A Letter on Parallel Traders

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to share my views about the current measures taken by the police and immigration officials against cross border parallel trading. Parallel traders take products ranging from milk power, mobile phones to cosmetics over the border to sell in the mainland. As these traders buy .........

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A day as a coffee shop assistant

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

I joined the programme “Let The Dream Come True” held by YMCA a few months ago. And luckily they selected me and let my child dream come true! I became a coffee shop assistant for a day! It was a very interesting experience

I was assigned to a café named Heaven Coffee. The area of that café was qui.........

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The Wild Sides

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her.  Amy was kind and gentle.  She was helpful and all the students appreciated her very much. David always wanted a girl like Amy as his girlfriend.  Therefore, he tried to approach Amy and asked her out.

“Amy, would you like to go the cinema with m.........

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A Love Tragedy

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her. One day, David asked Amy, ‘Amy would you like to go to the cinema with me on Saturday?’ ‘I’d love to,’ Amy replied.

On Saturday morning, Amy got up early and went to Fashion House to buy some trendy clothes. Afterwards, she went to a salon to have.........

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A Day as a Coffee Shop Assistant

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

When we mention a barista, we usually think of a good looking young man holding or preparing a latté. Everything looks simple and easy. After a day as a coffee shop assistant, I have to say that this kind of imagination is totally wrong and unrealistic

Coffee shops usually open at noon and close at .........

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A Day as a Coffee Shop Assistant

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

I went to a coffee shop to work as a coffee shop assistant because my editor has asked me to write an article about working.

The coffee shop was located in Causeway Bay. It was a shop on the first floor of a commercial building. The owner, Mrs. Wong, started her career last year. She was a sole-propr.........

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Short Story: The Rescue from Mythical Heroes

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

In this snowy winter in Tibet , an uphill battle between the wolves and the Tibetan Mastiffs would kick off shortly.

They were coming. Yes, they were coming. The dogs could smell the odor of them. There’s a pack of wolves evenly distributed on the slope, moving quietly.

The leader of the dogs, Regan.........

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Short Story: Super Power and Sacrifices

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

It had been two days after he had been trapped underground. His face was seamed with wrinkles and dust. He could not forget what happened on that day. The stope suddenly collapsed. All the miners were then trapped and killed. He didn’t know whether they were dead or not, but he could not hear any gr.........

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Short Story: Right or Left, Heaven or Hell

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

It was a sunny and windy Sunday. The weather was genial. James, Annie and their parents went for an outing on this breezy day. On the top of the Gold Mountain, which was the highest and loftiest mountain in the town, James and Annie were flying a kite. Their laughter reverberated in the mountain. Ho.........

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Short Story: Partnership

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

Hundred of police surrounded the house of Ryan. He felt dreadful and he started to shiver. He held the safe deposit box tightly, but nobody would give him a helping hand. ‘It is not my fault. This is all because of you!

‘Ryan! See what it is! It is a brand new radioactive element.’  shouted Alan lou.........

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Short Story: A helping paw

February 14, 2014 CS Admin 0

It was an early autumn morning, cool and dry. A suitable day for hiking and … may be adventure.

‘Come on, Ben! Walk faster! Walk faster! Don’t walk like an elderly! Where is your enthusiasm? Please, walk faster!’ Sam shouted with impatience.

Ben, who was still strolling slowly on a path, gently answer.........

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Womanly Qualities

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Being a man places certain obligations on us.  We need to live up to lots of expectations such as being strong and so on.  However, there are also several womanly qualities that every woman should possess.  Let me explain some of these qualities.

Women should be able to cook.  This is a traditional .........

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What is in Zero’s Brain?

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Hello Carmelians!  Have you ever heard about the book ‘Holes’? It is a novel which takes place in a juvenile detention in Camp Green Lake, a dried-up one. The boys there together form a lot of exciting scenes. Among all the youngsters, I am impressed with Hectic Zeroni who has got an interesting nic.........

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Womanly Qualities

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Like men, women also have to live up to lots of expectations.  Women are supposed to be gentle and polite, just like Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge.  However, Hong Kong is not under the rule of a king!  There are no more chances for you to be a princess like Catherine!  Although you can’t be a .........

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Walking in the rain

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

It was a pleasant day on a Sunday afternoon. After visiting an exhibition, I went to the promenade outside the exhibition centre. Suddenly, the sky became pale and cloudy. After a few minutes, it changed to a heavy downpour.

The rain poured so hard that I could not hold my umbrella. So I headed to a.........

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Walking in the rain

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

My steps became quicker and quicker as the sky was getting dull and cloudy. The sky soon turned into layers of thick and unapproachable mist, occupying the darkening sky and descending to the infinite horizon. Suddenly, lightning dragged through the bleak sky, just like a white sharp fang shearing i.........

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Walking in the rain

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Last Monday was an unforgettable rainy day when I could feel the excitement brought by the rain. I forgot to bring my umbrella but I was determined not to wait for the rain to stop because I was in a hurry.

When I trotted from the school, I descried the silvery cloth falling from the grey sky. The c.........

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Walking in the rain

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

The silent and discreet drizzles slid down from the overcast sky. They were colorless and were as tiny as the crystals on the charming jewelry. “Tick- Tick- Tick…” The patter of raindrops could be heard clearly. They pitter- pattered on the roof and ground.

Soon, the sky turned dark and felt horribl.........

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Walking in the rain

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

The weather is sunny so I go jogging in the park. There is a big blue picture above my head. Suddenly, the colour of the picture changes. The clouds cannot cover their upset emotion anymore. They want to express their miserable feelings freely so they cry heavily.

I stop jogging and try to find a pl.........

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Under what conditions does true friendship grow?

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

In this often phony and topsy-turvy world, it seems to be difficult for a true friendship to grow. In fact, a true friendship only requires a few things, selflessness, support and consideration.

True friendship grows when you do not take account of what you get.  In the storHole, Stanley, the main .........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Have you ever thought of studying abroad after completing Secondary Three? I guess some of you may want to but the others may not. In this essay, I would like to share with you my views on the benefits and defeats of studying abroad.

First of all, it is obvious that studying abroad after completing .........

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The pros and cons of studying abroad

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Nowadays, many students want to study abroad after completing Secondary Three. Some people think that is a good idea, while other people don’t. In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for and against studying abroad.

First of all, one argument in favour of studying abroad is that it can .........

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The Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Because of the prospering economic development throughout the world, more and more people can afford to study overseas. Some people think that studying overseas is a good idea while some people do not think so. In this essay, I would like to share with you my views on the pros and cons of studying a.........

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The Internet-free Day

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

I joined the ‘Internet-free Day’ organized by my school two months ago. It sounds boring, isn’t it? But why did I still decide to participate in it? Let me tell you why. The main reason is I was an Internet addict in the past. Every day, I spent at least two hours on Facebook, MSN, Instagram and the.........

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Suggestion Form

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

I would like to suggest the following kinds oprogrammefor Teen TV

1.         Documentarie

The TV channel could present documentaries to teenagers in Hong Kong to let them know more about things happening all around the world.  Documentaries are realistic video clips which macontaiknowledge abo.........

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Six Skills Every Carmel Student Should Know

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Hong Kong is a modern cit. Due to rapid development of technology, people’s lives are greatly changed. However, teenagers get used to their convenient lives and the majority of them don’t possess basic skills. For example, some students in Carmel don’t know how to tie a necktie. Therefore, I think .........

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Sharing with S1 students

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Good morning teachers and F.1 students

I’m Kelly Shum, a form 3 student. It’s a great honour to be invited here to share the effective learning methods and the school life in Carmel with you.

Have your parents been grumbling that you slept very late at night, at early hours? Do these scenes ring a .........

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Life Vs Marathon

February 12, 2014 CS Admin 0

Dear 3B students

Everyone wants to be a successful person and you are no exception. However, the way to succeed is long and tough. If you truly want to succeed, you need excellent psychological qualities, dogged persistence and sustained effort. Let’s check with me whether you have got all these ke.........

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