A Speech on keeping fit


Good morning everyone.  I’m the chairperson of the Sports Club, Chris Wong from 4E.  I realize that many teenagers nowadays are becoming more and more conscious of their appearance.  They just want to be thinner and slimmer but don’t care about the cost they have to pay.  Are you one of them?  Have you ever tried to go on diet and take diet pills?
 Don’t do this.  Never!  You’re definitely putting your precious health at risk.  Sometimes I wonder why people fail to recognize they are doing harm to themselves.  In fact, using unhealthy methods to shed weight is very irrational. You’ll feel tired all day and easily get fainted if you don’t consume enough energy and sugar.  Moreover, it may lead to eating disorders like anorexia.  Your weight will drop drastically.  Being physically weak, you may get sick always.  Be honest, do you want this?

 Furthermore, the effects of taking slimming capsules and eating very little food are not good at all.  Your face look pale white in colour. You’ll look too thin and your legs seem like a pair of chopsticks.  People around you will start to get worried about you.  They will only be afraid that you will get blown away during typhoon.  Whoever gets to discover and appreciate your so called ‘beauty’? Being thin and underweight doesn’t equal being good-looking.

 Give up these harmful methods to lose weight.  Why don’t you try some methods which you don’t have to pay a huge amount of money? And, most importantly, you can stay healthy and fit.

 The first piece of advice is about having a healthy diet.  It’s one of the most effective ways to lose weight.  People lose weight if they don’t consume enough calories a day.  You can choose to eat a rich breakfast that keeps you full.  For lunch, don’t eat too much, probably 70%. full.  Eat less at night since you work less.  Do eat more vegetables. They are not fatty but contain dietary fibres. It keeps your digestion smooth.  Follow the food pyramid too.  When you cook, use as little salt, oil and sugar as possible.  Also, no McDonald’s!

 The best way to lose weight is doing exercise.  You sweat and your body burn up calories.  The muscle movements can also keep your figure firm.

 Actually, I understand that it may be a bit difficult to get started well.  Choose a kind of sport you’re interested in.  Jogging is a suitable one.  If you don’t like getting hot, how about swimming?  Then, start doing it.  At first you may only be able to work out for a short time a day.  But be more determined!  Later, you will find yourself being able to do exercise for a much longer time.  Try to record your weight. You’ll see that you’re getting slimmer.  Trust me.  You’d love to see yourself getting fitter in a healthy way.

 Yes, ‘no pain no gain’.  However, for losing weight, the pain should never be those stupid ways like starvation that nearly kill you. Neither the diet pills that are expensive but not useful. It’s all about a little effort you put in every day to do exercise.  Remember to eat healthily and get a balanced diet with enough vegetables.

 Let’s say good-bye to the unhealthy methods and welcome our new true friends, exercise and a healthy diet. Well, one thing that I nearly forget.  Do throw away those diet pills tonight without a singe hesitation.

 That’s the end of my speech. Thank you.