I agree with the writer. Staying positive and being happy are two of the very important elements in life.
There are a lot of problems in life. So how could we solve the problems? Someone may think that it depends on your ability. But I don’t think so. It depends on your attitude. Your attitude determines you altitude. If you think negatively, you will not be able to solve the problems since you won’t make effort because you think no matter how hard you work, you won’t be able to solve the problems. However, if you think positively, everything will be different. If you stay positive, you will not give up your hope. You will try your best to think of a solution to the problem. I believe that every problem has a solution. If you think positively about the solution, sooner or later you will be able to find a suitable one.
If you stay positive, you will be happier. For example, imagine you are climbing a mountain. It was scorching. You have one bottle of water only and you have drunk half of it. If you are optimistic, you will say, “Great! I still have half a bottle of water.” But if you are pessimistic, you will say, “Oh no! I only have half a bottle of water.”
See? The same situation but different attitudes. Which attitude would you like to have? I would like the optimistic one for sure. I believe that with a positive mind, you will be happier.
Problems are not the end of something but the beginning of something. When you are facing a problem, you will try to solve it. If you are positive, you will try different ways to do so. You eat the elephant, one bite at a time. I can tell you, you will definitely learn something in the process. Even if you fail, you can gain something from it. You will gain some experience. Next time, when you try to solve the same problem. You will know what to do. A wise woman once said, “Every time you fall onto the ground and get up again, you get stronger.”
Moreover, every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. If you end up failing doing something, this is the end, you may think. However, this is a new beginning. The fire seems to have been put out. But, trust me, there’s still a spark. Where? Right inside your heart. Let it burn again. Let it become a blaze. This is a new beginning.
“Do not give up ’til the end,” this is what people always say. However, I would like to tell you. Do not give up ’til the end. DO not give up even when the end has come. Wait. Wait for the next opportunity. Wait for it and it will turn your spark into a blaze.
Maybe helplessness is around you. You are in endless darkness. You are helpless. But, this is the reason why you have to stay positive. Why don’t you be the moon in the dark sky? The sun is not around you. But you can still shine. You may not know but if you are willing to light up the dark, you will become a bright light. Just stay positive and you can shine. A wise man once said, “The flower that blossoms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”
If you blossom in adversity, you can inspire others, too. Then, they will start glowing. And the moon shall never be alone again, for there are stars. Remember, just stay positive. The sun will be shining in the sky very soon. You will have hope in your heart.
I choose to believe in my spark. I choose to be the moon. I choose to be that flower that blossoms in adversity. I choose to admit that I am a sucker and I need hope. I choose to be happy. I choose to stay positive. What about you?