hong Kong students.

There’re a few reasons, namely 3, why we don’t like to learn poetry.

First of all, it requires a wide range of vocabulary for us to write a good poem or song.  For exa.........

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Spare no pains to live a less wasteful life

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

If we read newspapers and magazines regularly, it is not uncommon for us to discover a lot of advertisements urging us to buy different products.  However, a glimpse at this situation already sets the alarm bell ringing as we are taught to live a simple life at school while the media keeps encouragi.........

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Letter to the editor on taking a gap year

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

Recently, some educators in Hong Kong are advocating students here taking a gap year as an intern before entering tertiary institutions.  Considering the successful models of the Gap Year Scheme in many foreign countries, I wholeheartedly support the move to encourage our students to exp.........

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Letter to the editor on gambling

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my concern about the problem of adult gambling and its effects on children and adolescents.

Last week, a news article reported that some parents brought their school-age children with them when purchasing Mark Six tickets at the betting centres, and some even ask.........

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Gap Year

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear editor

I am writing to express my views on the idea about high school students spending one year joining a job experience programme or working, when they have finished their high school education and before they continue with their tertiary education. I believe it is an excellent idea and shoul.........

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Gap Year

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

    Many high school students in the West, such as the UK and Australia, would like to take a one-year job experience program after finishing high school before they continue with their tertiary education, I strongly agree with this idea. This would certainly benefit our dear Hong Kong s.........

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Debate Speech on Nuclear Power

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.  Today’s motion is “Nuclear power is the best source of energy for the future.”  While some people advocate the use of nuclear power continuously, we strongly oppose this statement.  How can it be called “best”, when it exerts deleterious impacts on both humans and.........

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Common Addictions in Society

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Common Addictions in Societ

In 21st century, science and technology develops so quickly in a big step that people cannot keep up with using them properly. Take a look at our society – Hong Kong: people are addicted to, for example, MP3, Internet, mobile phones, air-con., TV, PC, etc. Though these el.........

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A Complaint about the Book Fair

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my views on the sale of books that contain unhealthy contents at the fair.

I went to the Hong Kong Book Fair this year and noticed an indecent scene. Many book stalls were selling books that contain sexy images of teenage models and comics that promote violence..........

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Is the law prohibiting puppy love a curse or a blessing?

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recently, there has been a law enacted in Heilongjiang Province which bans acts of ‘misconduct’, including ‘puppy love’.  It arouses a lot of controversy.  Is this law a curse or a blessing

Teenagers usually fancy new and exciting things.  A romantic relationship of course is one of the things teens.........

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May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0


Dear Chris

How are you? Do you enjoy your life in Canada?  Last week, I felt very disappointed and depressed due to the rejection in an audition.  As you know, being an actress is my dream.  Being rejected not only brought along sadness to me, but also made me lose confidence in being a.........

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Annual Walkathon for Walk to Build

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Why take part

The walkathon is a very meaningful activity.  All the funds raised will be donated to Walk to Build for constructing schools in rural China.  Apart from building new schools, it is a golden opportunity to improve parent-child relationships and health!  The walkathon would require much .........

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An interesting science lesson

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

‘The most boring science lesson in the world again,’ John uttered quietly in his seat.

While Mr. Lee was giving a speech on the topic ‘atoms’ in the class, John was still daydreaming about the cartoon he watched the night before. He was astonished to see some robots invading the Earth and exchanging .........

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Stop taking drugs: Play fair for future of sports

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

Stop taking drugs: Play fair for future of sport

Being a professional athlete could be a distant dream in childhood for many sport-lovers. “Athlete” means charming, healthy and even wealthy in modern society. David Beckham and Tiger Woods are exemplary to show how athletes turn their gifts in sports.........

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Pros and cons of regulating puppy love

May 10, 2013 CS Admin 0

For years, there has been a lot of discussion about puppy love. Puppy love can be a double-edged sword as the advocates feel that “puppy love” is natural and should not be banned. Yet, those who take a negative attitude think that it should be banned as it can lead to undesirable results. It is wort.........

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