Is it possible that a person’s life is cursed?

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

A person’s life can never be cursed. What matters most is your attitude towards difficulties.

A person life may seem to be cursed at the beginning. Take Stanley Yelnats in the booHole. He is always in the wrong place at the wrong time, like all his ancestors were. People all believe he has stolen .........

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How to have a “Green Future”?

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

There is a serious waste problem in our city, Hong Kong. The 3 landfills will be full by 2015, and we don’t have anymore land for another landfill. However, most of the people in Hong Kong still have not realized this critical problem and they keep on producing excessive waste. They even worsen the .........

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Book Report: Firelight

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Before reading this novel, I was impressed by thtaglinon the cover. A hidden truth. Mortal enemies. Doomed love.This is efinitely a whole new unique storwitvery well written character.It caught my attention from thmain character, Jacind.Shis a drai, the descendant of dragonwith the powe.........

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Expressing regrets

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Hello Kitty Pencil Case

I’m sorry I have made you extremely dirty and put you under the bed.  I bought you when I was in Primary One and I loved you so much.  I brought you to school every day.  As I grew up gradually, I thought that you were too childish.  As I wanted to buy a new one, I star.........

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Eternal Relationship

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

‘Secondhand Lions’ is an American family-friendly comedy written and directed by Tim McCanlies. He has directed several films. It is a splendid idea to have him directed this much-loved comedy. The story is set in Texas in the 1960s. It tells the story of an introverted 14-year-old boy, Walter Caldw.........

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Call Me Miss Leung!

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Today, I had a challenging and interesting experience at school. Guess what? It was being a teacher! I, ‘Miss Leung’, was teaching English for two periods! Do you want to know more about my teaching experience

After the first recess, Miss Lau who is the original teacher walked into the classroom an.........

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Anti-discrimination Law

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Good afternoon, teachers and fellow schoolmates.  Homosexuality is a hot potato recently. People argue about the introduction of an anti-discrimination law to protect the rights of the sexual minorities.  Should the government enact such a law?  I’d like to share my view on this topic.

I don’t think.........

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An email to Stanley

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Stanley

Hey! How are you? I heard that you got into troubles recently. I am writing to share how I face troubles with you.

A pair of smelly sneakers dropped onto your head. And the adults thought you stole the sneakers. They didn’t believe that you are innocent and sent you to Camp Green Lake t.........

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An email to Stanley

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Hi Cavema

How’re you? How’s life after coming out from Camp Green Lake? After digging so many holes, I believe you have become much stronger compared with you before being sent to Camp Green Lake. I know you had faced many problems. Life must be hard in the past. I feel deeply sorry for you.

The fi.........

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A Valuable Learning Experience

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Today was really fabulous!  During school, I swapped my role with my English teacher Ms Ng and taught my own class English for a double period.

At first, I freaked out a bit because every classmate was staring at me, waiting for my next move.  I calmed myself down and started distributing handouts a.........

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A Tiring Teaching Period

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

I felt very excited about the experience of being an English teacher for a double period.  I first thought it would just be a piece of cake for me because I had seen other teachers who could handle their lessons with confidence and ease.  Regrettably, this didn’t happen to me.

When I walked into the.........

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A Present to be given to a Character in Hole

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

There are many characters in the book “Holes”. If I could give a present to any one of them, I would choose to give a Mathematics textbook to Zero.

First of all, Zero has a strong sense of numbers. When he asked Stanley to teach him the alphabet, he could figure out how many letters there are in a m.........

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A Movie Review

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Secondhand Lions is a family comedy set in Texas. A timid 14-year-old boy goes to stay with his two eccentric uncles. Tim McCanlies is the director and screenwriter. He has attracted attention for his work by writing and directing this movie. He found two great actors Michael Caine and Robert Duvall.........

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A letter of regret

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Water Bottle

I'm sorry I haven't used you for over two weeks.  It's all because of the mistake that I made last week.  Last Monday, dad gave you to me as my birthday present.  I thought you look so beautiful and I brought you to the restaurant two days later.  I took you out and put you on the .........

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A Letter of Regret

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Piano

I'm sorry I didn't take care of you and was not kind to you. It's all because of my bad temper which was caused by the school and homework pressure.  I always gave vent to you by playing songs badly, and pounding the keyboard harshly.  I did this until one day some keys couldn't play any.........

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A Letter of Complaint

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

26B, Wing Ning Hous

Tai Ping Estat



2tOctober, 201


Super Fit Fitness Centr

3/F, Sunny Buildin

502 Nathan Roa


Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Complaints about Super Fit Fitness Centr

I am writing to complain about the unacceptable conditions of your fitness centre. I think you shoul.........

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A Letter of Complaint (2)

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

26B, Wing Ning Hous

Tai Ping Estat



2tOctober, 201


Super Fit Fitness Centr

3/F, Sunny Buildin

502 Nathan Roa


Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Complaints about Super Fit Fitness Centr

I am writing to complain about the unacceptable conditions of your fitness centre. I think you shoul.........

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Lee Wai Sze, Sarah——the person I admire very much

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

She is young, but not slim and beautiful. Instead, she is muscular with dull skin.  The sunny smile on her face makes her attractivand easy for recogniation. She is a well-known Hong Kong’s hero as well as the person I admire very much.  She is Lee Wai Sze, Sarah.

I admire Sarah because she made he.........

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The Family Zoo (An animal poem)

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

My home is a zoo

Animals there never feel blue.

If you don’t believe that this is true

Telling you the truth is what I’ll do.

My father is a horse

That means he eats a lot, of course.

No mattewhethethe food looks cooked or raw

he still finishes it until he falls.

My mother is a pig

But that doesn’t .........

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Small-class Teaching

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor,                           

I am writing to express my concern about the policy of small-class teaching that is proposed by some people.               

Firstly, small-class teaching can let students learn more. This is because when there are fewer students in class, students can have m.........

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Small-class Teaching cannot benefit Hong Kong’s education

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my opinion about the small-class teaching policy that is the hot topic discussed by the public.


Firstly, I think small-class teaching will increase the burden of teachers. Since students are separated in more classes, the school should employ more teachers .........

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Small-class teaching is beneficial

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear editor

I am writing to show my support for the small-class- teaching policy.

Nowadays, a lot of tutorial classes are promoting small-class teaching. The less students in a class, the more expensive the class is. This shows that small-class teaching is really costly. But I think small-class tea.........

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Small-class teaching benefits students

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my support for the small-class teaching that has been adopted in some schools.

Firstly, small-class teaching can let students have more individual attention from teachers. Teachers can take care of all students easier. Furthermore, it improves the relationship be.........

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One day, your mom became 20-cm tall, what happened?

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Last Sunday was a sunny day. The glaring sun light shone to my eyes from the window. I looked at the clock and it was already 10. Usually, my mom would wake me up at 9 and prepared a delicious breakfast for me. Strange! I could not find anything on the dining table yet that time, so I knocked on my .........

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Life is …

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Life is a mountain. Sometimes, it is insipid but safe as a plateau. Sometimes, it is challenging as a slope. We need to put effort into the long climb. During the process, we must overcome a lot of unforeseeable difficulties. Finally, we may reach the mountain top. Yet, there are dangers. It is poss.........

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Imaginative Writing

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

“What? No!” I yelled, “No! I don’t mean it! I am sorry!”

There I was, I upset my friend Alice. Suddenly, I was being punched in the tummy.

“Ouch!” I said as I woke from my dream. “ What a nightmare,” I said as I rubbed my eyes sleepily. It must be my cat who stepped on me but it was nowhere to be se.........

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Imaginative Writing

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

Oh my gosh! It was ten o’clock in the morning already? How long had I slept? I looked around and found that the sun was hangiin the sky already. I was too tired to get up. I could only blame myself as I didn’t sleep early on Saturday.

I tried to find my mom but I could not find her. She should be .........

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A Diary

February 11, 2014 CS Admin 0

I am a diary, a beautiful diary. I was born in a famous factory. All the things which were produced there were brand-name. One day, I was bought by a boy. Yes, you’re right. I was bought by a BOY. It was quite strange, right..

But after the day he brought me home, I changed my mind. waextremely d.........

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