My Secret

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Everyone has got at least one secret deep in their hearts- even our teachers and chiefs.

There is a fear deep in my heart, it is my secret at the same time-- I turn into a vampire every time when I smell blood. When transforming, my eyes turn red, my face becomes pale as a sheet and my lips turn red.........

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My life in Uganda

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

tDecember, 12                                 Tuesday                                               Cloud

It was a coodark dawn.  I woke up at 5:00 in the morning, I ate a quick breakfast and went to do farming.  After farming for three hours, there was sweat all over my body.  I was very tired,.........

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My family

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

I have a family that is funny

And lovely like a bunny

And sweet like honey

So my homialways 'sunny'

My dad likes planting trees

Every day at half past three

When he is free

he will play with the bees

My mum is named May

She loves ginto the beactplay

So she goes to Repulse Bay

Every year in May.........

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Modern Fable

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Have you ever heard of the story of ‘The hare and the tortoise ‘? Do you remember who won the race? Yes! The tortoise won the race with hard work .Now, let me tell you the new version of ‘The hare and the tortoise ‘.

One day, Peter bought a new car. He wanted to have a car race with his friend, Sunn.........

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Looking Backward

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Coming into Carmel was a changing point in my life. Why? Read on.

My life had been messy and goal-less before I came to Carmel. I had no goals, no dreams, not even a wish when I blew out the candle of my birthday cake. Every day was meaningless and plain. Whenever I me across setbacks, I would just.........

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I wish I had not done that

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

It was a rainy night. I just came back from Natasha’s birthday party. It was alreadeleven o’cloc, mum was there staring at me when I came into the room.

She started yelling at me, then I argued back. It went on for two hours. Suddenly, I got furious. I wore my gloves and went to the kitchen, grab.........

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I was sure that I would win

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

I was sure that I would win. It was a Design & Technology Robert Car Competition. Michelle was my group member. We were very excited before the competition. We had a lot oconfidence in this competition.

The competition started, we were so nervous. I was afraid that I couldn’t put the bottle correct.........

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I am me

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

My name is Tiffany Lam.I have a rather special nickname Pocket Mone.The Putonghua pronounciation of my Chinese name, Lin Yong Qing, sounds like the Cantonese pronounciation of pocket money.So that was how my nickname was generated.

My appearance is not really outstanding, however, I do have an .........

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Book Report: Firelight

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Have you ever heard of a draki? A draki is a kind of dragon in this story. Although a Draki is an imaginary creature that only appears in stories, it seemed real under the pen of Ms Sophie Jordan. If beautiful descriptions can make fictional beings come true, the draki may have already become an exi.........

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Diary of a Child in Uganda

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Dairy

What a weather it is! It’s raining and the roof is leaking again! Father just fixed it a week ago. Sigh. I wish could have a more comfortable house and that it would stop pouring.

Our house is quite small and doesn’t have rooms. There’s a small table and a little stool father made. We sl.........

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Book Report: Oliver Twist

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

I would like to introduce a book which is about struggles between love and money, and also the darkness of society in London in the past. The name of this book is “Oliver Twist".  It was written by a famous English writer, Charles Dickens in 1838.  "Oliver Twist" is also my favourite book as it is .........

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A Thunder Night

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

One night, I awoke by the sound of distant thunder.  As I opened my eyes, I found myself in Ivy’s bedroom.  I was totally curiou‘Why am I there?’  Finally, I turned on the light and looked at thimagon my hand mirror.  Thone on the mirrohad long hair and a pair of glasses on her.  I recognized .........

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A Man and A Boy

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

The Lion and the Mouse is a fable about the Mouse who was caught by the Lion. He apologized and asked for freedom. The Lion agreed. A few days later, some hunters caught the Lion. At last the Mouse saved the Lion and they were good friends since then.

A few days ago, I heard a piece of news. It mad.........

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The School Tutor System

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

It is common in Hong Kong secondary schools for older students to tutor younger students in schemes organized by the schools. Your school has such a scheme, but there is a shortage of tutors. You are the Head Boy/Girl of your school. Your principal has asked you to write a letter to all fifth former.........

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Strict teachers

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

There is a well-known Chinese saying which translates into English as “Strict teachers produce outstanding students”. What is your opinion? Write an essay giving three reasons to support your views on the saying. Provide a suitable title for your essay.

Strict teachers are the nightmare of student


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Reply to a letter to the Editor

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

The letter

Puzzled by opposition to Englis

As a non-native English speaker I am often baffled by the anti-English sentiments in some quarters of Asia’s world city.

Furthermore it is fascinating to see that while English has an aura of ‘cool’ to youngsters all over the world (including mainland China).........

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Recruiting doctors from overseas

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recruiting doctors from oversea

There has been much controversy over the issue of recruiting doctors from overseas. It is apparent that there is a serious shortage of medical professionals in public hospitals which seriously affects the quality of service.

Different parties including patients, the go.........

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Nuclear Technology

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Nuclear Technolog

There has always been controversy of the issue of nuclear energy. Advocates claim that it is the best way to generate electricity while the opposition side stresses the potential hazards of nuclear crisis. The incident of radiation leakage at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, J.........

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Cruelty to animals

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recent articles in the media have reported terrible cases of cruelty to animals. One case involved a dog that died because it was kept locked in a cage, without exercise, food, or water. Another involved a man who beat a small dog to death to stop it from barking while he was watching TV. Write a le.........

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Cruelty to animals

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Recent articles in the media have reported terrible cases of cruelty to animals. One case involved a dog that died because it was kept locked in a cage, without exercise, food, or water. Another involved a man who beat a small dog to death to stop it from barking while he was watching TV. Write a le.........

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Hong Kong’s New Problems

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

You are taking part in an essay competition organized by the SCMP and the Education Bureau. The title of the essay is "Hong Kong's new problems".

Write the essay. State what you think are the three most serious social problems in Hong Kong at present and discuss the effects, Then make suggestions on .........

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Helicopter Parents

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

"Helicopter parent" is a colloquial, early 21 st-century term for a parent who pays extremely close attention to his or her children's experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. The phenomenon of helicopter parents has become more prevalent in Hong Kong and they are blamed f.........

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Gender Equality

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Even though women’s status has been raised over the past few decades, some people still question or complain that gender equality has not been actualized in Hong Kong.  Write an article giving comments on the local situation of gender equality, how far do you agree that there is serious gender inequ.........

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Gender Equality

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Even though women’s status has been raised over the past few decades, some people still question or complain that gender equality has not been actualized in Hong Kong.  Write an article giving comments on the local situation of gender equality, how far do you agree that there is serious gender inequ.........

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Discussion essay – credit cards

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

A recent survey has indicated that more and more people use credit cards nowadays and that the number of tragedies arising from bad debts has been surging over the past few years. Write an essay outlying the advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards, and at the end state your personal view..........

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Children involving in competition

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Most people feel that competition is an important part of adult life and that children should be exposed to competitive activities at an early age. Write an essay arguing either for or against the statement, “Children should be involved in competition”.

Children should be involved in competition. Thi.........

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Children involving in competitions

May 20, 2013 CS Admin 0

Most people feel that competition is an important part of adult life and that children should be exposed to competitive activities at an early age. Write an essay arguing either for or against the statement, “Children should be involved in competition”.

Competition is an essential part of modern soci.........

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