Scary Night


One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I saw an UFO from the window. There were some aliens coming from it. They looked very weird. Each of them had three blue eyes, a pair of long ears and a pair of pink hands with three fingers on each side. Their bodies were green in colour without clothes or shoes. I was so scared and I rushed to my father’s room at once.

“Oh my God, father ! There are some terrible creatures in our garden.”

“Are you kidding me ? What is happening outside?” Dad yelled surprisingly.

Then, we hid behind the door and watched what the aliens were doing.

“Father, it seems that they are looking for something. Did you put any valuable things in the garden?” I questioned.

“No, I didn’t put anything there. They are digging the mud. Is there any secret hidden in the mud?” father whispered. The aliens moved so quickly and skillfully. They showed no facial expression, but were very cautious and serious.

Suddenly, one of the aliens took out a golden box from the mud.

“What is it ?” I yelled.

“There may be some gold or jewelleries inside. Does it belong to our ancestors ? We must get it back from their hands,” father suggested. Suddenly, I got a brilliant idea ……

When the aliens were returning to their UFO, father turned on a sprinkler. Many of the aliens slipped on the ground by the water. The golden box dropped off from their hands. I rushed quickly to pick it up. Then, my father took out a fish net to catch all of them. Finally, we called the police for help.

The next morning, my father and I wanted to open the golden box. We were very excited to know the secret. When the box was opened, we saw a beautiful diamond crown inside.

“It’s so amazing!” I screamed. “I guess the crown may belong to the ancestors of the aliens hundred years ago. Last night they came and tried to take it back to their world,” father explained. “It’s so valuable. Shall we donate it to the Hong Kong Museum for public exhibition ?” I asked.

“Good idea !” Dad agreed.

Next time if the aliens come again to our garden and look for the crown, I will take them to the museum !