Be more confident of teens

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Many adults think they know teenagers very well because they were once young. Nevertheless, there are always a lot of conflicts between adults and teenagers. This indicates that adults do not really understand teenagers. Then, what are these misconceptions

One major misconception is that teenagers a.........

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Adults understand teenagers? No!

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Nowadays there are many misconceptions among adults and teenagers. In my opinion, adults do not understand teenagers because I can see a lot of arguments between them and if adults do understand teenagers, there will be less argument, so I think that adults do not understand teenagers.

There are some.........

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Adults and teenagers

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Conflicts between adults and teenagers have aroused discontent of teens towards their parents and teachers, leading to many problems at home and at school. The mutual misunderstanding drives the vicious cycle and worsens their relationship. To address such problem, we have to find out the major misc.........

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Misconception: Adults vs. Teenagers

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

I believe every mother and father has set many goals for their own selves to achieve when they give birth to their new-comer in the family. Parents always try their best to provide a good environment for their children. They care for and love their children in no time, no where! However, there is al.........

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A Special Day with Rainie

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
I could not believe that I could have a chance to spend a day with my favourite pop star------Rainie Lam. I became her supporter when I was a Primary Six student. I like her because I think she is beautiful and I know that she is hard-working. I was glad that that I could spend a day with her and it.........Read More

The top three things I want to do in my life

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

It is difficult to determine the top three things I want to do in my life since there are too many things I would like to do. Also, the things I want to do always change. If you really want to know, I can tell you the top three things I want to do in my life I have just thought about.

The first thing.........

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The top three things I want to do in my life

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

I am now 14 years old. Four years later, I will become an adult. After this, my life will have a change as I can do anything I like.

The first thing I want to do is to find a stable and interesting job. Nowadays, we have to study hard in order to find a good job. Therefore, my plan is to do my best a.........

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The Great City – Hong Kong

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
As more and more people migrate to Hong Kong, the population density is increasing. The immigrants are attracted by this city. They think that Hong Kong is their ideal home.Hong Kong is the world’s most well-known shoppers’ and gourmets’ paradise. Here you can find many gigantic sh.........Read More

Speech Writing

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
Good morning Principal, Teachers and Fellow SchoolmatesI am the chairperson of Sports Committee. Today, I am going to talk about working out and slimming products.Nowadays, a lot of people want to improve their body shapes, so they go to slimming centres, take pills or use other slimming products.A.........Read More

Letter to the Editor

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to reply to Pat Chan’s letter about electronic readers replacing paper textbooks with electronic readers. I am afraid I disagree with Pat Chan’s points about electronic readers and paper textbooks. I believe that using an electronic reader can bring benefits to u.........

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Online shopping is a bad choice for shoppers

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Nowadays, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. There is no doubt that those online shops bring us convenience because we do not need to go to the stores and use so much energy on getting our heavy bags back home. However, does it mean that they are a good choice for shoppers? Of course.........

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Narrative Writing

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
I was going to do an exciting thingI paced up and down the street in which few people walked through for a long time, and, finally, I found my big game … a fat lady was shopping with her friend. They walked towards my position. Although they did nott look wealthy, I did not change my target─.........Read More

My Lovely Mother

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
It’s not exaggerating to say that my mum is one of the strangest creatures in the world. Can you imagine having a mum who is chic, childish and always goes bananas? That’s the lady in my life.There’s an ‘open policy’ in my home. We discuss different kinds of issues freely, for examp.........Read More


November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
I searched my bag again and again impatiently. However, I could not find my newly bought wallet.“My… My purse has disappeared!” I stammered to the salesman of the record shop with apology.“Ah! That man is a pickpocket!” cried my friend, Carol.About two hours ago, we entered the shopping centre with exc.........Read More

Junk food, stay away from me!

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you rush to the school canteen after half a day’s lessons? Is it a pack of French fries? Is it a fried chicken leg? Is it a bowl of fish balls? This food is really tasty. But do you know what substances there are in the foodAll that junk food con.........Read More

Is Hong Kong a good place to live in?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
In terms of size, Hong Kong is just a tiny spot on the Earth. However, this small place is actually one of the most famous cities in the world. Although the city is so well-known among the people in the world, is Hong Kong a good place to live in? My answer is: Yes, of courseFirst of all, Hong Kong.........Read More

Hong Kong is still not an excellent place to live in

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
Is Hong Kong a good place to live in? Some people probably nod their heads. We are seeing wonderful views, enjoying low tax rates, and having fun with different entertaining activities. Constant inflow of talents from mainland China activates our minds; products imported from different parts of the .........Read More

Hong Kong is no longer a paradise

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Do you have an extremely routine life? Do you love the life you are having now? People in Hong Kong need to work day and night. There are loads of work and homework waiting for them every day. If you are expecting to have a comfortable environment for working, then I will tell you that it is hopeles.........

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Hong Kong is a good place to live in

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
As we are living in Hong Kong, I think that Hong Kong is a very beautiful and comfortable place to live in. You can enjoy great life here.Hong Kong is entitled ‘The Pearl of Orient’. Although the city is small, there is the beautiful view of the famous Victoria Harbour. It is especially .........Read More

The dangers of gambling

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

You want to be a millionaire; I want to be a billionaire too. No one wants to be poor but want to be poor but rich to achieve all his wishes. Some people work hard to earn lots of money in hope of making their dreams come true. Nevertheless, some other people are lazy and want to get things by luck..........

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Letter to the editor

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Sir/Mada

I am writing to express my opinion on the event about banning all the unhealthy and fattening snacks in all primary and secondary tuck shops in order to tackle childhood obesity. I am for this policy.

First, as we know, the problem of childhood obesity becomes more and more serious in t.........

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A speech on being volunteer tutors

October 21, 2009 Article Manager 0
Good morning, Principal, teachers and schoolmates.I’m the chairperson of the Student Union, Chris Wong from 6A. I’m glad to have this opportunity to stand here and share with you. Have you attended any tutorial classes? I guess so. However, have you ever tried to be a tutor in the tutori.........Read More

A Series of Unpredictable Events

October 21, 2009 Article Manager 0

It was always tiring after work. I put my hand into my pocket, took out the only money I had got and started counting.‘One, two…only a hundred dollars!’ My heart dropped and I started worrying.‘How can I survive with just a hundred dollars for a month! Oh…I’m going to eat a piece ofWh.........

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