Examination encourage students to learn

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my opinions towards examination.

Every school has examinations. Examinations are the test of knowledge or ability. From my perspective, examinations encourage students to learn and it is necessary to have examinations regularly.

First of all, examinations provide.........

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Do examinations encourage students to learn?

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Do examinations encourage students to learn

There have been a lot of arguments about whether examinations encourage students to learn. In my opinion, examinations do not encourage students to learn. Let me explain whin the following.

First of all, exams only encourage rote learning instead of deep.........

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Book Report: Inkheart

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Do you have magic or any others miraculous ability? What kinds of experiences did it bring you

One of the characters in the book “Mo” got such abilities. It brought him a life-changing experience. He was a book-binder who loved reading very much. Same with Mo, his wife loved reading too. Mo used to.........

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An unforgettable gift

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

I was enjoying a bowl of noodles and looking at the various customers in the restaurant when suddenly I found what seemed to be a cockroach leg in my bowl.  I screamed immediately as I hated cockroaches so much.  Cockroaches were dirty and disgusting, weren’t they

Well, all that happened last Sunda.........

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My Friends

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

I have a friend called Martin.

He speaks softly.

He walks slowly.

He loves vegetables.

He is a turtle.I have a friend called Daisy.

She is lazy.

She likes pink.

Her body is big.

She is just like a pig.I have a friend called Terry.

She loves to play with Kary.

She loves strawberries.

She is a tiger.I have a friend called Alice..........

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A tortoise

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

I am an old and ugly tortoise.I live in a park.Although my life is dull in many people’s eyes, I still think that my life is enjoyable and meaningful.

One day, when I rested on a rock leisurely, some naughty children laughed at me.  Actually I did not care about them. The slight sunshine let me f.........

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A Personal Letter

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

1tDecember, 2012.

Dear Ronnie, (Macaroni

How are you? I really miss you! Remember when we used to go home together and what great fun we used to have.  Sorry for replying so “soon” as homework piled high and I got plenty of stuff to worry about too.

I am glad that you like Singapore and it’s great.........

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A Personal Letter

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

                                                   1tDecember, 201

Dear Ronnie

I am very happy to receive your letter. I miss you so much

I love reading too. I've read about ten books so far. I joined the BOB team of Carmel. 'BOB' stands for 'Battles of Books'. All the team members need to 'e.........

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A Personal Letter

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

                                                   1tDecember, 201

Dear Ronnie

I am very happy to receive your letter. I miss you so much

I love reading too. I've read about ten books so far. I joined the BOB team of Carmel. 'BOB' stands for 'Battles of Books'. All the team members need to 'e.........

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A Personal Letter

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

 December 21

Dear RonnieHow are you doingThanks for youletter.I’ve miseyou so much since you flew to Singapore and a day to me seems like ages. Hope you’re fine in Singaportoo.

You said that you had read 3Englisbooks so far and I just couldn’t imagine. I’ve only read about 10 book, ut I.........

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A Mystery Location

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Do you know there is a mystery location in Carmel? This place is really wonderful and now I am going to share about this place with you. However, I won’t tell you what this place is. This is the time for you to guess

It is in the new wing and the size is as big as two classrooms. I think it was qui.........

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A Mystery Location

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

A mystery location, well … It is a secret. I didn’t tell anybody before, but I think you can try your best to guess where it is.

This is a large place in school. There is a grey stage that is made of metal for teachers or students to give announcements. We go and line up there to listen to announcem.........

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A Meaningful Visit

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

I went to an elderly home witmy classmatelast Friday and we had a great time. In the morning at 8 am, we gathered outside the school gate and waited for the school bus to come. The students in charge of buying gifts also brought them alon.en, Miss Kwan and Mr Lee came. Miss Kwan reminded us to .........

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A letter to the editor

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my concerns about the proposal of small class teaching which the Government refused to promote in all primary and secondary schools.

Firstly, I strongly recommend the Education Bureau to promote small class teaching in Hong Kong schools. Students can have more ch.........

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A letter to the editor

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor


I am writing to express my support for small-class teaching that has been adopted in some schools.


To begin with, small-class teaching can let teachers give more support and care to the students. Sometimes, teachers do not have enough time to answer the questions that are asked by.........

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A letter to a friend

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Natalie

Hi! How were you during your Easter holiday? I had been to Hong Kong with my family for three days. It was fun and I love Hong Kong very much! I’d like to describe the whole tour to you.

On the first day, we went to the Avenue of Star’.The Avenue of Stars pays tribute to the names tha.........

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Story Writing: The Time Portal1

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

One night, I awoke by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw a door-like shape glowing with silver-blue light in the darkness. I blinked my eyes and pinched myself a few times to see if I was dreaming. I wasn’t. Then, I looked out of the window. The night was calm and silent. There.........

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Story Writing: The Time Portal2

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Sitting on a wall with Lizzy and Stella, I looked at our funeral. We were invisible to everonexcept for ourselves, but we weren’t ghosts. We ouljust become invisible. As for the funeral, we pretended to die in a very serious car crash where our bodies were so squashed that no one would be able t.........

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The ghosts and me

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

One night, I was awoken by the sound of distant thunder.As I opened my eyes, I realized that before I went to bed, I had forgotten to turn off the TV.I went to the living room, a ghost movie was being played.When I was about to turn it off, some ghosts were crawling out from the screen suddenly.

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The Frog Sees the World

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Are you “A Frog in the well’? I think everyone is familiar with the fable named “The Frog in the Well”.

It was a short and simple fable. A frog lived at the bottom of an unused well. One day, a tortoise came to the mouth of the well, the frog saw him, “I am extremely happy; the life here is amazing..........

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Story Writing

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

One nightI awoke by the sound of distant thunder.As I opened my eyes, Isaw two strong men kissing

'Oh my GodIt’disgusting!I whispered.They must be gay.'The taller one was very thin with long and straight hair.He wore a T-shirt with spots and jeans. The shorter one was fat with long and curly .........

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Story Writing—You?The Killer?

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

One night, I awoke by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw a broken vase on the floor. That was my mother favourite vase. Then I saw my mothelying on the floo.She was out of breath.I screamed. I felt very scared. nearly wencrazat the moment cryin, ‘Who killed my mother? have t.........

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Story Writing

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

One nightI awoke by the sound of distant thunder.As I opened my eyesI heard someone throwing something noisily.t was from my neighbourhouse.I watched from the window ithe living room.ThenI saw that Mr.Fan and Mrs.Fan were arguing.I could not hear what they were arguinbut I saw that Mr..........

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Sports Day Article

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

Carmel Secondary School’s 4tAnnual Sports Day was held at Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground on 4 and 5 October 2012.

This year, we started with a special moment. Our principal, Mr. Kung Kam Tim, led us to pay a three-minute silent tribute with the flag at half mast to those who were injured and killed in.........

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Carmel’s Unique Sports Day

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

CarmelSecondary School's 48th Annual Sports Days were held successfully and safely at Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground on 4th and 5th October.  Students, teachers, scouts and parents of CarmelSecondary School joined the Sports Days.

Before the opening speech, there was a special ceremony. All students an.........

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Positive Thinking Can Work Like Magic

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift you point of view.

When we face some difficulties that we can’t solve, most of us will choose to give up. But why can some of them solve the problems? It is because t.........

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February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0



Furry, Lovel

Can’t move, can’t talk, can’t hea

How much I hope you are alive

But how


Alice in the wonderland.

Lovely rabbit’s clock goes tick- tock tick- tock.

It’s a problem when Alice grows tall.

Cards need to kill Alice she is too tall.

Ends witthsurprising truth- a dream.

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February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

others are always sweet and nice.

pen to buy you everything.

ravel everywhere with you.

ug you tightly.

xcellent mother.

eady to be loved.

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An Online blog introducing a restaurant

February 10, 2014 CS Admin 0

There is a restaurant in Hong Kong that I highly recommend. Let me tell you more about it. The restaurant is located in Admiralty. It is inside the Hong Kong Park. It is on the ground floor of The K. S. Lo Gallery. The restaurant is called the Lock Cha Tea Shop.

As it is a Chinese restaurant, ll t.........

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