The Animal Family

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

My family is an animal farm.I am the one who is in charge.

I have a gorilla, a fat and talkative gorilla.He eats a lot on the sofa and talks a lot on the sofa.He is always boasting about how wonderful he’s when he was young.He talks to me only to ask me one question‘Have you done your homeworkI call him ‘.........

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October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear SimonHey, buddy! How are you doing

I 've heard that you've picked up the habit of shoplifting. I am really worried about you. I am writing to you as your friend , not a bla, bla, bla!.I hope you would listen to me.

Stealing things is really a terrible habit. You may think you are only stealing s.........

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Poem – My Lovely Pets

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Poem – My Lovel

I have a dog.He has many black dots.He is a lovely dobecause he likes eating hotdogs.

I have a turtle.He is a reptile.He is a lovely turtlbecause he likes playing with his tail.

I have a cat.She always sleeps on a mat.She is a lovely cabecause she likes wearing a hat.

I also have a spider..........

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A Mystery Location

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Let us play a game first. You have to guess a mystery location in my mind. This is a location near our school, inside the Oi Man Centre. Do you know where it is

I can see a small table for us to eat. It is only big enough for three to four people to use at lunchtime. I can see many people going in a.........

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Poem – My Lovely Pets

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

I have a dog.He has many black dots.He is a lovely dobecause he likes eating hotdogs.

I have a turtle.He is a reptile.He is a lovely turtlbecause he loves playing with his tail.

I have a cat.She always sleeps on a mat.She is a lovely cabecause she likes wearing a hat.

I also have a spider.She is a clever joker..........

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An Animal Poem: My Animal Family

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

I have an oxA hardworking, funny and strong ox.I only get to see him once a weekSo when he comes back I always give him a kiss on the cheek.He is always so kind, and never does he get mad.He is the one I call Dad.

My house is ruled by a tigressI call her my mother.She takes care of everything in t.........

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Life is a box of a chocolate

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Life is a box of a chocolat

In the film Forest Gump, there is a famous line, “Life is a box of chocolate. You never know what you ‘re gonna get.” I agree to it very much. In a box of chocolate, you don’t know which one is sweet and which one is bitter. Like the life of everyb.........

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Life is …

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0
Life is an enormous and tall mountain. It is beautiful and attractive, but climbing a careless step, we may get injured. It is full of challenges too. We may have to face different kinds of emergency problems, like food, hiking skill and accidents. Moreover, the point we are heading for may be very .........Read More

A metaphor for life

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Life is a box of chocolate

Life is a box of chocolates. Inside the box, there are milk chocolates, dark chocolates, and each of them has different flavours.We can roughly guess whether the chocolate is sweet or bitter by its colour and smell. But we can never be sure how it tastes until we pick it u.........

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Imaginative Writing

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

‘Oh No!’ I saw myself in the mirror and found that I had become a kitten. I thought that I was dreaming. I slapped my face until my face was really sore. It was not a dream. It was real!

So I decided to find my mum for help. I ran into her room and she screamed.

‘Where does this cat come from?&r.........

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Imaginative writing

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

I heard a faint noise from the kitchen. Someone was calling my name, “Lesley! Lesley! Come here!”Was I hallucinating? Silently, I tip-toed to the kitchen. As I peered into the sink, I nearly fainted. My mum had shrunk and was no bigger than my hand! I was horrified and started slapping myself really .........

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I gave everyone a shock

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

I was a very ordinary F.2 student. I didn't attend any activities at school, my results were not bad but also not very impressive either. I didn't have many friends. In their eyes, I was a freak who didn't talk or hang out with others. Until one day,…

While I was walking back home, I saw a dirty beggar .........

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Exams encourage students to learn

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0
I think exams encourage students to learn because exams can assess the actual ability of students and they give students the chance to have positive competitions. Moreover, they can train students’ ability to work efficiently.Exams can assess the actual ability of students. In exams, students have t.........Read More

Charlotte’s Web

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

The book I would like to share is Charlotte’s Web. This book is about a girl called Fern. Her father was going to kill a little pig which was a runt. Fern saved the pig and named it Wilbur. When Wilbur became bigger, it was sent to the barn and taken care of by someone else. One day, other ani.........

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Bottle Imp

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

The book I would like to share is ‘The Bottle IMP’. It was about a man whose name was Keawe. One day, he met an old man and bought the bottle from the old man. The old man told him the imp in the bottle would do all the things for its owner.

Keawe used it to get a big house and got lots of money. Then.........

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Animals in my Family

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

There are a giraffe, a tall and muscular giraffe.He solves many people’s problems and also loves my mum.He always shares ice-cream with us and buys the flavour we love.He cares about our family and I call him Daddy.

There is a kangaroo, a beautiful smart kangaroo.She is hard-working and loves shoppin.........

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An Animal Poem

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

In a big zoothere is a big kangaroo.

Look at that stupid tigerI think it has drunk some beer.

There is a noisy birdIt produces the worst sound I have ever heard.

Many fishes swim and swimThey make me really want to swim

The elephants are very hugeBut the banana is not huge.

The monkey always looks at me.........

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An Animal Poem

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

I have a little cat.I like to pat its head.It always puts on a hat.It is a wonderful pe

I have a smart mother.She looks like a hamster.She shouts like a monster.But she’s better than my father.

My brother looks like a frog.He always flops over.He never stops.He also talks a lot.

All animals are our friends..........

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An Animal Poem

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Animal Body Part

Thanks to two sharp eyesAn eagle’sI can notice Mum’s fine wrinkleThat remind me of her sleepless nights.

Thanks to a couple of earsA bat’sI can hear the endless love whispeWhen Mum waves at the bus stop.

Thanks to a sensitive noseA dog’sI can sniff sweet chocola.........

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An Animal Poem

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

An Animal Poe

I have a cow, a very hardworking cow.She always walks around at home with a towel and a broom.She asks me to go to revise my books every day.

I have a monkey, a playful monkey.He always plays with me, and also plays tricks on me.He likes taking us to go on a picnic.I call him my crazy daddy..........

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Our 2A Zoo

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

2A is a great big zoWhere World War II happens every daBut it isn’t in a complete mesActually, it looks cool.

We have a parroShe talks and talkBut never stopShe is friendly and sits next to me.I call her Mandy the chairlady.

We have a woodpeckeHe is very responsiblTaking exercise books up and .........

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An Animal Poem

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

A lovely pretty little pigit is unlucky that it makes its master sickit wants to eat all the rick.

After it has read a bookIt wants to look at the sky.How does the sky look likeSo it goes to have a hike.

But it can’t see the sky. (All pigs can’t look at the sky.What can it doIt calls all the anim.........

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A Secret

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

A SecreMr. Chan was the husband of Mrs. Chan, and the father of David. He was a really rich and fortunate man who enjoyed the time with his family.However, one day, Mr. Chan lost his job because of the financial crisis. He was very worried and upset, and decided to keep this as a secret because he .........

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A Mystery Location

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

A mystery location? It is …. Oh! I want you to guess it. It is in Carmel Secondary School. All Carmel students know and have used this place. Let me give you some hints.Firstly, it is a big and attractive place. Every student likes going there in recess. Even when the school finishes, they do not wa.........

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Story Writing

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

When I woke up that morning, I knew something was going to happen.

“Annoying clock!” I yawned and stared at the clock. “What? HALF PAST SIX now? I got up thirty minutes late!” I brushed my teeth quickly and there were still some bubbles left in my oral, but…I DON’.........

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The tortoise and the hare 2

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

The tortoise and the hare Last time, the tortoise and hare had a running race. The tortoise won and the hare could not take the failure, so it asked tortoise to join the race one more time.Tortoise said he would like to join this race. This time, the hare knew that he was so proud of himself that h.........

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The prince and the stopwatch

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0
A long long time ago, in a far far away kingdom, there was a little lovely boy. He was the prince of the kingdom and he had everything he wanted. He wanted to play with all his toys but he didn’t have time.One day, he heard some strange noise under his bed. Suddenly, he saw a frog jumping out from h.........Read More

The Mystery Nightmare

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

When I woke up that morning, I knew something was going to happen.

The night before, I had a nightmare I was in a forest. There was no one around. It was unusually quiet. It was the quiet that could make people scared. I noticed that there was a cabin in front of me. It was very cool in the forest. S.........

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The Last Letter To My Mum

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear mumIt's great to write to you again. First, I want to thank for all your love you have given to me, the chance you have given me to learn, and also the birth you give me. All these years is only like yesterday, but I brought bad news to you. I've got cancer.It happened very suddenly. I had head.........

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The last letter to my grandmother

October 19, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Grandmother

How are you? I am going to Japan with my father, mother and brother, but the plane will crash fifteen minutes later an maybe we will die.

Thank you for your love and care very much. Although you punished me sometimes when I did something wrong, I know you care about me. Once, I could.........

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