Recently, two S.5 students of your school have played truant for a day to attend a meeting with their favourite pop band from Taiwan to collect the members’ autographs. This incident was found out by your school’s Discipline Master. As ways to punish these two students, the principal decided to suspend these two students for a week and give each of them a major demerit. As a senior student, you feel the punishment is not very appropriate.
Write a letter to your principal explaining your views and expressing your hope that he / she can consider the punishment again. Sign your letter “Chris Wong”.
Dear Principal,
I have heard news of two Form 5 students being suspended from school due to intentional absence and wish to appeal to your kindness to grant them a lesser punishment.
First and foremost, I do agree that playing truant just to attend a rock concert is an irresponsible behavior that deserves punishment. We come to school to be educated and become people of integrity, which should be our main priority. Especially since Tom and Brad are Form 5 students about to face the public examination, any form of entertainment should take second place to learning. I am sure that your decision to suspend them is intended for their own good.
Yet ironically, it is also because that they are Form 5 students that a less harsh punishment might be more appropriate. After all, this suspension will go on their permanent record and mark them for the rest of their lives. This adds additional pressure to the already burdened boys and may affect their chances of getting into Form 6 or even obtaining university education. I truly believe that you are a generous principle with the best interest of students at heart. Hence I do request you to re-consider your decision.
Furthermore, Tom and Brad have always been good students so far. Their action this time was entirely out of character. They are straight A students according to their report cards and have always maintained a high level of respect for their teachers as well as compassion towards their peers. Tom has even won several outstanding essay competitions when he was in Forms 3 and 4. While Brad is a mathematical genius and achieved great results in the math Olympic competitions. Perhaps they were so caught up in their excitement to see their favorite Korean pop star that they might a rash and unwise decision. I heard from their classmates that both of them very much regret their actions. Tom said to his friend that he would give anything to take it back. Both boys also received a fierce scolding from their parents who are very disappointed in them.
I believe that Tom and Brad have learnt their lesson and will not repeat their mistake. Perhaps you would consider a more lenient punishment for them that could drill the message deeper as well as be more constructive than sitting around at home sulking?
May I suggest that they do community work for 2 hours everyday after school? They can involve in some district voluntary work such as elderly visits, giving out flyers, helping charity organizations. During recess and lunch time they can also help our school janitors do school chores like sweeping the playground or polishing floors. In this way they will not waste time while still learning the irresponsibility of their doings.
In addition, they can write a two thousand word essay accounting for their actions, their reflections on the matter and future plans for their academic and personal growth. This way they can truly reflect on their wrongdoings and make plans to make up for their misbehavior in the long term.
Although Shakespeare said that it takes cruel to be kind, I believe this is not the case. Would you please consider my plea and decide on what is best for the two boys? The entire student body would very much appreciate it.
Yours truly
Chris Wong
Chris Wong