Write a short book report and suppose one of the characters in the book visited your school last Mon


Write a short book report and suppose one of the characters in the book visited your school last Monday. Tell what happened and how you felt.

 The book that I am going to share with you is ‘Lucas’s Nightmare’. It is about a special experience of a teenager, Lucas. As Lucas’s academic results were bad, his father always scolded him. Since Lucas was very unhappy when his father blamed him, he left his home and tried to look for an adventure. Once, he met a boy, Johnson. He treated Lucas well and they became friends. Lucas also met Johnson’s friends – Jacky, Tim and Butcher. Of course, they were not good children. They fought with others and Johnson lost an eye in a fight. At last, Lucas realized that Johnson and his friends were bad people and they might even hurt him. At last, Lucas went back home and had a good relationship with his father again.
 This book is worth reading and I have found that we should make friends carefully. Besides, we should not give up or become worried if we encounter problems.

 Guess what? Lucas visited my school last Monday. That morning, our class teacher announced that a boy would visit our class. His name is Lucas and he sat behind me. At recess, Lucas and I introduced ourselves to each other. I took him for a walk at school.
 Firstly, we walked around in the new wing. ‘The environment of your school is so good,’ said Lucas. He envied me a lot as we could see a good view of the Victoria Harbor. He felt very happy and relaxed when enjoying the beautiful scenery.
 After that, we visited different facilities in the new wing. When he saw the equipment in the CIN, he was excited and shocked. He said that he had not seen such modern equipment before.
 Next, we went to the old wing. There were many facilities too, such as the biology laboratory, chemistry laboratory, physics laboratory, geography room and so on.
 At lunchtime, we chatted together. Lucas said that the students here were polite and active. He told me he had made some bad friends before. He even got hurt in a fight when he helped his friends to attack and hit others. I told him he was like a character in a story that I had read. He said, ‘I’m the character in the book, “Lucas’s Nightmare”!’
 I felt joyful after seeing Lucas visit our school. I could make a new friend. And I felt so lucky that I had never met any bad friends.


How can I help Max to improve his self-esteem in sociability?

 Max is a quiet teenager. He seldom chats with people and is afraid when attempting something new or trying something different. For instance, in a group discussion, Max just listens and does not express his opinions. When teachers ask Max questions in the lessons, he answers in a soft voice as he is afraid that he is wrong and his classmates will laugh at him.

 How can I help to improve Max’s self-esteem? Let me suggest some practical strategies. Firstly, I think he should be assertive. When he is talking he should speak in an appropriate and clear tone. Besides, he has to maintain an upright posture and be spirited.

 Moreover, Max needs to elaborate his ideas when he has the opportunity to express his opinions or to discuss with others in order to fix his fear. Talking helps improve confidence. It is because when we talk with different kinds of people, we can learn the communication skills from the others gradually.

 Furthermore, Max can participate in more activities. He should take part in something that he has not tried before enthusiastically. Then when he encounters new things, he will not be afraid anymore due to his mental preparation.

 Lastly, Max should have the daring to make changes in his behavior and to overcome the discouragement from others. By the way, he should think positively to enhance his confidence.