Wing Ning House,
Tai Ping Estate,
16th September, 2021
Mr. Chan Tai Man
Super Fit Fitness Centre
Sunny Building,
502 Nathan Road,
Dear Mr. Chan,
I am writing to file a complaint about the appalling condition and unpleasant service based on my experience at Super Fit Fitness Centre, in particular the aerobics class, the snack bar, and also the assistant manager’s voicemail message regarding my complaint. To my dismay, my experience at this centre was not as nice as I expected.
To begin with, the instructor of the aerobics class was unprofessional and unfit. I think a more experienced instructor would be better, or students cannot improve. Also, a small room was reserved for having the class. Was it too crowded for us to have an aerobic class, which requires a lot of movements? For the equipment, there were limited choices. For example, in the previous lesson, only dumbbells were provided, and they were strewn around the room. There was also a damaged CD player on the floor. Although we were cautious, accidents might be caused. The most apparent problem in the room should be the broken mirror. It has not been fixed, but instead, it was taped temporarily. It was irresponsible of your staff to arrange a room without much consideration.
My next complaint concerns the snack bar. The assistant there was unhygienic as he was not wearing a mask, and there might be filth on the food. The apron that he wore was unkempt. Furthermore, cups, plates, bowls, and other utensils were full of grime, which might contaminate the food, and a legion of creepy insects romped around the bar area. People go to a fitness centre for health, but they are unable to eat healthy snacks. Therefore, high cholesterol fast food should be abandoned. When I was looking for a place for me to enjoy my meal, I came to realize that only a table with two chairs were available since the other tables and chairs were broken.
The thing that concerned me most was the voicemail from the assistant manager. I lodged complaints before, hoping that problems would be solved. However, I found, much to my chagrin, that the assistant manager was rude and he ignored some of the complaints. He mentioned vegetables, dairy products, and fruits could be found in fast food. Therefore the food should be regarded as healthy snacks. I was told to focus on doing exercise instead of looking for problems. The responses from him were unacceptable. As an assistant manager, he was representing the centre to respond. However, he had a rude attitude.
I hope that I can receive a written apology and a partial refund. Should you need any other further information, please contact me at 12345678.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Wong