Animals should not be kept in zoos or aquariums (2D Christy Wong)


Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about whether animals should be kept in zoos and aquariums. I believe that animals should not live in captivity and I would like to share my opinions.

First and foremost, it is inhumane to keep animals locked up in zoos and aquariums, as well as using them for entertainment. All living beings should have the rights and freedom to choose their own fate. It is irrational to think that we humans are helping the animals by keeping them in zoos or aquariums when we may not be genuinely understand their needs and desires. Therefore, holding animals captive is violating their rights. On top of that, some parks train animals so that they can perform for visitors. To a great extent, it is animal cruelty and immoral. For example, Hong Kong Ocean Park used to have dolphin shows and different types of performances involving animals being kept there. How do you know whether the animals are willing to do such things or they are forced to do so? Hence, I think it is barbaric to hold animals in captivity and use them to entertain ourselves.

Keeping animals in captivity causes irreversible damage to both physical and psychological health of animals into the bargain. As staff in zoos often take care of and provide necessities to the animals, they may become dependent on humans’ care. Captive animals generally lack the essential survival skills needed in the wild. Furthermore, living in small cages and enclosures restricts the movement of animals and causes stress. Some animals who suffer from maltreatment in zoos may develop severe zoochosis, which is psychological trauma caused by long-term confinement. Consequently, holding animals in captivity is detrimental to their well-being.

Some may argue that zoos and aquariums promote conservation and save endangered species by moving them to a so-called ‘better environment’. Yet, this is certainly untrue. According to research conducted in the US, animals kept in zoos have a shorter lifespan compared to those who live in natural habitats. Zoos and aquariums offer a secure and sheltered environment for animals, but do they need it? For animals such as lions, cheetahs and zebras, what they need is a large grassland for them to hunt and exercise, instead of a secure shelter. Besides, mistakes made by workers in zoos may lead to a catastrophe. For instance, the entire stingray population was wiped out of existence due to low oxygen levels in tanks at the Chicago Zoo. Thus, zoos and aquariums are not favourable places for animals’ survival.

Taking everything into account, it appears to me that zoos and aquariums do more harm than good to animals. Keeping animals locked up is violating their birthrights and has a negative effect on their growth. Hence, animals should not be kept in zoos and aquariums.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong