A new hero

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

Our new super hero is Super Money Man

Super Money Man is a man who can change anything into money, such as soil, water and even rubbish. When his hands touch them, they will become money immediately.

Super Money Man always picks up rubbish from rubbish bins and changes them into money. Then, he will .........

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A Touching Moment in My Life

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

I celebrate my birthday with my parents nearly every year, except for this year’s birthday.This year I have got a special and touching birthday.

As it was the first year that I came to Carmel, no one knew my birthday. On my birthday, I went to school as usual. No one asked me ‘What present do y.........

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A Mirror, A Hope

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

A Mirror, A Hop

There was a poor village called Despair. People who lived there would never feel glad or pleased because they believed their ancestry had made a god feel angry and they were cursed by the god. A little girl called Elizabeth was very different from other villagers. She was very lively.........

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Write a letter to yourself in the future

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0
Dear TiffanyHow old are you now? Sixteen? Twenty-one? Anyway, I am the eleven-year-old Tiffany. Nice to meet you. Someone might think writing to oneself in the future is very silly, but actually, it’s very interesting. I always wonder if I were the sixteen or twenty-one-year-old Tiffany, when.........Read More

A Letter to Myself in the Future

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

Dear Myself 10 years from NowHow are you? It has been raining for so many days and finally the sun has come out. It was so humid. I hate rainy days.I think that after ten years you will be a student in university, who study Chinese, PE, or even English! I am not sure what you will choose. However, .........

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A frightening moment in my life

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

When I saw the photo that I took with my friends, I recalled a frightening moment in my life. It was my birthday.

On 30th October 2008, my friends Pius, Melody, Kelly, Shan and I went to Hong Kong Disneyland. We went on a lot of rides, such as Space Mountain, Buzz and merry-go-round. We also went int.........

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A boy who cried wolf

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Tommy. He was the naughtiest in the village. He always played tricks on the other villagers.

One day, he was so bored to play in the house, so he thought of an idea to play tricks on people… He used some red light to light the room, and then he shouted‘Fire! My house is on.........

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September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

FableThe fox and the CroThere was a fox and a crow which lived in a big forest. As there was just little food in the forest, they always felt hungry.

One day, when the fox was looking for food hungrily, he saw the crow landing on a tree with a piece of meat. The fox wanted to get the meat from the .........

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A diary

September 6, 2010 Article Manager 0

Windy Monday 15th FebruarYeah! I’m now in When the plane landed today’s morning, the light was so dark. My family members, such as dad, mum, grandparents and cousin, was all sleeping on the chair, but I was playing my “NDS” only! There’s so much to do here --- visiting.........

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Wealth or Value?

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0

Being new is always fashionable and it is perhaps why Hong Kong has done so much to establish the modern and high-tech side of the city. However, many historic sites have vanished or at the risk of crumbling down into dust and ashes. Some say preserving our past should be prioritized while some focu.........

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Preserving Hong Kong’s past

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0

The first impression given by Hong Kong to its visitors is its efficiency and modern towers. Many just don’t know there are many historic sites, though more frequently being demolished, hidden in the territory. In these few years, there has been a growing consensus in the community about prese.........

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Organ donation

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Edito

Given the long-existing acute shortage of organs due to unwillingness of people to donate their organs after death, a presumed consent system is recently suggested in Hong Kong to help cope with the problem. I am writing to account for the long negative response to organ donation and expr.........

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Memory vs Money

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0
Time flies and changes the ordinary old buildings into historic sites. When we meet these old buildings from day to day, they become our friends gradually. Truly we treasure our time with our friends. Yet, when our old friends become really “old” things can be totally different. Town pla.........Read More

Preservation of Hong Kong’s Past

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0

Macau is a city applauded for its success in historic preservation. While keeping its urban developing in action, it also places much emphasis on preserving its historic sites. On the contrary, Hong Kong, as one of the most prosperous cities in the world, has attached great importance to urban devel.........

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November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0

In recent decades, our specific knowledge has developed incredibly fast. Genetic engineering processes are now widely adopted especially in the agricultural aspect. Some scientists now even suggest using cloning technology, which produces an entire life from a single cell, in pursuit of increased fo.........

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Brand name products

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0

When you walk along a crowded street, you may well see people wearing expensive clothes and carrying brand name bags. Even in schools, there is no lack of students using brand name bags, wallets, pencil bags, sports shoes, glasses, hair bands, earrings and the like. This worrying phenomenon unveils .........

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The mobile killer

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0
Moving further into the 21st century, mobile phones have become a part of our lives. They are bridges with our foreign friends at the other end. They are businesses between big companies. They are saviours of victims in accidents. Today, they are even radios, music players, cameras etc. As what we h.........Read More

The Elderly Suicide Problem

November 13, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to express my concern about the plight of the elderly. In today’s Hong Kong, more and more old people are living below the poverty line and the suicide rate among the old people in Hong Kong is climbing. These undoubtedly draw the public’s attention so we now hav.........

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Stricter control should be imposed over the mass media

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Nowadays, we can easily find gossip magazines in newspaper stalls. These kinds of magazines never talk about local news, but only the private lives of artists. These magazines also include many pornographic or violent contents, which would have bad effects on the pubic. This shows that the integrity.........

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How to lead a happy and secure retired life

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear EditorI am writing to express my view on what the government and citizens can do to prepare for a happy and secure retired life.

In Hong Kong, the elderly suicide rate is two to three times higher than that in the younger age group. The suicide rate per 10,000 among those who are above 65 years.........

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November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0

Dear Edito

In response to Eve Adam’s letter about switching to the traditional marriage as a solution to rising divorce rate, I strongly disagree with it as every person has freedom of love.

To commence with, couples are leading a hectic lifestyle in fast-paced society, in which divorce arises easily.........

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Let’s go to cinema

November 12, 2009 Article Manager 0
In recent years the film industry in Hong Kong has gone downhill. Many people are not willing to watch a film in a cinema, despite the fact that the price of film tickets is already quite low. The sales of film tickets are falling continuously.First of all, why has the situation become so bad? One o.........Read More