My New Year Resolution


Hello! Today, I want to talk about my new year’s resolutions for 2017.

I stopped making new year’s resolutions when I was 3. I found them repetitive and boring to make, unlike other people who are enthusiastic in making them. However, for this year, I am actually able to come up with ideas that I particularly like!

First up, I plan to collect little things that make me happy. I will write things that are delightful onto a small piece of paper and store them in a jar. I think this is a genius idea because there will be a solid way to “store” my happiness now! I didn’t even think of this before! Moreover, I can review those events at the end of the year! This method is very epic! I am going to do this right away!

Second, I plan to read more books. I am pretty sure you have heard many students said this before. Are you thinking that reading more books is just a way to “fill up” my resolutions plan? If so, you’re wrong! I am serious about that. I found myself always playing games but not reading. It’s not because reading is boring, but about the will to read. I lost the will to read! I really need to get onto reading soon. Not only is it a time killer, it is also a way to improve my language skills! I try to read more Chinese books to further improve my skills.

What a simple new year resolution list! For me, it is already enough. I will surely try my best to achieve my goals. And of course, review them at the end of the year!