Overcome the Rain


Overcome the Rain

The first time I saw her was in a public hospital, busy taking care of others.  I didn’t have a deep impression of her until the second time.

I once had cancer and that’s why I would stay in hospital for months.  When I accidentally got this news, I cried so much.  It was the darkest time and I even thought of giving up my life at that moment.  She was the one that brought light to my life.  She gave me a warm feeling when we first met.  She kindly comforted me for getting in this terrible nightmare.  Her encouragement made me feel better.  People’s support always could pass energy to the patient.  In the following few weeks, she stayed with me when she was free.  She told jokes and read stories.  The patients in the room burst into laughter.  The atmosphere was turning better.  I questioned her why she was concerned about me that much.  She told me that her daughter committed suicide because of cancer at my age.

Her selfless love fueled my strength to stay alive.  She had tried to bring me out from depression at the stage she was even more stressed than I was. How could I be such a cruel person to this caring lady for ignoring all her efforts put into comforting me?

From that day on, I lived with passion.  At least I had to stay alive.  I took care of myself and followed the doctor’s instruction to recover. As days passed, I could finally be discharged from hospital.  In a few years’ time, I recovered fully.  It was said that my recovery was a miracle.

Yes, it is really a miracle.  But without her, I couldn’t even have stayed alive.