Wall of Freedom is our treasure!

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

Freedom of expression prevails in our society. To keep abreast of times, our school is thinking of having a Wall of Freedom on which students can voice their opinions in writing. The launch of this new measure has aroused a bunch of questions on the abuse of freedom and its effectiveness. In order t.........

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Teenage suicides

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Dear EditorI am writing to express my concern on the spate of student suicides in Hong Kong during the last few months. Cases of people committing suicide at an early age are not uncommon in Hong Kong and the problem is really grave, the public is beginning to ask 'why' and 'who' sh.........Read More

Should children be involved in competition?

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

In recent years, competition has become an indispensable part of our lives. All of us, including even children, are involved in competition. This has stirred up much controversy over whether children should be exposed to competition. With the irreplaceable importance of competition, children should .........

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Responsibility≠Violation of Privacy

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

Since the last decade, the bonding between parents and children has been weakening. The worrying quality of family relationship stems form the mistrust between the two generations. While some parents think that their children send out suspicious messages, some children regard their parents as suspic.........

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Job Prospects First, Passion Second

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

Every year university graduates face the same problem: what kind of career should I choose? Even though they are capable of doing different jobs, the choice between job prospects and passion often puzzles them. While some think that job prospects are the main concern, others believe that passion is .........

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Letter of Persuasion

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Dear MaryGlad to hear from you. It seems that you’re torn between studying music and accounting, an option between your interest and career. But in fact, I will suggest you opt for studying music and head for your interest at this moment.First of all, I think no matter doing what, interest is a key.........Read More

Invasion of children’s privacy

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

A controversy over the issue of children’s privacy has been stirred up commonly these days. Should parents invade their children’s privacy? In fact, many parents like pretending as a spy to check children’s mobile phone text messages, internet blogs or even online chat records secr.........

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Hong Kong youngsters: the road to success

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

The development of children has long been the biggest parental concern either in the past or in the present-day world. That is why advertisements about products that facilitate children’s growth are so popular and eye-catching to parents. And hence, it is not uncommon to see that they spare no.........

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Declining Birth Rate

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

Dear Editor

I am writing to air my opinion about the low birth rate in Hong Kong. As everyone knows, the average family size has been declining in the past decade. Even for those families who have children, most have no more than two. It deserves our concern as a low birth rate can be influential to.........

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Blind pursuit does not pay

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Pop idol worship is a ubiquitous scenario among youngsters in Hong Kong. Actually, in no way does it do others a great disservice, nor does it pose any harm to ourselves as long as we pursue singers and actors sensibly. However, it is not uncommon to see that many teenagers spend a lot of time and m.........Read More

Days of Exploring and Experiencing

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
I was so happy to be 18 and I hoped I could travel by myself. I had never thought that I could get the chance so soon. I got the Australian Working Holiday visa, and I was allowed to stay on holiday in the country for up to one year and to work there in order to make my living.It was not an easy job.........Read More

Love from Strangers

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Having an opportunity to have a working holiday in Australia is invaluable. I stayed on holiday in Australia for up to one year and took up employment there in order to make ends meet. It is sometimes said that working in another country is harsh and stressful. There may be some truth in this statem.........Read More

True love conquers all

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her. He could tell himself with certainty that he wasn’t attracted by Amy’s looks, but there was something special about her. Fortunately, they sat next to each other. David finally mustered up courage to ask Amy out.‘I’d love to.’ Su.........Read More

This is so-called Prince Charming

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her. He thought that Amy was sincere and beautiful. David pretended to ask Amy about the Economics homework and chatted with her at the recess time. When the bell rang, he asked, ‘Would you like to go to the cinema with me on Saturday?’Amy blushed and .........Read More

The whole new me

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

Nowadays, when you walk around and ask some of my friend how they think of me, they must say that I am a nice and good guy. However, before I met him, I was someone who was full of arrogance, lazy and self-centered. He is the one that has changed my life and the one that has transformed me into a go.........

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The One whom I was inspired by

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

There is a person who inspires me a lot. She gives me hope and encourages me to express my feelings through my own way. I would like to thank her for her love and care. This person is my Chinese teacher, Miss Sun.Miss Sun is very kind. She had already taught in my school for five years. In her first.........

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The inspiring soul – Steven Chow

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

Steven Chow – a 100% Hong Konger. He is a great actor, director and filmmaker. He was the box office record holder and two-time winner of ‘The Best Actor Award’ in Hong Kong Film Festival. His career in the film industry brings him to glory and become one of the most significant st.........

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Summer Time, Summer Job

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Have you ever considered having a summer job? Last summer, I had my first summer job as a private tutor for a Form One student. It was invaluable experience. I was faced with problems, but I was able to deal with them and learn from the job.Being a private tutor was challenging. The first difficult .........Read More

How should students equip themselves?

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Dear EditoI am writing in response to Pat Chan’s letter on the issue of students worrying about their future in this period of financial meltdown. Faced with the economic downturn, it is natural that the students are pessimistic about the job market. However, I agree with Mr. Chan that second.........Read More

A Speech on Social Networking Sites

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Good morning, everyone. I’m Chris Wong, Chairman of the Current Affairs Club.Social networking sites such as Facebook seem to have permeated our daily life. More and more people are setting up accounts so as to socialize with friends and associate with others. However, the problem of misusing these .........Read More

A Speech on Social Networking Sites

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Good morning, everyone.I’m Chris Wong, the Chairman of the Current Affairs Club. Nowadays, various social networking sites develop rapidly and are extremely popular with us. However, have you ever noticed the harm the misuse of these sites could do to us? The subject of my talk today is exactl.........Read More

A Speech on Social Networking Sites

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0
Good morning, Principal, teachers and schoolmates. I’m the Chairman of the Current Affairs Club, Chris Wong from 6A. How many of you have a Facebook account? I believe most of you have surfed social networking sites such as Facebook, and I also believe that you have heard about a mass-suicide .........Read More

Proposal for a Careers Week for Senior Students

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

IntroductioThis proposal is to make suggestions for the Careers Week, to enable senior students to make informed choices of their future careers. The objectives of the week would be introducing some of the most popular careers and providing senior students with information on how they can pursue th.........

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Person of the Year in Hong Kong

September 30, 2010 Article Manager 0

I would like to nominate Wong Kam Po for the Person of the Year in Hong Kong. My reasons are as follows

1.Contribution to societIn the first place, Mr. Wong has brought much glory and honor to all Hongkongers with his talent in the field of cycling. One of the various clear examples supporting that.........

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