Write a story with the given beginning


ne night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I found that I was in a strange forest which was very quiet but it was quite windy that night. I walked around the forest with my bare feet and looked for someone’s help.
After a while, I heard some moans through the trees. I was afraid that some kind of dangerous things would come out all of a sudden and eat me. Without thinking, I ran away as fast as I could.
I wanted to go back home. Suddenly, a long-haired woman appeared in front of me. I looked at her. She had no feet – she was floating! Her face was much more horrible than a dead man. I could see through her body. I was so scared that I screamed loudly.
Meanwhile, a large rock rolled down from the hill. I ran at once. I used all of my energy to run. In a flash, the rock stopped rolling down. A bright light appeared. There was a fairy inside it. She was very beautiful.
All of a sudden, my eyes lit up. I thought of an idea to leave the forest. I begged the fairy to give me a plastic bag and two ropes. She promised me. I tied them together and it became a mini aeroplane. With the wind, I could fly in the sky.
In the sky, I saw a lot of things that I had never seen before. They were illogical. Deserts were near to the rainforests. The South Pole was next to Hong Kong. “Why has it become so unusual?” I thought. CRACK – the ropes broke. I fell down from the height but I was not hurt.
I asked the fairy, “What has happened? Where am I? Why did everything look strange?” However, she kept silent. I was frightened when seeing her evil smile. It was terrible.
“Nothing is going to live. Humans have done a lot of things destructing the environment. You will be the last person to die and the time has come,” the fairy said seriously.
Oh no! I was now turning into a rock. I could not move anymore. What could I do? As I was struggling, I remembered I was reading a book before I went to bed. In the next minute, I was located in a magical place. I knew it finally! I had gone into the story I read in the afternoon. In the story, the boy died at the end and the fairy conquered the world.
And I started to realize I was dying.