Can music help us study? (5A Lee Pui Nga)


Do you like listening to music? There are various kinds of music around the world, like classical, pop, funky and jazz. Recently, our school’s Music Club has conducted a survey among fellow students about their music listening habits. In this essay, the benefits of music and how it helps students study will be discussed.

First of all, music can activate most of the areas of our brain. Areas responsible for memory, learning, cognitive function will be stimulated. Connections between different parts of our brain will be strengthened too. It is instrumental in learning new things. According to a study, people have better cognitive functions when they listen to soft background music. Undoubtedly, music is functional in helping us think and learn. 

Another benefit is that it boasts our creativity. Not only does it help with creating new technology, but it also makes our life more joyful by making new books, dramas or songs. One study has revealed that by listening to happy music, such as arousing and uplifting music, we will become more creative. Music contributes to the creation of arts and technology, which are significant to the development of human beings.

Can music benefit our study? The answer is certainly ‘yes’. First, it strengthens our brains’ functions. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, music can enhance our cognitive function, which allows us to study in a more efficient way. When I listen to lofi music and study Economics at the same time, I feel like I think more clearly and the concepts become less complicated. Surely, music helps us tackle arduous tasks.

Besides, music helps us focus on our work. Music can help us focus by blocking distracting noise. Smooth and slow music like classical and jazz are also proved to be helpful in making our brain focus. According to the students in our Music Club’s recent survey, music can help them focus in a noisy environment or calm them down. I agree with them as I also find music useful in helping me concentrate on my work by providing me with a calming tune.

In conclusion, music is very beneficial to us and our study. Let’s all listen to music more!