Should smokers who become parents be forced to quit smoking?


People may try to escape from their sad feelings or their sad past by smoking. People may even try to relieve their stress by smoking. People may also smoke because of addiction. However, smoking also brings so many detriments to yourself, and also your family and your children. Therefore, people especially parents should be forced to quit smoking.

Smoking harms your health, and its second and third hand smoke will also harm your family and children.  Firstly, smoking will cause changes to your appearance. It will turn your nails into yellowish. It may even cause cancer and other respiratory problems. People who do not smoke will suffer from the effects of breathing second-hand smoke. According to a recent survey, it will increase their heart rate and even increase their blood pressure. Children and their family members will get sick more easily because their lungs are harmed. Children will suffer from sneezing and coughing more easily and more likely to be absent from school. Second-hand smoke can also change the children’s behavior and affect their academic performance because they have difficulty in paying attention in class. It may even affect their emotions according to a survey. Third-hand smoke is the residual nicotine that remains on the place you have smoked. It will stay on the wall, floor or table at home for a long time. Children who frequently touch objects can even increase their exposure to toxic chemicals. It may cause health problems to them. Therefore, smoking will cause harm to yourself, and also the innocent child and family.

Parents are role models to their children. Every time you say something, take an action to something, your child is observing your behavior. They will learn from your behavior and copy your behavior. When you smoke at home, they will learn from your behavior and smoke secretly. They may even grow up to become smokers. According to a survey, children whose parents are smokers are more likely to become smokers when they grow up. They will gradually develop smoking habits and even get addicted. They will believe that smoking is appropriate and start smoking. They will be influenced by their parents and continued smoking. It will become a vicious cycle and continue harming their health and their children and their family and even the air quality of the city. Therefore, parents are a role model to their children and should quit smoking, or else it will bring bad influence to their children.

As mentioned, smoking will cause so many health problems to yourself, to your children and family. They may have to have body checkups more often. They may spend more on medication or health care expenses. Also, cigarettes are expensive. They will consume more when they are addicted to smoking. Smokers also have spent more on live insurance as well as other expenses like dental hygiene as smoking may harm their teeth.  It may also increase cleaning costs of homes, cars, and clothing as it will leave residual chemicals everywhere in the place they smoke.  It may cause financial burden to yourself as their expenses have increased. It may even bring financial pressure to the family. Therefore, parents should be forced toquit smoking.

To conclude, smoking is detrimental to both the smoker and his family. Smoking is a selfish behavior. It may relieve your personal stress temporarily but while it will bring health problems, bad influences and financial pressure to the family. To stop the detrimental effects to the children and family, there’s a necessity in forcing the smokers who become parents to quit smoking. Therefore, smokers who become parents should be forced to quit smoking.