The advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Thanks to the growth of information technology, we now live in the ‘Computer Age’. The Internet has many uniquely modern functions. Yet, there are risks and bad effects when using it. Four pros are going to fight against four cons below.

Widely used in offices, research institutes, information centers.........

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Dare to Dream

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Have you ever had a dream and tried to achieve it? Or do you believe that dreams will come true? In reality, we seldom think of dreams, which seem too far away from reality and too greae and difficult for us toachieve. However, everyone should have dream in his life because a dream is like a painter.........

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Composition 6

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Write an essay either for or against the motion that legislation should be enacted to prohibit discrimination against mainland Chinese.

The Race Discrimination Ordinance was gazetted on 18th July, 2008. However, some blamed it for not protecting the interests of the mainland Chinese. This once again .........

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Dare To Dream

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dream follows ambition; hope follows courage. Turn your face towards danger; set your heart on victory.

At some point in life, we must learn to dream big and dare to dream wild. For dreaming and defining one’s goal is what motivates us in life. It provides us with a purpose to wake up every mor.........

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Blogs are more a blessing than a curse

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
Blog, an abbreviation of web log, is an online logbook or a type of website where entries are made, such as Xanga and Facebook. The popularity of blogs is growing significantly. Some people think that blogs provide them personal space where they can really be who they want to be. Others argue that b.........Read More

Aging Population

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear EditorAs birth rate in Hong Kong is decreasing and Hong Kong people tend to live longer than before, Hong Kong will surely face the problem of aging population, which is a challenging task for both the government and citizens.

To deal with the problem and enjoy a fruitful and happy retired life.........

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Why don’t you listen to me?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Parents nowadays concentrate on their work much more than before. They spend less time to communicate with their children. As a teenager myself, I think that the lack of parental communication leads to their misconceptions about teenagers.

Adults probably think they understand teenagers’ feelin.........

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Why do people fall prey to con artists?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Despite the fact that people are always warned to stay alert to street scams, many of them still fall prey to con artists. This may be due to these reasons: ignorance and sympathy.Greed is the main reason for people being preyed on. The imposters truly know about this and they usually feign that the.........

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Why do people fall prey to con artists?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

We often think of con artists preying on the elderly because they can be mentally disoriented and susceptible to the attention and concern of a stranger. However, it can happen to anyone.Why do people fall prey to con artists? The most common reasons are genuine heartedness and greed.Good-hearted pe.........

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Why do people fall prey to con artists?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
Street scam cases are growing like mushrooms lately. The public has been warned to stay alert to the growing trend of con artists, those who are capable of defrauding innocent ones of their properties by various means. The prosperity enjoyed by these scammers is mainly due to the support from greedy.........Read More

Thank you, Dad

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

In these sixteen years, there is someone who has greatly inspired me and caused significant changes in my growth and development. He has guided me when I am lost, helped me to stand up when I fall, and granted me treasurable memories. Who is this? My father.

Dad is not as ‘talkative’ as M.........

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Spoilsport or Saviour?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
He is always the leading figure among demonstrators; he is famous for being tough and difficult; no one had ever expected to see him being well-received in the past: these are descriptions of ‘Long Hair’ Kwok-hung Leung. Leung has been a legislator for four years and he is a rather contr.........Read More

Preserving Chinese Traditions

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
Dear EditorI am writing to express my opinion on preserving the Chinese traditions and customs which are disappearing. I strongly believe that we should preserve these traditions or customs, for example, the traditional building style in China, the scissor-cut, martial arts and so on. These convent.........Read More

A Picture Composition – Short task

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

David’s firs

David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her. Attracted by Amy’s cheeks and sparkling eyes, David found himself deeply in love with her natural beauty. After struggling for what seemed like hours, she plucked up his courage, holding his breath, and asked Amy whether s.........

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Parents don’t know what children are thinking!

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Due to the differences in ages and points of view, many misconceptions arise between parents and their children, resulting in deterioration of their relationship. We should firstly find out the major misconceptions in order to change the situation.

First of all, the biggest misconception between adul.........

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No More Cheating!

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
If you are hung up by a very difficult question in an exam which is crucial to your future life, what will you do? Will you abandon the question or find an easy way to go? 20% respondents in a survey conducted recently said they would cheat. It seems that cheating has become common among teenagers. .........Read More

Miss Chan – My Inspiration

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

I have met many teachers throughout my years of studying. Many of them have inspired me a lot. Though I may not have remembered all of the teachers, there is one that I have never forgotten, and I can never forget. She is my primary school English teacher, Miss Chan.

Miss Chan had taught me English f.........

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My beloved ‘teacher’

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

' The champion is No.7 Ho Wan See', the judge announced in a singing contest held in 1997. This championship gave her a contract but not a chance to publish her CD. At that time, she was not famous at all and had no jobs to do. In that situation, it is really hard to stay there and continue .........

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Internet Ethics among the Teens

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

More and more voices from the society are complaining about teenagers’ internet ethics. Undoubtedly, youngsters’ morals in cyberspace are far from satisfactory. Many adolescents misbehave themselves on the Net as they do not have to use their real identities. Apart from using foul langua.........

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Hong Kong in 2015

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
Dear PeterI’ve been back to Hong Kong for a week already. How’s everything in Madrid? Did you enjoy watching Derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona? It was a wonderful match.Peter, I’d like to tell you something that you must be interested in. Hong Kong differs from 2008 a lot. Have you visit.........Read More

Have adults been too harsh to teenagers?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
Some teenagers in Hong Kong do not like their parents or teachers. Why? They think that adults have been too harsh to them. However, I disagree.Parents often do much for their children. They always remind them to study or complete their homework before surfing on the Net. Some teenagers think that i.........Read More

Changes: for better or worse?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

"It is more important to be clever than beautiful or handsome."Do you agree

In a society, there are many types of people from all walks of life, but what makes them different? Some people argue that having charming appearances and perfect body shapes is important, while others think that talents and .........

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Changes: for better or worse?

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

The year 2008 has been both prosperous and upsetting foe Hongkongers. Events near and far have been affecting Hongkongers in aspects more than one. The most important question is, however, whether these changes have brought about a better, or worse future for Hong Kong.

For most of last year until Oc.........

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Beijing Olympic Games in Retrospect

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Time really flies. The extraordinary 16-day event – the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games – has come to an end with compliments and happiness from all over the world. Remembering when we counted down to the Games with a longing heart, it is truly a bit depressing when witnessing the finale of t.........

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