“Thank you” can work like magic


“Thank you” is a magic word. When someone helps you or someone gives you a present, you must say “thank you” to them. The behaviour shows that you have good manners. If you do so, other people will be very impressive. They think that you are very kind and they will make friends with you.
    On the contrary, if you don’t say this magic word and don’t say anything to others, no one will help you anymore and you will be isolated. You will also be a rude person. So, saying “thank you” is very important.
    I still remember the day that I was annoyed because of my classmates. It happened the night before we submitted the geography project. That night, I knew that my group members did not do the report. So, I decided to do the report by myself. Finally, I finished the report at half past two at the midnight. I had just slept for four hours. Then, I had to wake up and went to school.
    After I came back to my classroom, I submitted the report. My group members just asked me, “How’s the project? Have you done it already?” I told them, “I didn’t have enough sleep because of doing this project.” They heard that but they did not say “thank you” or “sorry” to me. So, I felt very angry with them. Soon as they realized that I was angry, they said “sorry” and “thank you” to me. Once I heard the word, I did not feel angry anymore.
    Therefore, saying “thank you” is very important. We must learn this magic word because “thank you” can work like magic.