Do you know the mysterious location I am referring to? Let me give you some hints about the place.
Firstly, people are always queuing there for food and drinks. People may have to wait for 30 mins for a big bowl rice. There is also much tasty fried-chicken, instant noodles and hash browns. The shopkeepers there are very nice and always talk with a smile. There are two big vending machines next to the mysterious place. You can even see some refrigerators and toast boxes there. It’s always crowded and packed with people, especially during lunchtime. People will rush there from the stairs as quick as possible, trying to get their meals as soon as possible. People talk loudly and laugh cheerfully and even ask others in front of them to buy a meal for them. People will sit on the green benches to have lunch with their friends. In the morning, you can also see people passing by that place to their classrooms. Now, can you guess the mystery location I am referring to? Nevermind, I will give you some hints.
It’s always savory there. You can always smell the appetizing and aromatic fried- chicken and the ambrosial peanut butter from the French toast. Sometimes, you can even smell the appetizing curry smell from the curry fish ball. There is always a mouth-watering smell around that place. But, sometimes you may smell the stink-sweat from the boys who have just finished their PE lessons and are having lunch there.
It’s always crowded and noisy there. Despite the fact it’s always filled with the laughter and chats between the shopkeeper, Aunt Cindy, and the students, you can hear some graceful and beautiful music there as well. The melody from the piano is really relaxing. The sound of the recorders from the Music Room nearby is enjoyable too. Besides, you can even hear the cooking and the sound of dish-washing at that place.
I have just told you a lot of hints. Can you guess what this place is?