Oh, My Blob!


Kids love food. All of us love food. Is there a solution to our obsession? Let’s find out!

Children nowadays enjoy eating junk food. Chips, hamburgers, fried chicken…etc. They are getting fatter and fatter. They always eat greasy food but can’t control the amount they have. Kids also drink tons of sugary drinks, such as Coca-Cola and Sprite. Because of sugary drinks and salty food, kids are overweight.

We always say that being fat will cause diseases. But do you know what diseases may develop? For example, obese people are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart diseases and also diabetes. These diseases may not be as serious as cancer, but remember, they can still murder you!

If there is a problem, there must be a solution. Pay attention, kids, this is for you all! Exercising may seem like hard work, but it really isn’t once you get used to it. When you first start your exercising schedule, you may have sore legs and feel exhausted for a while. But don’t worry, these physical pains are just temporary and they are normal for beginners. Besides exercising, you can try eating healthy food. By eating nutritious food, you will be healthy and less chubby. There are many other ways to lose weight, try the suitable way to make your life easier!

In order to have a happy life, you need to have a healthy lifestyle. Most children watch TV for several hours a day. This is not the correct way of living. Wasting your time on entertainment will bring you happiness for a while, but not for long. We should replace this habit with exercising. In this way, we will have an amazing life.

Children, it doesn’t matter if you are 3 or 10, a healthy lifestyle is important. Eating enough is perfect, but if you eat more than you need, it will be harmful to you. Let us all work together, and say no to obesity!